• NOTICE: The owner of this website and GTMotoCycles.com completely lost his home on the morning of January 8th in the L.A. Wildfire Storm. Most of his neighborhood is gone, and a few friends were killed along with their pets. The GTM SHOP and STORE are functioning normally, but we DEMAND EXTREME PATIENCE on orders as we are a SMALL business and Todd usually has his hands on nearly every order before it goes out. You can find more info on a post named L.A. Wildfires in the USA section. Our heart and best go out to everyone effected in this horrific disaster.
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Cal1400 REGISTRY & Pics thread - ADD YOUR BIKE


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
Below is an on-going database of all 1400s worldwide. Why? Just for the fun of it. If your bike isn't listed below, post a reply to this thread, and I'll add you along with a link to your post with a picture (hopefully of you and your bike, as they all look the same otherwise). If you've sold your bike, or bought one recently or are the new owner of one below, please post.
Feel free to write me direct e-mail to add a photo if you're having any issues in doing so; Info at GuzziTech.com


VIN#ZGULCUA04HM000045 - SALVAGE - Louisville, KY - 12.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA07HM000055 - SALVAGE - Los Angeles, CA - 2.25
VIN#ZGULCUA08HM000078 - SALVAGE - Scranton, PA - 7.20 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA08HM000064 - SALVAGE - Newburgh, NY
VIN#ZGULCA007HM000069 - @Jiko - Budapest Hungary - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA07HM000072 - @keeft-mgx - Sterling, MA - D.O.P. 9.16 @Seacoast Sport NH - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA0XHM000096 - SALVAGE - East Granby, CT - 11.19
VIN#ZGULCUA01HM000097 - SALVAGE - Fremont, CA - 8.20
VIN#ZGULCUA05HM000099 - @zacreybnt - Henderson, NV - D.O.P. 10.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA01HM000102 - @Longshot - St. Louis, MO - D.O.P. 3.18 - Traded 7.21 Littleton, CO - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA08HM000114 - @MG_Zach - Shreveport, LA - D.O.P. 8.24 - O.O. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA03HM000117 - SALVAGE - Las Vegas, NV - 9.21
VIN#ZGULCUA09HM000204 - SALVAGE - Ogden, UT - 10.19
VIN#ZGULCUA00HM000267 - @Musashi Yamasaki - Tampa, FL - D.O.P. 7.19 @ Unique Superbikes Miami - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCUA03HM000277 - @TurboWalt - West, TX - @ Vega$ - D.O.P. 10.19 - Pic HERE


