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Any more Nuovo Falcone owners?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Mar 17, 2011
Colne, UK
As a new member, but a long time Guzzi owner, I was wondering if there are any NF owners out there. I am lucky enough to own a 1971 carabinieri issue, in dark blue, with just 13,000km up! Not the fastest kid on the block, but probably the most charming! About as far away as you could get, from my 1200 Griso!
Congrats. Pictures?!

My good friend in Santa Monica, CA owns one. Bought from Paul at Guzzino.com
Sorry, but posting pics is way beyond my absolutely rock bottom computer skills. I don't even know how to get pics from my camera into the computer! I know, I know, I need to go on a course, but the one at my public library, is massively over subscribed. Maybe someday a Kind hearted 10 year old will show me!
OK, well if you can get it off of your camera and send to me, I can post it for you.

This is Michael's NF (he's on the right);

This ex-carabineri Nuovo Falcone belongs to my friend Sue. I've had the pleasure of riding it a few times and it is wonderful fun.....a very laid back ride and possibly the most comfortable bike I've ever ridden. It is very original & even has a carabineri fire extinguisher mounted on the other side, but the passenger seat and top box are non-standard additions. It's her one deviation from her usual small block Guzzis: a V35 Imola, a 750 Strada and a 750 Breva.

Just as an after thought....in the picture of Sue's N.Falcone you will see it's in rather exclusive company. There's a 4 pipe Ariel Square Four behind it and a Series D Vincent Black Knight behind that!
:!: How unusual! I see that you once owned a MkV LeMans, and an ISDT MZ! Well guess what. So did I! What a small world. Not a day goes by, that I don't think about my MkV. Why I sold it I'll never know. I fitted alloy timing gears, a Corbin seat, RITA ignition, and had numerous parts powder coated. I fitted Keihan stainless exhausts, and a light throttle kit, and rode to my local rolling road merchants. Half an hour spent playing with various jets resulted in 77 rwhp! It used to go very well indeed, and my later V11 didn't feel much faster! My MZ was just a beast, and I didn't really appreciate it at the time (late 70's). I've removed the leg shields and the rear seat from my NF, but I'd really like to find a double barrel silencer. Mine has a BSA one fitted. Runs ok though!
Glad to hear about the others out there. Mine is a `71 Civile model and I fell in love with the looks from the first time I saw one. Heavily tuned but it have made a lot of troble for me from that, I still love to ride it as it is very light and manouverable and easy going.
Ripon,North Yorkshire...
Came by a '71 Ex Military (everything green), low km's ,with British Swallow sidecar chassis with Ural/Dneiper military
body...had to bring it home..it's hilarious...kids love it, tho' prob. not as much as me.....I could sit on a box & look at that engine for hours....they don't make them like they used to...!
I wanted one for a long time. At first, I thought I wanted the older Falcone. I put ina few bids on one or two being auctioned over the years but I never got serious about it. Then, I decided that I'd prefer the newer Nuovo Falcone. They are rare as chickens' teeth but one popped up and I got it.

To be honest, it was not totally as I expected. Maybe I should say it turned out not to be what I expected to expect it would be. It has grown on me now and I really enjoy plodding about on it. One must just realign their ideas of speed and power.
I've had 2 for about ten years, and I absolutely love them. The engines are quite different in character - the cam in the dark blue one is different. Why, I don't know. It pulls better, revs out really well (90kph in 2nd) and is smooth. I have a set of vintage white fibreglass Rickman panniers fitted on an original NF pannier frame. How did I do it? I butchered a set or original tin panniers to salvage the shock absorber indent and grafted that into the Rickmans - sacrilege I know, but it means they fit tight and close to the bike. Minor mods to the bikes include 60w halogen H4 headlight bulbs, double-lipped PTFE crank end feed oil seal, new advance bob-weights for correct timing advance, one bike is twin-plugged, one bike has a Mikuni 34mm flatslide. Long tours deep into France on hidden 'D' roads with tent and sleeping bag are its metier. I have no desire to own any other motorcycle....
:( Unfortunately, whilst attending a Guzzi rally, someone offered me a vast amount of money for my NF. As I was suffering terribly from my shoulder issues, and finding the weight to be a problem, I accepted. I used the money to buy a '72 Suzuki Hustler! The complete opposite of a Falcone, but I loxe it!
ooh I realize I never put a pic of mine here:

20230510_211611 (2).jpg

I had to change a few things, not because I really wanted to but because the parts were a bit damaged. still deciding if I want to fix them or leave the bike kinda 'naked' as it is now.