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GuzziTech product accusations/response

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What I offer here, I spend my own personal money on to test and develop, and I usually push to have things made when worth it.
There are people that have the desire and money to spend. If you want to go a different route, good for you. Jabs at me and my offerings here aren't welcome, nor are hyper-links to competing websites.
Amazing to me that on a tiny brand such as Guzzi, there's people that love to belittle my efforts.

Funny thing is the "other" site is a discussion only board and they offer no competing product(s) other than information. 99.9% of the time when your name or site come up on the "other" site it is the regulars pushing newbies your way for ECU reflashes and other services/products you offer. In the past I had you reflash an ECU for my 2012 V7R and it has worked out really well. When others were having the same fueling issues I was expierencing I directed them your way. You have benifited from the "other" site being around.

I have removed the link from my post and in the future if I post on here I will not post outside links for products, services or information.
Funny thing is the "other" site is a discussion only board and they offer no competing product(s) other than information. 99.9% of the time when your name or site come up on the "other" site it is the regulars pushing newbies your way for ECU reflashes and other services/products you offer. In the past I had you reflash an ECU for my 2012 V7R and it has worked out really well. When others were having the same fueling issues I was expierencing I directed them your way. You have benifited from the "other" site being around. I have removed the link from my post and in the future if I post on here I will not post outside links for products, services or information.
The "other" site sucked the life-blood out of the MGNOC, but that's whole other discussion.
What little my "name" comes up (rarely GuzziTech.com or a link here) over there gets more people piling on in a negative fashion from what I've witnessed. I really don't care to even look over there any more, but I'm often sent links to see.
Since this is a TINY market, and I've invested an immense amount of money (both in products and this website)... It's still largely for fun, and on most items offered here is still mostly a labor of love. Why people have such disdain to me making a buck baffles even the most brand-loyal friends I have. I do really appreciate the business and referrals.

What I always request, especially when it's a post you've done, is just copy/paste the data here instead of a link away from this site. Traffic is important to the life-span of any website. If you must link away, I just request not hyper-linking.

I could just unplug the Forum all together, which every post like this takes me one step closer.
I certainly could have chosen a lot better wording and I have changed that as well. I hope you make million of dollars selling your products and I hope you continue to keep making products that improve the brand.

I lose site of the captiol investment and BS&T that go into products transforming an idea rolling around your head to finished product. It all costs and especiall small batch botique items.
I certainly could have chosen a lot better wording and I have changed that as well. I hope you make million of dollars selling your products and I hope you continue to keep making products that improve the brand.
I lose site of the captiol investment and BS&T that go into products transforming an idea rolling around your head to finished product. It all costs and especiall small batch botique items.
You know how to make a million on Guzzi? Start with two million.
I typically invest 2-10 times what a product will cost most, to work with and develop it to my satisfaction to offer them here. It's a tough business to be in, especially on paper. Thanks for your words and continued support.
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