VIN#ZGULVC026GM200009 - @scottmastrocinque - Findlay, OH - D.O.P. 6.7.23 - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB14JM000012 - @Tonyblaze - Cleveland, OH - D.O.P. 7.20.20 @ MotoPlex Westchester, PA - No Pic
VIN#ZGULCUB18JM000014 - @PasoDuc88 - SoCal - D.O.P. 03.19.21 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB1XJM000016 - @Amboman Scott - Annville, PA - D.O.P. 6.27.20
VIN#ZGULCUB18JM000028 - @Jensen1583 - Salt Lake City, UT - D.O.P. 5.23 - O.O. ? in VT - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB15JM000035 - @Ara - Haverhill, MA - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB11JM000033 - SALVAGE - Sandston, VA - 5.22 - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULCUB13JM200034 - John A @Gibson - City?, CT - D.O.P. 6.9.19 @ Seacoast Sport
VIN#ZGULVC024GM200042 - @Longshot - St. Louis, MO - D.O.P. 2.22 - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC021GM200046 - @dtivey David Tivey - Alberta, Canada - D.O.P. 2.23 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB11LM000052 - @1400 Jeff - Jeff Mirs - Seattle, WA - D.O.P. 12.22.21 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC025GM200065 - @derider - Alberta CAN - D.O.P. 8.14.17 @Echo Cycle - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC029GM200070 - @Brian Stoller - St Louis, MO - D.O.P. 8.20 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC022GM200086 - @FrankZ - Pittsburgh, PA - D.O.P. 6.25.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC02XGM200093 - Phil H @Eldo1400 - Hollywood, CA - D.O.P. 3.4.17 @PCH Powersports in MDR - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC021GM200094 - @Wesleigh - Washington, DC - D.O.P. 10.30.22 @ Gateway Cycles KY - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC026GM200107 - @Mrmerlin - Philly, PA - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC020GM200118 - SALVAGE- Fresno, CA - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULVC026GM200124 - @Jim Filice - Los Gatos, CA - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE -- SOLD
VIN#ZGULVC02XGM200126 - @allmotive - City?, PA - D.O.P. 10.21 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULPT007GM200139 - @Mr Clifton - Pleasanton CA - D.O.P. 6.7.18 @ OC Moto Costa Mesa - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC026GM200141 - Philip Raskin - Phoenix, AZ - D.O.P. ? - No Pic - O.O. Steve Davis - Phoenix, AZ
VIN#ZGULVB008FM200200 - @Uss - Melbourne - D.O.P. 9.16
VIN#ZGULVB005FM200218 - John Long - S Oz - D.O.P. 11.15 @Garage Motorcycles, Strathalbyn, SA - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC029GM200232 - SALVAGE - San Diego, CA - 12.20
VIN#ZGULVB000FM200238 - @Meldrew - Peterborough, UK - D.O.P. 10.20.18 - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVB005FM200252 - @instant - Bratislava, Slovakia - D.O.P. 10.22 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVX025GM200258 - @Garwood - Buffalo, WY - D.O.P. 5.24.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC022GM200265 - @neil jordan - Ontario Canada - D.O.P. 9.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVB005FM200283 - @mortaru - Doha, Qatar - D.O.P. ?.18 -- Pic HERE


VIN#ZGULC?0014JM000135 - @MaxMax60 - Viareggio, Toscana, Italy - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200002 - SALVAGE - Indianapolis, IN - 8.18
