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Going SOLO

That looked like a marvelous journey, thanks for sharing! Those roads looked fantastic as you said, and the views looked equally sublime. Definitely jealous of your weather, it's still pretty cold and dark up here in the Northern US.

I particularly enjoyed your sharing of the sights and sounds, especially around the springs. Definitely looked like a rejuvenating ride to have done.

The more of New Zealand that I experience vicariously through your videos, the more I really want to visit your country.

Such a spectacular natural treasure. Lucky you.
Solo rides are good, though I do enjoy the company as well.
But riding to your own beat, going your own direction along with stopping and going in an instant is a true freedom.
And the people you meet along the way help to make some awesome memories.

Enjoyed the vid, awesome riding country, I ride solo most of the time. I want to go at my own speed, and pull over when I like.
That's bloody sad that there is waste on shores around the world.
We are pretty lucky here, though there are some lazy people around that will still drop there waste in places they shouldn't.
The last couple of films of the trek if you have not seen them.... Embarking on a few days away from tomorrow... Finally clicked over 200,000km on the mighty Griso.

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I am amazed at where you take your GRISO! “A little bit of a challenging road…”. 😆

You go places where I know guys with V85TT’s do not go. 😀

Congratulations on 200,000 km! Wow.


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I have to admit that I almost get seasick from the cognitive dissonance of you always driving on the damn wrong side of the road. 🤯

Hurts my brain just watching it! 😜
Nearly always ride solo and absolutely have to think hard about the Europeans riding on the "wrong" side of the road. Only once to date got it momentarily wrong.
The last couple of films of the trek if you have not seen them.... Embarking on a few days away from tomorrow... Finally clicked over 200,000km on the mighty Griso.

Wonderful, wonderful adventure! I’m glad you didn’t pass that little car when that flatbed semi carrying hay was coming! And, I learned a new term … “water snot!” Hehehehe😂. Always great music choices🙌😁.