Just got it firing!
Azt szeretném kérdezni, hogy a Breva 1100 nem túl alacsony nekem? 186 centi magas vagyok, kíváncsi lennék, hogy milyen tapasztalatai vannak hasonló magasságúnak. Az ülés nagyon kényelmes, de nem akarom a cserével kezdeni. DL 1000-el mostanában többször is vezetek hosszú távon, nyilván nagy a különbség a két bringa között.
I would like to ask if the Breva 1100 is too short for me? I am 186 cm tall, I would like to know what experiences people of similar height have. The seat is very comfortable, but I don't want to start with the replacement. I have been riding the DL 1000 for long distances recently, and there is obviously a big difference between the two bikes.
Thank you.
I would like to ask if the Breva 1100 is too short for me? I am 186 cm tall, I would like to know what experiences people of similar height have. The seat is very comfortable, but I don't want to start with the replacement. I have been riding the DL 1000 for long distances recently, and there is obviously a big difference between the two bikes.
Thank you.