VIN#ZGULCU006GM200005 - @Chris von Stein - Fairland Estates, MD - D.O.P. ? in NC - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200016 - SALVAGE - Antelope Valley, CA - 6.22
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200028 - Jim Alvarez - Dana Point, CA - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200033 - @Dicky6 - City?, MA - D.O.P. 10.17 @ Seacoast Sport Cycle, Derry, NH - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU00XGM200041 - Miles C. @Buttered Biskit - City?, WI - D.O.P. 02.18 - O.O.? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCU007GM200045 - @CCosby - Central VA - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULCU009GM200046 - G. Lynn - Venice, CA - D.O.P. 6.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC001XHM200053 - @Henrik L - South Sweden - D.O.P. 7.26.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU006GM200070 - @SecondmotorJoe - Guelph, Canada D.O.P. ?.16 Traded 10.24 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200078 - @brche’s wife - N Vancouver, BC - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU009GM200080 - @janusz - Toronto ON CAN - D.O.P. 5.6.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU004GM200083 - @brche - N Vancouver, BC - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU003GM200107 - @Joe Chandler - Savannah, GA - D.O.P. 10.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU003GM200110 - Mike Taylor @MikeT68 - Johns Island, S.C. - D.O.P. 11.28.18 @ Northridge Cycles, Charleston SC - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU00?GM200116 - @dtsammond - City?, OR - D.O.I. 6.24 - O.O. John Hoke - Portland, OR - O.D.O.P. 1.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUD0XGM200119 - SALVAGE - Alberta, Canada
VIN#ZGULCU009GM200130 - @Ken Wantje - Saugerties, NY - D.O.P. 10.21 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU001GM200137 - Karl Bishop @moparnut72 - Quincy, CA - D.O.P. 7.11.19 @ Eurocycles Sonoma - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU005GM200142 - @cgaulzetti - San Diego, CA - D.O.P. 8.13.19 @GP MC - Pic soon
VIN#ZGULCU007GM200157 - Danny @Dtr20 - Norton, MA - D.O.P. 3.30.19 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC0001FM200162 - @bounty320i - Dubai - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCU006GM200165 - @Sasazuka - Las Vegas, NV - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCU000GM200209 - @BCarnage - Portland, OR - D.O.P. 4.4.18 @ aprilliamotoguzziportland - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC000XFM200239 - Jimmy T @ConceptOne - Singapore @Mah Motors - D.O.P. 12.12.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC0007FM200263 - @MarkV - Perth, W. AUS - D.O.P. 9.2.15 - @Thunderbike Motorcycles - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC0008FM200305 - @Cadds - Western Australia - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULC0003FM200308 - @xanderdesmo - Brisbane, QLD - D.O.P. 2.20 - O.O.? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULC0004GM200349 - @Merrettio Tony - Melbourne, AUS - D.O.P ? - No Pic
VIN#ZGULC0008GM200385 - @Smilermark - South Coast, UK - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE


