My bike is still at the same dealership so I'm hoping these problems will be addressed before I take delivery!
This issue is neither common nor calamitous and is unlikely to be meaningfully addressed by MG, there is little the dealer can do with the kind of response the MG service rep provided. The replacement parts will come in, they will sit there until I have them do the 7,500-mile service, the dealer will do the best they can. It will likely break again, there is no reason to believe it won't. MG can chew through as many warranty repairs as they like...when the warranty is over the game changes.
In any manufactured part distribution curve, there are tails at the end; I and the others who have had this issue are unfortunately at the tail of the tail and the bolt breaks...that's life, someone is going to get dealt those cards. Don't fret on it, it is very, very unlikely your unit will have this defect. It is a fun bike to ride - that is where my focus is, but I'm not letting MG off the hook by ignoring it while the warranty is in effect.
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