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GuzziDiag NOTICE

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Looking forward to having Todd install his full exhaust and full fuel mapping on my new 2016 Audace. Waiting for the Mojave desert to cool off a bit so I can ride it over to him.
Sorry you’ve had disappointments, Todd. I have been very pleased with the re-flash you performed on my Vintage. It truly transformed the bike right from jump. I just picked up another ‘07. This one has a 15M in it...I checked it out when I found the Lambda sensor zip-tied to the frame. It runs well with it, but it’s stock apart from a Mistral h-pipe. Can you modify this mismatched CPU if I make some breathing mods?
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Sorry you’ve had disappointments, Todd. I have been very pleased with the re-flash you performed on my Vintage. It truly transformed the bike right from jump. I just picked up another ‘07. This one has a 15M in it...I checked it out when I found the Lambda sensor zip-tied to the frame. It runs well with it, but it’s stock apart from a Mistral h-pipe. Can you modify this mismatched CPU if I make some breathing mods?
Disappointments only in the unfounded bashing by Roperville et al, and the insect thief of maps.
I use Air/Fuel science with dyno results.
Yes, of course, sure can. Email (only) direct; Info at GuzziTech.com
Found online and worthy of posting: From the king thief of maps... a real Robinhood.


Share it, no. Resell it, yes. Without a base map for the 1400, you would be nowhere. I’ve heard you stopped selling your trash to 1400 and V85TT users since you stuffed those up. Congrats.

After much trash talk about me by Beetle & Roper… My words for the record: You don't know nothing about me outside of what the drunkard Roper tells you. You keep doing what you do so that I can keep doing what I do. Fix your garbage. Free easy access software has made everyone, like you, an "expert." Preying on the naïve with a cheap product is your gig, stick with it until you finally blow someone's motor up. Fuel stalling motors on closed throttle is simply asinine.
Spouting off what you think I do (that was a base map for the PC-V), which you pathetically and clearly still clueless about. Only sad little egomaniacal turds purchase items with intent purely to criticize and shout all over the net of how great they are, because everything else is terrible.
Speaking of a charlatan who hides behind some stupid name with no web presence outside of slithering around other peoples sites and Faceplant. Do me a favor... Forget who I am and take your girlfriend Roper with you.
Which Roper, doubtful you'll wake from your stupor. A decade plus of this is enough. I'll keep cranking out quality products and work from my incredibly busy workshop. You keep making yourself look like a fool here and elsewhere online. Everyone sees right through your ego, arrogance and stupidity. Your baffle plate I tried was sheet steel, poorly cut, which leaked from day one. I yanked it and tossed it immediately.

Fact: World record holders, race track grids and 100's of thousands of people around the world still utilize Dynojet's amazing products. But again, you are better, clearly. But you two must be far superior to even Marelli in what they do, so maybe we'll see you in the MotoGP paddock one day.

I own and manage a legit fully staffed work and fab shop (for nearly seven years) that services Guzzis, full time. Thanks to Dynojet, I've been fueling Guzzis since late 2001, when I trained professionally with them. I own dyno, which I document all of my work, as I have done nearly two decades. You? I build full custom bikes, frame up. You? I have strong running machines from big bore 820cc V7s up to 1440cc 8V motors, and a supercharged 1151cc motor that made 167 rwhp. You? Right.
If I were like you two, which thankfully I'm not, I would be telling people to post here that tired of the disasters you've created. They are lined up outside of my shop, and fill my Inbox daily. So keep it up, well done.
I also ordered a cable to connect the ECU to my computer so i don't have to go to the dealer to pull and clear codes.
Just a word on this topic...

What you are doing and the product you are using, is a forbidden subject here. Please remember this. It is posted at the top of the page.

I will warn and caution you with these words of advice:

Over the 12+ years I have haunted this place, I have seen dozens of poor people who bought into the idea of using that product to do what you are doing.

The problem is - that software is not a professional product, there is no technical support or commercial help and assistance, and it is filled with many bugs and glitches that will cause you to irrevocably destroy your equipment in the blink of an eye. Nobody can fix it once this happens!