VIN#ZGULV0028DM111195 - @rudylexus - Oostende, Belgium- 1.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC017EM111201 - Eric Rummler (Trout) - Gainesville, FL - D.O.P. 12.14.13 @Elk Grove PS
VIN#ZDULV0029DM112114 - @Khlopusha - Sochi, Russia - D.O.P. 2.23 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC013EM111230 - Sold to Dave Gale - GuzziGander.com 8.15 - O.O.: GT-Rx® - Malibu, CA - D.O.P. 2.12.14 @Munroe Motors SF
VIN#ZGULVC016EM111237 - SALVAGE - Puyallup, WA - 6.19
VIN#ZGULVC01XEM111242 - Marcus H. - NH - D.O.P. 12.28.13 @SeaCoast - Pic below
VIN#ZGULVC018EM111255 - Dave Gale - Marina Del Ray, CA - D.O.P. 5.6.13 @Pro Italia
VIN#ZGULVC011EM111257 - David Heverin (Roadventure) - Bel Air, MD - D.O.P. 10.27.14 - Pics HERE
VIN# ZGULVC012EM111266 - @Dropinparts - Matthews, NC - D.O.P. 10.14 @Matthews Fun Machines - D.O.P. 10.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC014EM111270 - Joseph Elkins - Ellijay, GA - D.O.P. 3.13.14 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULV0020EM112276 - @MrKiwi - Lower Hutt, Greater Wellington, NZ - D.O.P. 7.4.24 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC017EM111277 - SALVAGE - Tulsa, OK - 7.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC014EM111334 - @Zazu - Ottawa, Ontario CAN - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN# ZGULV0024DM111341 - Trevor Adams @TLA - Melbourne, AUS - D.O.P. 12.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC016EM111447 - Alec - Salem, OR
VIN#ZGULVC010EM111458 - Keith Beaumont (Travcoman) - Pensacola, FL - D.O.P. 2.22.14 @BMW Motorcycles of Pensacola - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC015EM111665 - Amano Urbina - Ramona, CA - S.O. Bob Johnson - Winchester, CA - O.O. Joe Meyers - Sacramento, CA - D.O.P. 11.13
VIN#ZGULVC012EM111672 - @MJPTexas - Mike Prentice - Austin, TX - D.O.P. 12.23.13 @AF1 Racing - Pic Below
VIN#ZGULVC011EM111775 - @regpriemer - Bullhead City, AZ - D.O.P. 6.22 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULV0021DM111779 - J. Murden - Melbourne, Victoria - D.O.P. 6.14.13 @motoguzzi City
VIN#ZGULV0025DM111820 - O.O. ? - @Raymond Wijnands - Westoverledingen, Germany - D.O.P. ?.17 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULV002XDM111862 - @The_Randominator - Dubai, UAE - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC016EM111870 - @Lucius - Vacaville, CA - D.O.P. 10.6.19 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULV002XDM111909 - @Rickhinnz - Auckland, NZ - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULV0028DM111911 - @demo1400 - QLD - D.O.P. 9.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC001EM111914 - @njlefevr - Joe LeFevre - Killeen, TX - D.O.P. 06.04.14 @ AF1 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULVC010EM111928 - Rob Hegedus @RHegedus - Rockwood, Ontario Canada - D.O.P. 1.13.04 @Two Wheel Motorsport in Guelph, Ont.
VIN#ZGULVC012EM111963 - @CBJoe - Indianapolis, IN - D.O.P. 3.21.15 @ now defunct C&D Motorsports, IL - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC013EM111986 - @2manybikes - Boston, MA - D.O.P. 8.21 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC011EM112005 - @Scott Neves - Austin, TX - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC015EM112010 - @SirRalliart - Richmond, TX - D.O.P. 3.14.15 @MPHCycles - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC010EM112013 - @Fast1400 - Seacoast SportCycle, NH - D.O.P. 8.13 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULV0027DM112029 - @Paul Ash - Leicester, UK - D.O.P. 5.19.20 @ Blade Moto Swindon UK - Pic soon
VIN#ZDULV0029DM112114 - @Khlopusha - Sochi, JAP - D.O.P. 2.23 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC010EM112125 - @mrvman - Texas - D.O.P. 04.15 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULV0020DM112244 - @Rob Loef - Houten, Netherlands - D.O.P. 9.23 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULV0020EM112262 - @Simon Hall - Perth, AUS - D.O.P. ?.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC011EM200004 - Michael Craig @LuftWolf - Raleigh, NC - D.O.P. 2.5.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC016EM200015 - @sir fred - Western NY - D.O.P. 6.17.15 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC01XEM200017 - @buzglyd - Carlsbad, CA - @GP Motorcycles - D.O.P. 5.15
VIN#ZGULV0026EM200040 - @Richard Reed - Perth, Western Australia - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC018EM200047 - Jeff Hinshaw @GFMCO - Colorado Springs, CO - D.O.P. 12.15 @Escondido Guzzi, CA
VIN#ZGULVC018EM200050 - @BayareaEMT - Fremont, CA - D.O.P. 03.11.21 - Pic soon
VIN#ZGULVC013EM200067 - SALVAGE - Houston, TX - 12.19
VIN#ZGULVC013EM200070 - Paul J. Crowe @blakbird - Atlanta, GA - D.O.P. 4.9.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC017EM200072 - @Nu2Guzzi - S.E. WI - D.O.P. 4.16
VIN#ZGULVC013EM200084 - @hcuellart - Atlanta, GA - D.O.P. 8.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC015EM200118 - Chien Chu - Tustin, CA - D.O.P. ? - No Pic
VIN#ZGULVC015FM200136 - @Skip Stauber - Traverse City, MI - D.O.P. 5.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC019FM200141 - @9mary7 - Daphne, AL - D.O.P. 2.29.24 @ Gateway Mt. Sterling KY - O.O. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC012FM200143 - @jbellyOH - City?, OH - D.O.P. 8.22 @ Team Charlotte - Pic HERE


