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Cracked Cal 14 Exhaust Parts

-- though a teaser pic of my all-new system (not yet shown on the Store) below - Available with short or long mufflers (long shown):

No Todd, stop it, stop it now. I don't want to look at them, take them away, unless you want me to cite you in my divorce.
I have a question especially for the Eldo owners....has this problem been faced by any of the Eldos? I have Agostini pipes... are those heavier than the originals and are all Calis fated to have this failure? Are there any precautions one can take to avoid this? After a long ride when I put the bike on the stand with the motor running I start to hear some tin/rattling noise especially from the right hand side. Is this how it starts? I only have 2000 kms on it....

Hi Uss, I have 20,000kms on my Eldo and so far so good, can't see any signs of cracking.

Well I must be setting some sort of record as my 1400 has racked up 17,000+ miles and no exhaust failure yet. I do however, have one of Todd's crossovers sitting in the box waiting should it happen.
For the rattling issue, red loktite is your friend. Mine started buzzing on both sides at 3000 miles...

Thanks for the tip...I checked, none of them were loose but it still rattles...what nuts n bolts do I need to re-do? The ones on the shield covers or are there ones under them? Perhaps they need to be 'balanced'?
I doubt it.

18000 miles on my 2014 Custom with no issues. However, I did put a pair of Mistrals on at 4500 miles. Still using the same stock H arrangement though. The Mistrals have maybe one third to a half the weight of the stock muffler. I think it's the physical inertia of those big, heavy, stock mufflers was maybe aggravating the issue....
Thanks for the tip...I checked, none of them were loose but it still rattles...what nuts n bolts do I need to re-do? The ones on the shield covers or are there ones under them? Perhaps they need to be 'balanced'?
Sorry it took so long to notice your comment.... Use the stock hardware, just use LOTS of red or blue Locktite thread-sealing compound (whichever you feel most comfortable with). I find the Blue variety usually does the trick...
Mine is a 2017 will it crack ?
In time, it most likely will. If you've skimmed this thread at all, you'll have your answer as to when.
I know there are a few here that will try to make me wrong, but I’ve sold and replaced enough of them to back my words.
Building a full system, however, seems to have been a complete waste of time, money and resources, as I’ve sold ~4 sets total since 2014... despite the 20 hp/lb.ft. of power gains and significant weight reduction.
In time, it most likely will. I know there are a few here that will try to make me wrong, but I’ve sold and replaced enough of them to back my words.
Building a full system, however, seems to have been a complete waste of time, money and resources, as I’ve sold ~4 sets total since 2014... despite the 20 hp/lb.ft. of power gains and significant weight reduction.

Well I’m glad I got one of them. Adding the head pipes really finished cleaning up the fueling and the bike just runs better
In time, it most likely will. If you've skimmed this thread at all, you'll have your answer as to when.
I know there are a few here that will try to make me wrong, but I’ve sold and replaced enough of them to back my words.
Building a full system, however, seems to have been a complete waste of time, money and resources, as I’ve sold ~4 sets total since 2014... despite the 20 hp/lb.ft. of power gains and significant weight reduction.

Todd. I can’t believe that only 4 people have purchased the headers to add to your slipons. The headers made a noticeable difference in the way the motor runs. It just runs crisper and cleaner.
Todd. I can’t believe that only 4 people have purchased the headers to add to your slipons. The headers made a noticeable difference in the way the motor runs. It just runs crisper and cleaner.
Zero reviews online for the headers;

And a whopping one on the full system;

I have videos and dyno graphs online, and a lifetime warranty... seems people still prefer to buy the name brands with none of those. This is the reason I won’t be doing any more once sold out.
For the rattling issue, red loktite is your friend. Mine started buzzing on both sides at 3000 miles...



Not so sure that advising RED Loctite for fasteners that will need to be removed periodically when removing the mufflers (to change rear tire) is good advice. The RED Loctite usually requires heating for removal. The BLUE Loctite (when properly applied) will work as well and does not need heat for the fastener to be removed.
Sorry Todd I guess I never looked at the for sale posting to see there was a review button. I posted a review now.
I hope your full header system will continue to be available should I ever be in the position to need them.
As I posted previously the only reason I purchased my V-Performance mufflers was they were the only homologated units available (Agostini now offer homologated units).
I would state that if I lived that side of the pond it would be a no brainier to buy your offerings, certainly in terms of performance, style and quality.