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Factory Engine guard message

Re: Enginge guard message

Can anyone identify the bars pictured in the drawing?

Re: Enginge guard message

Looks like Hepko Becker to me. See the decal in photo #1.
Re: Enginge guard message

But what if it drops without the bars?

There will always be something 'stressed', (or somebody... ;) )
Re: Enginge guard message

I've got hepco and becker fitted, I'll give it a close inspection tomorrow.
Re: Enginge guard message

Without actually having seen the HB crashbars it has always been one of my concerns that any sort of bar attatched to the frme mounts at the front would significantly increase the chances of bending the frame or busting the timing chest/ crankcase in the event of a spill.

Certainly the bars I've seen for the Griso all have this issue and it, along with the fact that I think they are almost universally as ugly as a bucket of boiled scrotums, is what has prevented me from fitting them.

Certainly with those bars shown I would at the very least hope that there is some sort of spacer that goes betwixt the frame and the crashbar so that the clamping force of the bolt is applied where it should be rather than on the flange of the mounting bushing.

Re: Enginge guard message

.....This is exactly why I machined a pair of these before I ever even thought of installing the Mistral bars on my G11.


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I am not sure i have the same vintage Hepco Beckers since they don't involve the radiator at all, but I had a slow speed low side because the bike hit some sand and they saved the bike any damage. I looked it all over carefully and the guards (minor scrape) but the bike is fine. Sure am glad I had them on there.
How can I get into the Prime Service website? I bought my Stelvio used... Can I still get a username and password??