VIN#ZGULCUB05HM000019 - @SheikRamzi - Sumter, SC - D.O.P. 7.17.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB02HM000026 - @Dmonte18 - Batavia, NY - D.O.P. ? - No Pic
VIN#ZGULCUB0XHM000033 - @TravelinPawPaw Bill Greenwade - Granbury, TX - D.O.P. 7.21.21 - @ MJ Cycles Fort Worth, TX - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB00HM000039 - @Dave Kinne - Westford, MA - D.O.P. 06.02.20 @Seacoast Sport Cycle Derry NH - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCB002HM000065 - @caswain - Cleveland, UK - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCB00XHM000069 - @Gavin Robertson - City?, England - D.O.P. 9.21 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULCUB01HM000079 - @Hydrolastic - Pacific NW - D.O.P. 8.29.20 - Pic HERE - O.O. ? - D.O.P. 10.17 @guzzi Portland
VIN#ZGULCUB01HM000082 - SALVAGE - Sacramento, CA - 8.20
VIN#ZGULCUB02HM000107 - @Didier - Montreal, CAN - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB07HM000118 - @V7Flyer - Cypress, CA - D.O.P. 12.23 - Pic HERE - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULCUB01HM000129 - Michael J Maassen @Michael Joseph - Chilliwack BC - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB00JM000158 - @CuttySark - Hampton, NH - D.O.P. 10.13.23 @ Locomotion Powersports, Mahwah, NJ - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB06JM000164 - @Anthony DeStefano - City?, NJ - D.O.P. 10.6.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB05JM000169 - @Sanford Day - City?, KY - D.O.P. ? @ Cadre Cycle - Cincinnati, OH - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB00JM000175 - Michael N. @BubaDragon - McKinney, TX - D.O.P. 8.13.19 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUB04LM000179 - @Skysailor - Fairhaven, MA - 1.25 - Pic HERE - O.O. @Brobro - Palm Coast, FL - D.O.P. 03.11.21 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULCB003HM000222 - @Vizir - Paris, France - D.O.P. 6.20 - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVA026DM111256 - @Gary John - Newcastle, AUS - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVA029CM111260 - @Quarter Feras Theyab - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. - D.O.P. 9.10.14 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC015EM111455 - SALVAGE - Lebanon, TN - 10.23
VIN#ZGULVC006EM111570 - @britman - City?, VA - D.O.P. 6.21.18 - O.O. Don Bowen - Newnan, GA - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC007EM111576 - SALVAGE - SoCal - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULVC008EM111599 - @Dan Dicker - Great Neck, NY - D.O.P. 4.16
VIN#ZGULVA028DM111686 - @jupiter41 -Geneva, Switzerland - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC001EM111606 - Rudy Gallucci (Abbienormal) - Niles, OH - D.O.P. 2.8.14 - O.O. Ruberto Munoz - Lexington, KY - O.D.O.P. 6.8.13
VIN#ZGULVC005EM111608 - Steve Ford - Vancouver, WA - D.O.P 5.7.13 @moto Guzzi Portland, OR - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC006EM111617 - Mike Edmonds - Vancouver BC Canada - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC000EM111631 - @WroomWroom - San Jose, CA - D.O.P. 6.14 @Elk Grove Pwrspts - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC009EM111806 - Roy Uwe Rojas Wahl - Teaneck, NJ - D.O.P. 6.5.13 @guzzi Brooklyn
VIN#ZGULVA022DM111862 - @Vilim Berger - Zapresic, Croatia - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC00XEM111894 - SALVAGE - Minneapolis, MN - 7.19
VIN#ZGULVC001EM111900 - Jeff Whitehead - Everett, PA @Freedom Powersports - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC001EM111914 - @njefevr Joe LeFevre - Austin, TX @AF1 - D.O.P. 6.4.14
VIN#ZGULVC005EM112015 - Frank Wissing Madsen - Washington, DC - D.O.P. 6.12.14 @Europa Macchina, Lewisberry, PA
VIN#ZGULVC001EM112027 - @William H. - Atlanta, GA - D.O.P. 9.22 - Pic HERE - O.O.?
VIN#ZGULVC001EM112030 - @sgl0226 - Charlotte, NC - D.O.P. 5.15 @Matthews Fun Machines - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC003EM112045 - @Dan Brooks - Gainesville, GA - D.O.P. 11.18 @ Simply Street Bikes Eden Prairie, MN - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC007EM112050 - SALVAGE - O.O. @Chet Van Aken - Meridian, MS - D.O.P. 5.15 @Sloan's Murfreesboro TN - No Pic
VIN#ZGULVC009EM112051 - @chrisjoffe - Atlanta, GA - D.O.P. ? -- O.O.: Thomas Gajewski - Tarzana, California - D.O.P. 2.22.14 @Thousand Oaks
