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Good on you MN - Lane-split law passed

I don't understand why it's illegal in so much of the USA. If you're on the motorway and there's a blockage of some kind it's so nice to be able to filter up to the front of the blockage. Then when the road reopens you're in pole position with an empty highway ahead. Or in really slow traffic in high summer or a December downpour you can at least make progress instead of slowly die.
Everything in the USA is tainted by our citizens never ending bullshit. They feel everything is a sporting event with a winner and a loser. If they get passed by a motorcycle while they sit in traffic, they take it personal. It’s ridiculous.
Ours aren't exactly saints but there is more willingness to accommodate motorbikes and often drivers will move over to facilitate lane split. Even more so in Italy and France. In Germany it's technically illegal so I didn't until I saw a load of German bikes happily doing so whereupon I just followed them. In the UK we do also have the odd idiot who doesn't like to see a bike get past and tries to deliberately squeeze you out. Usually boy racers or BMW or Audi drivers for some reason.
Scott's right. Although most Americans are very polite to each other in person, they turn into Mr. Hyde once they get behind the wheel of a car.

Their mantra is "I Have To BEAT You!". Get to the next light first. Get through the roundabout first.

And if you "Beat" THEM by pulling up to the front of the line at a light, they can get murderously angry, and may retaliate against what they see as a violation of their manhood.

It's a national disease.

My brother has lived in Houston for the last 20 years and I've noticed his attitude behind the wheel has become somewhat insane!
It's been proven time and time again that the safest place for a motorcycle to be is at the front of the pack.
Here in Canada it seems that most drivers frown on motorcyclists. They're noisy, reckless and should be treated with contempt. Heaven forbid that they get in front of you.
In Italy, especially in big cities like Rome and Milan, traffic simply would be a disaster if the thousands of motorcycles and scooters didn't lane split to the front of the pack.

By doing so virtually everywhere, the room is preserved for cars and as soon as the lights turn green, the 2 wheel brigade is instantly gone.

Italians RARELY get upset driving. It's remarkable. For the most part, they remove their ego from the equation because they are just so much more pragmatic.

Asshole Americans are nothing but ego behind the wheel, and (not everyone but most of them) if they drive what I call the "Universal Assholemobile", some Goddamn gigantic truck which they repetitively use to deliberately intimidate other drivers by tailgating and cutting you off and other such asshole douchebag behavior.
"Universal Assholemobile", - (Love the saying Scott)...they're everywhere even making there way to the land of Oz. The douchebag behaviour has been here for years, even if they've been driving smaller utes/pickups.

How do you fix it, F&^*ed if I know, Only solution I can think of is to make it mandatory for everyone to get their bike licence before their car licence and they must ride for at least 2 years before progressing to a car. That way they might be more aware of the vulnerably of riding a bike.

I like many try and stay off the main roads, where the soccer mums and those who want to pilot such "universal vehicles" typically drive....but that in-turn forces you onto much lower grade roads which are full of potholes, and have a greater chance of hitting some sort of wildlife, which at times can be even more dangerous; but I find those sort of roads just add to the enjoyment & thrill....and no doubt increase's one riding ability to some degree.
I only see it getting worse, especially with the ever-present and constantly increasing cadre of self-absorbed narcissistic individuals who feel entitled and erroneously believe that they may do as they wish.

I'm normally a very respectful driver. I can go fast too sometimes, but I don't tailgate nor try to physically intimidate others with my vehicle and I don't expose others to potential harm by thinking I am Mario Andretti. I actively makes sure that my driving does not negatively affect others or impede them in any way if possible.

I am older and am therefore the very definition of this favorite quote of mine...

Old age and treachery will defeat youth and bravado every single time.

Case in point, the Universal Assholemobile driver who violently cut me off and nearly caused me to be killed and had the courtesy to give me the finger as he roared away.

His gigantic and obnoxiously loud diesel truck was easy to follow at a comfortable distance.

I've changed thousands of tires. I am very very smooth and fast at it. Insanely fast. I carry a very lovely little tool in my pocket for just such needs.

When he stopped in a large Sam's Club parking lot, he returned 20 minutes later to 4 completely missing Schraeder valves in his now very flat tires.

Really put the dampner on his antics that day.

I've seen that same douchebag around town. He drives less assholeish now. Wonder why.
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I've only ever had one real problem filtering here in Ireland. Years ago on my wee Strom 650 as I filtered the car on the right-an Audi from memory, tried to narrow the gap. I felt the tail waggle as I cleared through. Looking back tw*t Audi was stopped with his bumper hanging off. Checking the Strom i found a mark on the pillion peg where it had caught the bumper. Close call but karma. I carried on my merry way.
If day 95% drivers here and the UK leave room/make room for a bike. If they make room they always get a wave of thanks. Tw*tish behaviour gets a slow shake of the head. No fingers and no smashing mirrors off.
I've just done today a Bike Sure day with our local police bike cops. They strongly recommend filtering when it's safe to do so which was nice to know. I would do it anyway but knowing it's legal and positively encouraged is a plus.
My comments are regarding the TOPIC at hand, and is not directed towards the OP.

