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2021-on V85TT E5 Performance thread

Have the same issue but at 3000rpm, I'm thinking it's a rich issue as bucking, in my own experiences with bikes has mostly occurred with too much fuel. Best test is to do as GTM has done on top of the air box, mabye cut a hole the size of a appropriate rubber grommet so if it makes it worse for some reason you can plug it again. Really hope Upmap takes on Todd's tunes🙏
Just another theory here, now that the bike runs so much cooler, does that mean the standard plugs will now struggle? would this be causing the bucking issue as in can't burn the fuel properly at this point in the tune, most likely due to been overly rich?
If it was running good and now not, maybe it's a bike fault. Any error codes? Have you tried reinstalling the stock map to see if the problem goes away- this would most likely include or exclude the map. I understand that these bikes do not self learn so if this is something that developed since mapping and it was running ok then it's less likely the map I guess. Go thru the loom and check all the connectors for corrosion Personally I wouldn't change anything else on the bike til the issue was determined. However I'm only an enthusiastic amateur, hopefully someone else more qualified will be along to help soon
Thanks for your comments and suggestions Kurt, it would seem from my research on here and on the faceplate group that many who have the same / if not very similar setup with the EU map for full system without baffle experience this bucking...very much fuel related and my guess is too rich...will trial and error with more air in the airbox and if it makes it worse, we know it a lean issue rather than rich...ahh the joys...once again I really really really hope upmap take Todds maps🙏🙏
So a little update my issue seems to have resolved itself after about 1200 miles of riding, the only thing I changed was removing the airbox snorkels on my way down to the ferry for the TT and that seemed to improve the issue but not totally cure it so as suggested by other it appears to be a rich issue. As I have continued to ride the bike it constantly improved until a few days ago when it completely stopped and the flat spot in the revs disappeared. I still intend to fit the GTM SAS block off plates and open out the airbox more as per their suggestion for the mods I am running but that won’t be until I return home in
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Hi Fluff,

I too am an owner of a 2021 E5 V85TT, and considering the Mistral big bore manifold kit. I am planning to add the air filter too.
Would you say it's made a difference in performance and keeping the engine a little cooler?
I too had a GS for a while, although that was also a great bike, the Guzzi feels a little more involving to ride ;)

thanks in advance
Hi Fluff,

I too am an owner of a 2021 E5 V85TT, and considering the Mistral big bore manifold kit. I am planning to add the air filter too.
Would you say it's made a difference in performance and keeping the engine a little cooler?
I too had a GS for a while, although that was also a great bike, the Guzzi feels a little more involving to ride ;)

thanks in advance
Hi Mark

I have got to get it on a dyno at some point I guess to quantify this, but it has made a significant difference to the motor, even running the stock can (for now) Low speed throttle response is now nigh on perfect, no real change to low end torque that I can detect, but it is stronger holding that right through the range, making it a little more linear in it's delivery, but holding it right through the rev range.

The motor seems, just on throttle response to be breathing much better, and it's running significantly cooler, plus there is no pool of heat from the enormous cat / collector soaking up my trouser legs on hot days :)

Looks wise, they look great and are superbly finished, noise wise with the stock can, it sounds much more like a Guzzi should, not loud and offensive, but full of bass with a lovely rumble.

It takes far longer to melt my butter for breakfast on the road with the Mistral headers fitted :)

thanks for the info Fluff, I like the butter comparison :). I'm told the cat. comes as part of the E5 kit, did you remove the cat too, or kept it "standard mistral" , thanks
thanks for the info Fluff, I like the butter comparison :). I'm told the cat. comes as part of the E5 kit, did you remove the cat too, or kept it "standard mistral" , thanks
I stayed "standard" Mistral, but to offset my polluting ways :) I sold my car last year :)
grand, thanks for the info, I'll think about ordering it direct from Italy in the not too distant future hopefully. Also considering their velocity stack to go with the DNA air filter..
To start here are my bike mods;

2021 (Euro5) V85
- Arrow Headers and De-cat
- Mistral Muff
- BMC Airfilter (rest of airbox as OEM)
- Evap Mod
- TIP Mod