VIN#ZGULVC001EM112061 - Dan Coll - North Wales, PA - D.O.P. 4.19.14 @FBF - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC00XEM112074 - @89quattro - Staten Island, NY - D.O.P. 1.20 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC00XEM112169 - @Jabbo - City?, AL - D.O.P. 10.23 - Pic HERE - S.O. Jerry Jacoby - Villa Rica, GA - O.O. Thomas Gajewski - Tarzana, California - D.O.P. 2.22.14 @Thousand Oaks
VIN#ZGULVC008EM112185 - O.O. ? - Portland, OR - D.O.P. ? - For Sale 5.24
VIN#ZGULVC006EM112217 - Jay S. - Claremont, CA - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULVC00XEM112219 - @mgibson61611 - Robinson, IL - D.O.P. 8.26.15 @ C&D Motorsports- Pic HERE -- SALVAGE 8.18
VIN#ZGULVC009EM112227 - @rslezak - Town?, R.I. - D.O.P. 5.16 @ Moto International - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC008EM112333 - @JGBoise O.O. - Boise, ID - D.O.P. 2.11.15 @ Moto International - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVA024DM112236 - @SerialCereal - Dubai, UAE - D.O.P. 2.21 -No Pic
VIN#ZGULVC00XEM112317 - @Mark Fechtel - Surprise, AZ - D.O.P. 10.15 @ RideNow Euro, Chandler, AZ
VIN#ZGULVC004EM112331 - @Pete BoBeet - Palo Alto, CA - D.O.P. 8.13.20 @ K&N Powersports - Tulsa, OK - S.O. ? - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVA024DM112382 - Per Nordin - Sweden - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULVC009EM200002 - @5mts4 - Okanagan Valley, BC - D.O.P. 4.23 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC001EM200009 - Burak Ataman - Surrey BC Canada - D.O.P. 2.25.2015 @ Pacific Motorsports - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVC009EM200033 - @Maxmogely Moises Galvez - Chicago IL - D.O.P. 04.21 @ Kissell Motorsports Tyrone, PA - Pics HERE
VIN#ZGULVA028EM200045 Hugh Jones @UpTopRunner - Perth, Western Australia - D.O.P. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVA023EM200048 - Craig Pinkstone @redrock - Mackay Queensland Australia - D.O.P. ? Brisbane Moto Guzzi - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCUBOXHM200064 - Chuck G. @Xero Pave - Central WA - D.O.P. 5.20 - No Pic
VIN#ZGULCUB08HM200077 - @billerbeck John Billerbeck - Fayetteville PA - D.O.P. ? @ Kissell Motorsports Tyrone PA- Pic HERE : O.O. @Kevin Ballowe - Villa Ridge, MS - D.O.P. 5.10.18 @ Flying Tiger Motorcycles - Maplewood (St. Louis) Missouri - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVA02XEM200080 - Ross Anderson @Rosscoe674 - Encounter Bay, South AUS - D.O.P. 1.29.16
VIN#ZGULVC001EM200088 - @Motorcop - City?, MI - D.O.P. 8.18 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC004EM200120 - @Vintagehoarder - La Grange, KY - D.O.P. 6.11.15 @Cadre Cycle Moto Guzzi of Cincinnati - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC007EM200130 - @dennisj - S. New Jersey - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULVC000EM200146 - @Martin DG - Laval, Quebec, Canada - 05.11.18 - O.O.? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC000FM200150 - @CCRider - Toronto - D.O.P. 3.16 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULCB007HM200160- Phil Downard @MrZxp - Whangaparaoa, NZ D.O.P. 6.17 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC00XFM200169 - Bill Peterson @MotorGoose - Denver, CO - D.O.P. 9.17 - O.O. ? - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC001FM200173 - @abmaps M.Aburto - Hanover Park, IL - D.O.P. 8.26.23 @ HnH Cycles Romeoville - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC002FM200179 - @motogdriver - Milwaukie, OR - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULVE004FM200180 - @shawn - Singapore - D.O.P 8.4.16 @Mah Motors - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC009FM200180 - SALVAGE - Puyallup, WA - 9.19 - O.O. ?
VIN#ZGULVC001FM200187 - @PeterV - Seacoast Derry, NH - D.O.P. ?
VIN#ZGULVC005FM200192 - @dave byer - Stillwater, NY - D.O.P. 7.22.24 - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVC004FM200197 - @Ed Smith - Rangeley, ME - D.O.P. 1.5.16 @Seacoast Sport Cycle - Pic HERE
VIN#ZGULVE009GM200290 - @tomore - Zagreb, Croatia - D.O.P. ? - Pics HERE
VIN# ? - SOLD - O.O.: Mike Tibiero - Arlington, VA - D.O.P?
VIN# ? - Charles Thompson - Cape Town, South Africa - D.O.P.?
VIN# ? - Dave Lemieux - Attleboro, MA - D.O.P.?
Last edited:
Re: California 1400 REGISTRY - ADD YOUR BIKE