If you think the space between lanes should be repurposed, the REAL soultion is to then RE-SIZE traffic lanes so they are NARROWER, creating a new lane just for bikes, cyclist, pedistrans; up to a certain class limit.

I ride. I drive.

Bikes who split lanes have a very high percentage of being hit by me when I change lanes. So be safe and STAY in your LANE. You've been warned.
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Bikes who split lanes have a very high percentage of being hit by me when I change lanes. So be safe and STAY in your LANE. You've been warned.
By you? Warned? Wow, OK. While I don't disagree on the first line, your last lines narrow-mindedness that keeps logical and sensible changes from happening. Clearly other States are recognizing it, and globally has happened for, well, ever. ;)
It is on the rider for safety, but having people be more aware and not be angered about being passed is key.
I only see it getting worse, especially with the ever-present and constantly increasing cadre of self-absorbed narcissistic individuals who feel entitled and erroneously believe that they may do as they wish.

I'm normally a very respectful driver. I can go fast too sometimes, but I don't tailgate nor try to physically intimidate others with my vehicle and I don't expose others to potential harm by thinking I am Mario Andretti. I actively makes sure that my driving does not negatively affect others or impede them in any way if possible.

I am older and am therefore the very definition of this favorite quote of mine...

Old age and treachery will defeat youth and bravado every single time.

Case in point, the Universal Assholemobile driver who violently cut me off and nearly caused me to be killed and had the courtesy to give me the finger as he roared away.

His gigantic and obnoxiously loud diesel truck was easy to follow at a comfortable distance.

I've changed thousands of tires. I am very very smooth and fast at it. Insanely fast. I carry a very lovely little tool in my pocket for just such needs.

When he stopped in a large Sam's Club parking lot, he returned 20 minutes later to 4 completely missing Schraeder valves in his now very flat tires.

Really put the dampner on his antics that day.

I've seen that same douchebag around town. He drives less assholeish now. Wonder why.

So the moral of your story is to become the very Universal Asshole you despise?
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By you? Warned? Wow, OK. While I don't disagree on the first line, your last lines narrow-mindedness that keeps logical and sensible changes from happening. Clearly other States are recognizing it, and globally has happened for, well, ever. ;)
It is on the rider for safety, but having people be more aware and not be angered about being passed is key.
I'll try again. My comments are regarding the TOPIC at hand, and is not directed towards the OP.

Bikes who split lanes shouldn't be warned? Let's not be narrow-minded about it. As far as the whole "logical and sensible changes from happening", you clearly don't know me. I support the legal process. Glad we cleared that up.

Legal or not. Split lanes at YOUR own risk. Your life. Go slow, because I can't track you coming a mile away at speed. I can only track the cars/bikes that are around me moving with traffic, in their lanes.
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I'll try again.
Bikes who split lanes shouldn't be warned?
Legal or not. Split lanes at YOUR own risk. Your life. Go slow, because I can't track you coming a mile away at speed. I can only track the cars/bikes that are around me moving with traffic, in their lanes.
OK, yes, but many States are adapting this wonderful and safer progress. Drivers here in CA are (inherently) well aware (since it's been done and legal here forever) and most usually make room for passing motor and bicyclist. Here it is legally on the driver to be safe; Overhead signage often states "WATCH FOR MOTORCYCLIST - LOOK TWICE BEFORE CHANGING LANES", and is in fact a felony to block a rider.
Accept and allow change if it makes sense and the safety data shows (which again is becoming accepted and allowed more and more). I've done it for 24+ years here, and a few years prior in the NE where it wasn't legal, and when done properly, is a fantastic way for traveling on two wheels.
I'll try again. My comments are regarding the TOPIC at hand, and is not directed towards the OP.

Bikes who split lanes shouldn't be warned? Let's not be narrow-minded about it. As far as the whole "logical and sensible changes from happening", you clearly don't know me. I support the legal process. Glad we cleared that up.

Legal or not. Split lanes at YOUR own risk. Your life. Go slow, because I can't track you coming a mile away at speed. I can only track the cars/bikes that are around me moving with traffic, in their lanes.
Lane splitting / filtering is effectively creating a new lane when circumstances allow. All road users should be familiar with the rules as apply to them in their location. Narrow a gap in France for instance will earn your vehicle a kick. I personally am a little more moderate in that you do that to me and when I pass you'll get a shake of the head. That seems to annoy those of that persuasion. I filter on a daily basis here in Ireland and the UK before that.
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So the moral of your story is to become the very Universal Asshole you despise?
Not at all.

True, his rude and dangerous actions had consequences. In his case, he suffered nothing but a temporary inconvenience. His Schrader valves were sitting on his step bumper.

Got his attention. He doesn't act like that anymore that I have noticed when I see him out and about.


You always strive to make an entrance like this?

If so, all I can say is "Wow..."
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