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Just came across this video of a v7 race bike. It's in italian and he mentions tires around the 2 min mark. Can anyone translate to identify tires used?
I tried to get a set when I needed new rubber but couldn't get them in Australia.
I ended up getting Bridgestone BT45 these tyres are heaps better than the Sport Demons.
So the radials I'm sure will be the ducks nuts on the V7
Mmmmmm.... not sure. Theoretically, yes, by eliminating the need to run tubes. As I understand it, that means there is a difference that comes into play when tire heating is an issue. But there's usually a lot going on to grab one's attention under those circumstances.
That said, the ability to run tubeless is a huge advantage and convenience, in my opinion.
And I agree on the look of the rims!
It's a cheapie off amazon, cost about £12 but holds my waterproofs. A few of the guys here had the Held one which looks good but at £49, quite expensive. Don't know if the link below works, fingers crossed.
So I am reading quite a bit here about the need for tubes in radial tyres on spoked rims, however on another forum I have been informed that modern spoked rims, including those on the V7II racer, are now sealed and there is no need for tubes. Any comments welcomes?
So I am reading quite a bit here about the need for tubes in radial tyres on spoked rims, however on another forum I have been informed that modern spoked rims, including those on the V7II racer, are now sealed and there is no need for tubes. Any comments welcomes?
Some are sealed, others aren't. I don't have a V7, but as I recall the V7 does not use the sealed spoke rims, likely due to cost. Other Guzzi's do use them, like the Stelvio.
Some are sealed, others aren't. I don't have a V7, but as I recall the V7 does not use the sealed spoke rims, likely due to cost. Other Guzzi's do use them, like the Stelvio.
Thanks very much for the reply. The guy that told me this had it done on his racer and it was apparently the bike tyre shop that advised him he didn't need tubes, actually asked him why he wanted tubes, as there was no need for them. So he doesn't run tubes on his racer with original spoked rimes???? Sadly, I can't find that damn post Murphy's law Anyway, just putting it out there. After following this thread, I am interested in the Conti RA 3's.
So I am reading quite a bit here about the need for tubes in radial tyres on spoked rims, however on another forum I have been informed that modern spoked rims, including those on the V7II racer, are now sealed and there is no need for tubes. Any comments welcomes?
I went with the V7II Stone because I didn’t want tube tyres also wasn’t a fan of the shiny fuel tank on the racer.
So my bike is basically a black racer
So I am reading quite a bit here about the need for tubes in radial tyres on spoked rims, however on another forum I have been informed that modern spoked rims, including those on the V7II racer, are now sealed and there is no need for tubes. Any comments welcomes?
A friend of mine that I ride with rides with tubeless radials on his "modern" spoked rims on his BMW. He has never had any issues (when we've ridden together), but he did install radio transmitter tire pressure guages that communicate with an app on his phone to make sure that he is maintaining adequate tire pressures. He has has one of his rims loose pressure on another occasion.
A friend of mine that I ride with rides with tubeless radials on his "modern" spoked rims on his BMW. He has never had any issues (when we've ridden together), but he did install radio transmitter tire pressure guages that communicate with an app on his phone to make sure that he is maintaining adequate tire pressures. He has has one of his rims loose pressure on another occasion.
Thank you for the information. Much appreciated. I have been told by another magnificent Guzzi rider that he has used Conti RA3s on his V7 with original spoke rims without tubes for over 12 months without a problem. I think this is useful info given the other opinions on this thread regarding spoke rims and tubes???
In the SuperMoto world it is common to seal a tube rim with silicone goop and duc tape. They then run tubeless tires without tubes. It does work, but you do have to pay attention to it and replace the goop and tape if it starts to get old.
The tubeless rims Todd sells are a much nicer way to do it. But it can be done either way.
But if you were to run tubeless tires without tubes on a stock tube wheel without doing something to make it work it would probably be a problem.
A friend of mine that I ride with rides with tubeless radials on his "modern" spoked rims on his BMW. He has never had any issues (when we've ridden together), but he did install radio transmitter tire pressure guages that communicate with an app on his phone to make sure that he is maintaining adequate tire pressures. He has has one of his rims loose pressure on another occasion.
Many (all?) of the modern BMW spoked wheels (12+GS in particular) are cross-spoked wheels with the spokes in the wheel flanges (not in the air chamber like MG).