• NOTICE: The owner of this website and GTMotoCycles.com completely lost his home on the morning of January 8th in the L.A. Wildfire Storm. Most of his neighborhood is gone, and a few friends were killed along with their pets. The GTM SHOP and STORE are functioning normally, but we DEMAND EXTREME PATIENCE on orders as we are a SMALL business and Todd usually has his hands on nearly every order before it goes out. You can find more info on a post named L.A. Wildfires in the USA section. Our heart and best go out to everyone effected in this horrific disaster.
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Breva 11 - Norge 12 & 1200 Sport Registry and picture thread

Chillin' out in the parking lot at work after the 2am commute at 26°. Granted the hand guards are hideous, but they were free, and look a helluva lot better than Clorox bottles, IMHO.


Patiently waiting for her valve adjustment.

Chillin' out in the parking lot at work after the 2am commute at 26°. Granted the hand guards are hideous, but they were free, and look a helluva lot better than Clorox bottles, IMHO.

If you spend much time riding in the frost try some handle bar muffs, I commuted 80miles a day for 4 years before I discovered the benefit ...all that pain I could have missed out on
1200 Sport 4V 2010 first registed 17/5/13
Rego # 1GJ519
DOP 17/5/2013
Steven Sims Merredin Western Australia
Warranty work: ECU replaced, they reckon I washed it to much: Rear tail light replaced.
Mods: Zard pipe, Mistrel Y pipe, Todd's CNC air cleaner lid, Todd's O2 Optimizer.

Hey Mr Admin man can ya add my details to da list

Oh yes it has. It was probably 20 years ago I rode it the first time. A lot looks similar but several new shops and a few housing developments. Plus way more traffic as everybody (self included) wants to say they rode/drove The Dragon. My photo is the California on The Dragon. As a side note the lady friend wanted to see it and we were taking my 1972 Suzuki TS90 down to Barber as a pit bike so we stopped at the store and rode it both ways 2-up on the 90. It started sprinkling just for a short while and part way back we passed a Harley dresser as he was kind enough to pull over when we caught up to him.
Edinburgh UK
White Norge 1200 GT 8v 10.4.2012
purchased 29.5.2015
Fitted a Givi Top Box and Acerbis Vision hand guards (ones with LED running lights)
Once i got the start/stop stuttering fixed it has been a great bike

IMG_20140608_130102.webp ZGULPS010CM112014


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VIN# ZGULPT005CM112202
Black 2012 Norge GT8V
Purchased New, 18 March 2015, Matthews Fun Machines, Matthews NC (Greater Charlotte Area)
zgulpt005dm112413, purchased 10 apr 2015 from dealer in Charlotte Nc. rode it home on Sat had to take some back roads thru the smokies to get home though. oh this is my first Guzzi.norge on dragon 4-11-2015 .webp
zgulpt005dm112413, purchased 10 apr 2015 from dealer in Charlotte Nc. rode it home on Sat had to take some back roads thru the smokies to get home though. oh this is my first Guzzi.
Thanks for posting the info and pic! Congrats and welcome to the GT Familigia and Guzzi Owners. I have many great memories riding the smokies, sure it will be a very memorable moment in time for you, as soon you'll find yourself with a garage-full of Guzzi. Welcome aboard.
1200 Sport 4V
Purchased 9 Feb. 2015
Christchurch, New Zealand

Bought the bike as a ex demo with 250km on the clock, 200 of which were mine. Now with over 5,000km on her. Great bike, nice relaxing ride and always brings a smile.

Have one issue though - the rubbish suspension, currently investigating options.

A couple of photos from a trip to Central Otago...

Mista 64, are you referring to the front end or rear end suspension ? I used to find the front end a bit doughy as the level of adjustment is limited at best. The factory fork oil is 7.5 viscosity so I changed it to 10 viscosity which made a difference without causing it to buck at undulations in the road. The problem is of course having to remove the forks to drain the oil. Quite a process. The back end took a while to sort out the correct settings for my weight and the required further adjustment when putting my partner on the back. BY way of example, I'm 80 kg and while solo, 9-10 clicks from zero. Add the lady who is 57 kg and add another 25 clicks which avoids that floating sensation yet preserves the spine.
image.webp 1200 2V Vin # ZGULPUS058M112548 DOP 10/09... SoCal origin, Australia Garage!
I must have one of the good ones... after having a Todd re-flash and an airbox lid before she was 600miles old, she hasn't missed a beat.
This is one bike that will stay with me.
Norge 8V
VIN# ZGULPT000EM112711, Mark Sandvigen, Sterling VA, D.O.P. 09.26.14

Norge 1200
VIN# ZGULPU0097M112828, Mark Sandvigen, Sterling, VA, D.O.P. 11.26.12