Moto Guzzi California 1400 Touring Eldorado
- put full deposit on it on 3/19/2013 at Vespa Brooklyn
- picked it up on June 5th 2013
- VIN # ZGULV C009E M1118 06
about 3000 miles so far
Am I the 1st in the US who ordered and bought this one?


Re: California 1400 REGISTRY - ADD YOUR BIKE

Thanks for the post Roy, congrats on the purchase, and welcome to the Forum and Famiglia.
Dave Gale beat you based on the purchase date, but I think either Mike T or Steve F might have been the first. I think MPH in Houston was the very first ones to have them, so hopefully one of the buyers there will check in.

Post often, and again, welcome.
Re: California 1400 REGISTRY - ADD YOUR BIKE

J. Murden
California 1400 Custom (Black)
Picked up 14th June 2013, deposit a week before from Moto Guzzi City, Melbourne Victoria.
Vin #ZGULV0021DM111779.
Eric Rummler AKA: Trout

2014 Custom 1400 ZGULVC017EM111201

Purchased 12/14/2013 at Elk Grove Power Sports California

Expected delivery to Florida in mid January.

If I died now they would not be able to get the smile off my face.
MJPTexas said:
Mike Prentice - 2014 Cali Custom - Purchased 12-23-2013 from AF1 Racing in Austin
Mike, thanks for the post and congrats on the 1400! Info updated above.
My buddy Marcus in NH just picked up his new Custom on 12.28 from SeaCoast.

I don't know brother, I know utility is king, but that top box looks like a bridge to far for me. Looks like you can easily pop it on and off, and unless you need it off is surly the way to go. But I get the utility factor, just make sure you are having a good time all the time when your ride such a wonderful machine.
Yes not the most pleasant looking trunk box. However that and a set of Givi monokey side cases will be grafted onto the bike to form the bridge from my '03 California Stone. I have to carry something to the new Cal because I have a hard time letting go of the 130,000 miles, amazing memories, and countless ground-to-disintegration pegs the Cal Stone brought me, all while smiling.

On paper I had written off the 1400 as replacement for my Tonti Cal. Too heavy, too Harley like were my thoughts. I test rode a v7, then a Griso. Something was missing though. While in Dahlonega, GA I was encouraged to give the 1400 a try. Within two corners I felt like I was on my Cal stone and the floorboard scrapes started coming easy. I was just blown away. It'll be many months till I can ride but when the snow melts I plan on stacking miles on the new Cal Custom, ugly luggage and all, and yes...smiling.

Marcus H


Joe Meyers Purchase 11/2013
ID # ZGULVCO15EM111665
wforider said:
Purchase 11/2013
ID # ZGULVCO15EM111665
PURCHASE ; extended warrenty
light bar
Agostini exhaust
engine guards
Contacted Matris suspension and they said they will be working
on a Fork Kit in the next couple weeks
Thanks for the info, just need your name to add.
I've been working with Matris to help develop the fork kit, and will have them for sale online here the minute they are done, along with new V7 shocks and fork kits.
Joe, thanks again for the info, and Trout, VIN#?
Serial number ZGULVC001EM111606
California touring
Rudy Gallucci (aka Abbienormal)
Niles, OH

Sorry, no pictures with me and the bike yet. It is snowing out!
VIN# ZGULVC010EM111458 2014 Cali Custom in Mercury Grey with Mistral Can's. I traded in my R1200GS on 22 Feb 14 at BMW Motorcycles of Pensacola without batting an eye after a demo ride. Have a 2012 Goldwing GL1800 and a 2011 FLHX Harley StreetGlide. Bought this one as a Sportbike (Hayabusa) replacement because of the looks, performance and overall great ride. Beau, located in Pensacola, FL. :woohoo:


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Thanks guys, edited the first post about a week ago, but didn't post a follow up. Keep them coming!
Hi Everyone,

Thanks so much for the information board. Fell in love with a Tourer, it's okay because I will learn Italian. Looking forward to touring the Southwest and will probably be heading north in the summer months, too.



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