Sadly I must revisit this issue. My wife & I have shipped our 13 Stelvio to Dublin to start a 3 month tour of Europe. I ran it nearly 300 miles before we left on the 200 mile ride to Montreal, where it got on the plane. After collecting the bike at the shipper, we pulled out into an intersection and the bike died! This is the nightmare I dream about when traveling.
Red triangle Service message followed by the Ecu-disconnect message. The injection relay up front on the left side clicks constantly with the key on. I unplugged it and jiggled it around and it stops. Neutral light back on, fuel pump primes and the bike fires up. We get about 100 meters up the road and it does the same thing. I make the relay stop clicking and it starts again. The third time I can’t make the relay stop with the key on.
Fast forward, the bike was hauled to a Guzzi dealer outside of Dublin. The mechanic decided it was likely a fuel pump because he didn’t here it prime. He changed the relay to no effect. This was a Saturday before a holiday weekend and on top of that the Aprillia mechanic was on vacation the following week.
We have been using public transportation and a borrowed car for the last week making the best of it . Hopefully Monday (13 days after our flight) they can get some propped diagnostics done.
I don’t believe the relay and disconnect message has anything to do with the fuel pump. Low voltage to the relay might be a theory. The battery is only a year old and is regularly on a tender. The test mileage before the trip didn’t have any problems.
This is my 5th ecu- disconnect episode in the last 4 years. Previous cures involved replacement injection relays, logic relay, main fuse, front F fuse and even a dirty abs sensor. This one is different.
I hope a cure can be found in the next day or so or we will need to ship a dead bike back to Canada and figure out how to get it home. Not the way we had hopped this trip would work out.
Thanks for listening,