• NOTICE: The owner of this website and GTMotoCycles.com completely lost his home on the morning of January 8th in the L.A. Wildfire Storm. Most of his neighborhood is gone, and a few friends were killed along with their pets. The GTM SHOP and STORE are functioning normally, but we DEMAND EXTREME PATIENCE on orders as we are a SMALL business and Todd usually has his hands on nearly every order before it goes out. You can find more info on a post named L.A. Wildfires in the USA section. Our heart and best go out to everyone effected in this horrific disaster.
  • Ciao Guest - You’ve landed at the ultimate Guzzi site. NEW FORUM REGISTRATIONS REQUIRE EMAIL ACTIVATION - CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER - Use the CONTACT above if you need help. New to the forum? For all new members, we require ONE post in the Introductions section at the bottom, in order to post in most of the other sections. ALWAYS TRY A SEARCH BEFORE STARTING A NEW TOPIC - Most questions you may have, have likely been already answered. DON'T BE A DRIVE-BY POSTER: As a common courtesy, check back in and reply within 24 hours, or your post will be deleted. Note there's decades of heavily experienced Guzzi professionals on this site, all whom happily give endless amounts of their VALUABLE time for free; BE COURTEOUS AND RESPECTFUL!
  • Be sure to see the GTM STORE link also above for our 700+ product inventory, including OEM parts and many of our 100% Made-in-SoCal-USA GTM products and engine kits. In SoCal? Click the SERVICE tab above for the best in service, tires, tuning and installation of our products or custom work, and don't miss our GT MotoCycles® (not) art on the BUILDS tab above. WE'RE HERE ONLINE ONLY - NO PHONE CALLS MADE OR RECEIVED - DO NOT EMAIL AND ASK QUESTIONS OR ASK TO CALL YOU.
  • There is ZERO tolerance on personal attacks and ANY HYPERLINKS to PRODUCT(S) or other competing website(s), including personal pages, social media or other Forums. This ALSO INCLUDES ECU DIAGnostic software, questions and mapping. We work very hard to offer commercially supported products and to keep info relevant here. First offense is a note, second is a warning, third time will get you banned from the site. We don't have the time to chase repeat (and ignorant) offenders. This is NOT a social media platform; It's an ad-free, privately funded website, in small help with user donations. Be sure to see the GTM STORE link above; ALL product purchases help support the site, or you can upgrade your Forum profile or DONATE via the link above.

End of ‘23 grievance, to a better ‘24

Appreciated. We have 25,440 Forum members as of this morning. If even 1% truly supported this Forum or the online Store, things would seem worth the time and effort. As it stands, the rare few of you above (which I GREATLY appreciate, especially those who donate), are the only ones that seem to care. Most of the rest seem to think I owe this to them for free. I'm occasionally threatened by complaints, and often are demanded for explanations on why I think I can charge what I do for my parts and builds. I waste time on ~20 emails per week of people wanting information on products, then clearly buy elsewhere, and then come here demanding help. I’m really struggling on why to keep going here. This site is quite costly to maintain.
Plus 1 on the local dealer rather than the brand on me being a Guzzi supporter.
Same with Ducati.
Here in Oz you are more likely to find a lone second hand Guzzi sitting in a Kawasaki dealership than any glitzy showroom which by the way Piaggio demands.
But they are hell bent on modernising a product that is resistant to change, same with the riders who all reminiss about riding a Leman's and their youth.

Todd, you have tapped into a vein here, you know you have. And the the quality of your products is outstanding - the welds on your exhausts and frames is robot perfect and the design is beautiful ( I am a graphic artist so take that as a compliment mate.)