Ok so now we know that, but I must admit I have found the upmap maps not as good, or should say not as fine tuned as I was expecting. From outset, I want to say the bike idles, runs, revs and goes sooo much better than stock, so no complaints there, but more so the lean / flat spots im getting from various maps. Now of coarse this could be just due to my particular mods, which as we know OTS maps cater to a degree of so much generic mods which would mean a OTS map will never be 99%. Humbly agree and acknowledge this as a fact. But, in all fairness, after trialling 2 different maps - Full Zard System (No Baffle) this was the first map I tried thinking it was the best suited, it went great, but the fuelling was horrendous with severe bucking ect around the 3-3500rpm range which made riding a terrible experience...so ok that map might be just right for as they say, "full zard system" so fair enough they do say that, so went and purchased the "Aftermarket Link pipe and Muff" map to see how I would go. Well, it a lot better overall in terms of fuelling AFR from the very reduced bucking at that rpm, but it is still there? I suppose I just thought the maps would be a little more spot on? I had many modern classic triumphs which I would remap from TTP in England and they were so darn good. I still recommend them as it does transform the bike, but guess, for me, and I reiterate this for me and my mods here in Australia, I find the overall finesse of the maps lacking, but indeed do they transform the bike....solution...save up for a PC6 from Todd...was thinking of just getting the rapid bike module but thought I have the upmap device now may as well utilise that with Todd and his PC6. Anyway just thought I would post my experience so far, many have suggested they experienced this too but after 1000kms it got better for them, so maybe its just a little bit of waiting?

PS, have tried contacting both upMap and Guareschi but no reply as yet....3wks and counting;P
Save up for a PC6... Anyway just thought I would post my experience so far, many have suggested they experienced this too but after 1000kms it got better for them, so maybe its just a little bit of waiting?
PS, have tried contacting both upMap and Guareschi but no reply as yet....3wks and counting;P
I'll combine this with the E5 Performance thread, but my Dyno and AFR data shows a big need for improvement over UpMap's offerings.
The only downside (for now) is no timing adjustment with the PC6 (but possibly soon). My tweaks offer astonishing improvement over UM only.
Don't hold your breath on a reply.
Hi Fluff,

I too am an owner of a 2021 E5 V85TT, and considering the Mistral big bore manifold kit. I am planning to add the air filter too.
Would you say it's made a difference in performance and keeping the engine a little cooler?
I too had a GS for a while, although that was also a great bike, the Guzzi feels a little more involving to ride ;)

thanks in advance
Hello Mark; I also have a v85tt and made recent modifications with good success;
Hello All; I recently did the SAS delete kit and tip over valve, evap tank modifications;
-2022 V85 E5 Travel
-SAS delete kit installed; ( Yes; one bolt on right side plate was a challenge ) installed plug that came with kit on air box ; capped all other connected hoses and left unit plugged in.
-Tip valve and evap mods; gutted tip valve and left hose going to evap canister; cut other hose off top of canister and plugged all other hoses including one that goes to manifold also left unit plugged in.
-installed Mistral big bore header kit and y-pipe without catalyst, MassMoto carbon slipon with db killer, K&N air filter
-Then performed Upmap download; once complete; I took bike for a ride; smoother throughout the rpm range in all gears; much more lively feeling; seemed like less heat off cylinders; The only negative drawback is I have a flashing yellow check engine light; error code P1309; called UpMap in Italy talk to Simone very knowledgeable. He had me reload map and the error/engine light has cleared and since then the bike runs flawless. Good luck John
Hello; I also didn’t like the E5 lean/hot running of my V85tt; so I did do the decat and the UpMap and it seems to run cooler and richer without any major sacrifice in fuel economy. Good luck John
Thought it would be a good time to give a 2mth review - 1,000km of the Upmap map I have been running. Bike and mods here;
2021 (Euro 5) V85tt
- Arrow HEADERS and De-cat
- Mistral muff
- DNA airfilter
- GTM SAS blanks
- Upmap with "aftermarket tune"

Ok so here we go, long story short from the beginning was using the full system map from upmap which was horrid for me and the above mods....would buck violently at certain rpms due to running lean - which was very surprising to me to be honest, so changed to the aftermarket map which did improve things but certainly not near perfect.