The pack of guys in Australia that wildly promote it, nor the German guy who wrote it but does not maintain it, are unable "knowledge wise", to help anybody when things go south. They run like roaches in the light and leave everybody high and dry.

Those people who are suckered into a false sense of simplicity and security, inevitably end up here begging for help out of the mess that they have created.

I have seen firsthand several ECU's that were "bricked" (rendered dead and useless) by that product. The people ended up in a living hell, begging for somebody to help them out of the abyss.

Unfortunately there was nothing that could be done to help them other than for them to purchase a new ECU and start new, which is $$$$$ beyond belief.

This is not fiction nor exaggeration.

I've seen it again and again.

So, OK, you have been informed now.

Please, I won’t debate or even discuss this any further, but I would be remiss if I did not caution you that what you are doing, IS NOT BENIGN.

It is a veritable land mine field that you are contemplating going walking around in, as the software has the total ability to destroy an ECU by corrupting the firmware. When this happens, and it is always without warning, it renders the ECU completely useless.

If you make the slightest mistake, have a glitch in your power, have an incompatibility issue in the USB driver or other computer firmware while you have accessed you ECU firmware with that “software”, you will have a DISASTER.

(Literally, there are all sorts of potential problems than can bury you) and you will deeply regret it.

You are planning to mess with an absolutely critical component of your motorcycle with a product not designed for the purpose you want to use it for, to do things that you know nothing about what you are doing, and most importantly, with ZERO PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT to help you get out of the weeds when you end up in them!

Think twice about this please... it’s not what you think at all.

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It never ceases to amaze me, how may people are not only willing, but salivating at the chance to start messing with their ECU's. They are tempted by all this GuzziDiag crap, thinking that they can just do it themselves cheap because they have been told that a PowerCommander and Autotune are crap according to the "experts" like Pete Roper, the "Guzzi Guru", and that they would just be ripped off for nothing.

When things go totally sideways, like it did for this guy, they are shocked at the $$$$ of damage they have caused. I cannot imagine how stupid one feels having just "bricked" their own ECU. Amazing.

I also find it remarkable, how for all of the people out there claiming the wonders of GuzziDiag, and Beetle Map BS, (like Roper) - that NONE of them EVER help fix the problems encountered like this guy has. They disappear like farts in the wind.

So...Out of pure desperation, these victims duped by the GuzziDiag fascination, come to Todd and GuzziTech with their tails between their legs, asking to be rescued from their own stupidity. It's very sad indeed.

For me, the $1,400, I spent for the full monty PCV/AT GuzziTech setup in January of 2017, has been the best money I've ever spent on any motorcycle. Runs perfect every time, all the time and the support I've received from Todd has been stellar.

There is no such thing as steak and lobster at cheeseburger prices. You get what you pay for.
Thank you, Scott. I knew from the beginning that I not only would want Todd's fueling mods and exhaust but would also want to ask him kindly to do the installation. I am no newbie to engine repairs or hard, time consuming work myself. But knowing that there is a man out there who has devoted his time and soul to making Guzzis run better, and has the means and knowledge and heart to do that work for others, made it a no-brainer for me to defer to his expertise. Every single Guzzi rider I have met who made the switch to GTM fueling mods and exhausts has been extremely satisfied. I pick up my bike from Todd next week and I expect I will be joining the chorus of satisfied customers the second I get on my bike and hit the throttle. You get what you pay for and God help if we don't support and acknowledge the few people out there who still give a damn. OK. Off my soapbox.

I’ve said it 1000 times and I will say it again…

My 2012 Stelvio, which I purchased brand new off the showroom floor, is outfitted with Todd’s Full-Monty system (PC-V + AT 300).

It is the best running Moto Guzzi Stelvio I have ever ridden. Period. I have never ridden it’s equal!

I have 2 riding buddies with Stelvios and they have nowhere the smoothness of throttle response like mine has and they do not run as cool and as precisely as mine does.

I would gladly spend the money again to do this same thing. I’ve been 100% happily satisfied.
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