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  1. D

    2016 V9 Bobber owner

    Bike: 2016 V9 bobber. Cheers 🍻
  2. M

    Strange ignition

    Weird one today. Turned the bike on - V9 Roamer - pulled in the clutch, and without pressing the ignition button, it fired up. Ive got the warning light and the engine light flashing. It's running fine and I've stopped and started a couple of times today. Anyone ever experience this issue...
  3. P

    ignition lock disassembly (Breva 1200 MY'2008)

    Is it possible to detach the mechanical part of the ignition lock from the electric contacts part? I may be forced to replace the ignition lock (the cable is completely burnt, but I am not 100% sure about the contacts in the ignition). The idea is to keep the current key as it also fits all...
  4. N

    Coil Really Hot

    I decided to post this here rather than the vintage section because I assume ignition coils are pretty widespread. The bike is a ‘75 850T. I noticed that with the ignition turned on with the key, engine not running, that the coil for the right cylinder is getting very hot, and heating up the...
  5. P

    A different kind of startus interruptus

    Got hit by the original, well known issue last year and replaced the wire feeding power to the ignition relay (relay no. 3, pin 3 on this schematic)by going straight from the battery terminal with a short piece of AWG12 (with inline fuse). That cured the problem for a while. It re-appeared...
  6. Mitch Clyman

    Sitting in Sun, Start up, Stall

    I live in a hot climate. Then again nowadays Europe is hotter than the Middle East!!! If my bike has sat out in the sun when I try to start it up it stalls. The only thing I can think of is the gas has vaporized ...I can usually prime it, but sometimes it doesn’t work. Is this a common...
  7. R

    Stelvio Dash Error Code 02

    09 Stelvio been running rough recently and discharged battery - twice. Thought it was a charging issue and began investigating, but output from alternator was 13.8v. I thought it should be higher and wondered if a phase was out or a diode in the regulator blown, but the bike was still starting...
  8. S

    1992 V65 florida ignition. Role of single capacitor?

    Hi folks.Not new to bikes or spannering but not worked on guzzi before. Used to electronic stuff on other bikes and cars.Trying to sort out an intermittent cut out on a 1992 v65 florida.Odd thing, not my cup of tea but it's for a friend.It has factory electronic ignition. From what I...