So without re-writing the wheel as it were the bike certainly performs much better than stock, goes alot better than stock, alot cooler than stock, all round an improvement - that is the obvious and undeniable

But after 2mths here are my negative observations;

- Since getting colder here in Straya - Australia, it doesn't like first up cold starts and at times finds it hard or dislikes it - to me feels and smells like overly rich but could be wrong as don't have and data to support this

- Still have lean bucking at particular rpms although much less than my original full system map

- I use 98 Ron octane here in Straya - the highest avaliable as even in stock form anything less resulted in severe pinging with anything less, even with the tune under WOT it will still ping using 98...whether this is tune or timing - lack of ability to change timing might be the culprit?

These are the things I have noticed, and ofcoarse based on "my bike and my mods". I would certainly recommend one to use the Upmap device and map to be "better' than stock, but the maps are really a good compromise of generality of the v85tt. Most might not experience the above depending on the mods you have done, but it really is a stepping stone to get your bike as near to perfect and functional to your mods by getting the GTM PC6 and auto time devices. This will fill in all the gaps plus some.

It's tax time here Straya so waiting for my assessment to be done, and without a doubt, after 2 plus months of having the Upmap map, although better than stock without any argument, I can't wait to put my order in for Todd's PC6 and auto tune which will finally complete the package with the love it deserves.
Hello Todd. I am completely thrilled with my 2023 V85 TT Adventure, well almost. The power is good, but my main issue is I object to thought of the engine not performing to its potential and being choked down by devices such as the catalytic converter and lean fueling. I have been looking and doing lots of reading here and elsewhere to determinea good solution for me. It seems to me the beast system (for me and my budget) is the GTM headers and Y, but I would like to use the stock muffler for now. I understand the cannister delete, SAS blockoff, tip valve defeat and air box work go hand and hand with your system too. However, I am still unclear about the fueling/mapping solution. It looks like the GTM Upmap is one of the best options. I take it that it is tuned to GTMs specifications based upon the type of mods done to the bike, right?

So this would be a recommended package: GTM V85TT headers & Y, GTM Upmap ECU VT85 flash tool, SAS kit, air box mod and high-flow air filter with stock muffler.

Am I correct with what I have written above? Thank you.

Hi KR, not to speak for Todd, but no the Upmap map WILL NOT be GTM tailored unfortunately . As the Upmap Map will be a OTC map, it will most certainly be a band aid map which will perform better than stock, bit won't be absolutely right for your mods...at best it will be almost good enough... how do I know... well I'm going through the same now. Only way to do this properly is Todd's PC6 with the auto tune, that way you will be basically getting a free dyno and afr run each time you ride and the best possible gains for your mods alone. I have the Upmap map and with my mods it works....almost but it is better than stock. If o have any advice for you if you want to go the Upmap map way, don't....and I repeat don't change anything in the airbox, including filter. Although they say it ok, my tune and lean bucking say otherwise😉👌
Thanks, Warnzie. I'm not necessarily looking to ultimately extract the absolute most power and torque from the engine. I just want to get rid of unnecessary junk on the bike including the cat and cannister, and then map the fueling accordingly. So if the Upmap is better without opening up the air box, we'll that's swell with me.

Regarding the Power Commander 6 with Autotune, it seems as though that's the next (highest?) level because then, no matter the scenario; weather conditions, modifications, etc., it will map the AFR accordingly and you're always good-ro-go, right?


Am I correct with what I have written above? Thank you.
No. ALL of your answers are in this thread. Start at the beginning and *read*. Please.
I do not respond to all posts here, especially to those who name me in their post(s). Email ONLY via the (GTM) STORE link top of every page.

does anyone have experience with their V85TT E5 with a Zard can and a Mistral big bore manifold kit? I was reading on a german forum that this setup is far too loud for long journeys / neighbours.
I have a Zard end can, and considering the Mistral big bore manifold kit to go with it.
The guy on the forum also talks of "torque gaps" with this setup.
Any advice is appreciated before I order my Mistral big bore manifold kit :)