Cheers, Chris.
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Appreciated. We have 25,440 Forum members as of this morning. If even 1% truly supported this Forum or the online Store, things would seem worth the time and effort. As it stands, the rare few of you above (which I GREATLY appreciate, especially those who donate), are the only ones that seem to care. Most of the rest seem to think I owe this to them for free. I'm occasionally threatened by complaints, and often are demanded for explanations on why I think I can charge what I do for my parts and builds. I waste time on ~20 emails per week of people wanting information on products, then clearly buy elsewhere, and then come here demanding help. I’m really struggling on why to keep going here. This site is quite costly to maintain.
Don't go anywhere until my Flash Tool arrives. 😂
I wish being thankful for all you do would be enough. I only wish I had more funds to spend with you. It is unfortunate that Piaggio is being difficult. I would in part take that as a compliment as they have noticed your abilities, but unfortunately that comes with financial burden. I would have to say, without your efforts, I would not have stayed with the brand. I have made a small donation to the cause and hope others will do the same. Every little bit counts.
Happy New Year, well 39 minutes ago.

Haven't visited the forum since August due to work and testing my bike after installing pc6, gtm flash etc. I´m happy with the outcome😃

Made a donation today to the forum and for all the knowledge that is free here.

Just walk in to a Piaggio dealer with a couple of questions about a 1200 rollerised engine, you quickly realize the importance of a well functioning forum.
Todd it is unfortunate that so few donate. For those that has not donated maybe you should donate a buck a month for your usage of this forum. It won't break the bank.

Todd I hope you have a great new year. Take care.
:( don't know the details, obviously, but sorry to hear you're not getting the support you need Todd.

for anyone else reading this, my B11 has been running the full GTM treatment for ... I don't even know how many years now. it's a lot! it runs perfectly and sounds great.

GTM has made me into a Guzzi lifer, if Piaggio was a bit smarter they would appreciate the value of happy customers!

I've mentioned it before, but one thing I'd love to see on the store site is maintenance and rebuild packages. 'here's all the bearings for your linkage', that kind of thing. maybe capture some more dollars that go to various other guzzi parts sites.

anyway, hope things improve, losing this site would be a tremendous blow to us all.
As a newbie to this site, but clearly an OG, I appreciate the commitment you bring to those that appreciate and prefer the heritage of MG. There is a wealth of knowledge that a non-mechanic like me appreciates. I think it's easy to talk but I've acted in support. I was born in New Zealand and so I urge "kia kaha" which in First Nation's language (Maori) means essentially stand strong 💪
Thanks kenrover. I left NZ in 83 and have lived in a few places around Oz since, but currently in Adelaide the past year. Spent a few Christmases at Pakawau when I lived in Christchurch 77-82. Still miss the country but family here keeps me here.
Todd, I'm sorry you're at the crossroads with this.
I don't think anyone had any idea of what you were dealing with on your website; then to have the very entity (MG) who ultimately benefits from all your effort, give you a backhand...... .

This "short-sightedness" isn't just at MG: a friend who has done more to promote Ducati with his Ducati club over a decade+ recently had its membership revoked by the company. The reason? The rides and events he put on did not require that you ride a Ducati to attend.

Todd - it seems to me that you created this website out of your passion for working on and improving a unique and quirky motorcycle.
You have succeeded spectacularly at doing just that. You have also created this wonderful website for others who like MG to come together and benefit from yours and others expertise / experience. In this too, you have achieved amazing success.

I appreciate all you have done and all that you do - to make this resource available. I sincerely THANK YOU!
My hope is that you can remember and focus on the passion that led you to do all this and disregard those that try to steal your joy.
Sorry, I didn’t see this thread before, as has already been said:
We really appreciate being part of the community that you have been instrumental in providing with a home !

I wonder how many of these 20,000 + members actually frequent the site ?
I am here multiple times a day but still don’t catch all new threads.
Of those how many have purchased ?
You have gotten my support for the custom exhaust, tuning and suspension etc…
Because your dedicated to the mark and supply us with Great products and support !

Too bad I’m not closer or I’d be down there to get a big bore kit installed :inlove:

Thank you,
Like others I'm new to the world of Moto Guzzi but I have found this forum considerably better than any in the UK. Also having only just stumbled into this thread I have made a small contribution for my use of the knowledge here.
Todd, your a butt-head but I still like you a lot...
We are no longer in a World of common sense, nor people thinking first before
opening their mouth, or posting something on the forum. Take heart as at some point
it will come back to bite them in the ass!