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Early V7 Radial Tire Thread

So, any sign of Road Attack 3 tires in the US yet?
Grrrr... no, not yet. They pushed the ship date (again) to 8/30 -- this makes 90+ days from the original ship date. I am not going to hold my breath. I am desperate as I need a rear replacement for my Stone III rental with 5k miles, which is at the wear indicator now, so I'll be trying something interesting in a mix of other radials that I've tried on other bikes. I'll post when I get it fitted. I now have four sets of RA3's on (back)order with my vendor. I see that they are showing as in stock in the UK in stock sizes. Both larger sizes (110/80 & 140/70) are shown as no longer available in my ordering system. I assume this means my vendor is not able to get them, but it doesn't mean they won't be available in the US.

Do let us know how you like them.
I've run some ADV tires on my C1100's over the years with very favorable results. Since the Conti RAIII isn't yet available, I put on a Metz Torrance Next radial in stock size to try (pic below). It's really good even with the stock front Pirelli, and the super deep tread should certainly last. Problem is, there's never a match for the front. Metzeler does offer a Z8 front in a 110/80-18 (which is now a factory recommendation) or a Dunlop RSIII in the same size. May try one when the time comes,

Edit: Nevermind, I googled a bit and I felt like an Idiot...

The R means Radial...hah...

okay...I have a dumb question regarding to this.

As my front & rear tires are ready to be replaced...

My tires are now...

Sports Demon has 130/80-17 M/C 65H Rear...I found equiv of Conti Trail Attack 2 with the same "-"

But with front tire currently 100/90-18 M/C 56H, and with Conti Trail Attack 2, it is not 100/90R18..."-" is now an R...

I honestly do not know the difference hence a "dumb" question...Help?
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@TimmyTheHog If there is an "R" instead of the dash(-), it is a Radial.
If it is a dash(-) or a "B" it is Bias ply

After 2,400 miles put on the Pirelli Scorpion Trail II would definitely still recommend them, if not more highly than before. Very little wear, great wet weather performance - all the same praises I mentioned before. Radial rear bias front in stock tire sizing.
For those watching this thread for the Conti RAIII's, from my importer "These are coming from Germany. They should arrive to our docks this week, then Customs, then shipped out to our warehouses. Based off of Continentals ETA's this entire year, I do not think we will have these ready to ship until October."

I'm running the Metz Tourance Next radial rear (shown above) with a (factory approved 110/80-18) Dunlop RSIII front radial on my rental Stone III. Night and day difference to the Pirelli bias-ply.
Thanks for the updates. I can't wait for October so I just ordered the Metz/Dunlop combo. Does anyone have a list of all factory approved sizes?
Well, it looks like here in the US we'll have to wait a couple more months before the Continental Road Attack 3's are available. I need new tires now.

For those watching this thread for the Conti RAIII's, from my importer "These are coming from Germany. They should arrive to our docks this week, then Customs, then shipped out to our warehouses. Based off of Continentals ETA's this entire year, I do not think we will have these ready to ship until October."

Any Guzzistas in Europe - particularly in the UK that might be able to help me out?

I can order the tyres that I need now from from TyreLeader UK
but only to delivery in Europe - specifically the UK (I haven't browsed the site from another European portal to check availability in other European countries), but I would like to then, somehow, get them air mailed to the US.

If anyone has any ideas or would be willing to lend a hand - let me know!
Bike needs to ride!! It's so sad just waiting for new tires.
Just sayin but I wouldn't let a specific brand of tires stop me from riding.

Put a set of inexpensive Shinkos on while waiting for the Conti's to come in.
I tried a set on the Griso & was actually quite pleased by the way they handled but only got 2500 miles on the rear.
For those watching this thread for the Conti RAIII's, from my importer "These are coming from Germany. They should arrive to our docks this week, then Customs, then shipped out to our warehouses. Based off of Continentals ETA's this entire year, I do not think we will have these ready to ship until October."

I'm running the Metz Tourance Next radial rear (shown above) with a (factory approved 110/80-18) Dunlop RSIII front radial on my rental Stone III. Night and day difference to the Pirelli bias-ply.
Yes, rub it in... ;)
Our friend Chris was asking if someone (you?) might be of help sending him a set here in the States.
Yes. That would be spectacular!

If it's even a possibility... Send me a PM???
Chris has to be the very first set of RAIII's in the States (import via UK).

Only possible due to the generous and friendly assistance of fellow members of the GT famiglia here on these discussion forums.
Thank you!
With spoked wheels, if I fit redial tyres, with tubes, will I still get all of the advantages of radial tyres except for the tubelessness?
I know it is a different kettle of fish but with car tires running tubes in radial tires not made for it was a really bad idea. It creates more heat and possible blowouts.
What about the much touted better handling and/or mileage?
I thought Todd was exaggerating, but, no. He was absolutely correct.
I picked up my V7R from Todd on Friday with the new Continental Road Attack 3s and put just over 300 miles on them this weekend.
Truly a night and day difference in terms of handling and confidence.
I haven't calculated milage yet - although I don't suspect there would be any difference.
(For the first 90 miles I did an even and exact 50 mpg ~ the problem is there is no baseline for that number. I don't know what I was averaging with the previous Sports Demons, AND my racer is an 820 cc - 4 valve so it is unlikely a direct comparison with other V7s.)
So, if I put those tyres onto my bike (spoked wheels) with tubes, does anyone know if such a night and day difference would be in evidence for me, or does having a tube in there take away most/all of the handling advantage?