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LED Indicator Light conversion for Stelvio


Just got it firing!
Mar 8, 2014
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Hi all,

I have successfully converted the indicator lights on my 2012 NTX from incandescent to LED using the stock holders and assembly.

I wrote this procedure up, and am now posting ii for those who are interested.


Nice one John.

Eventhough my electrical soldering skills will need alot of honing to be able to do this I think!
Looks good, nice write up, something to consider.
Guess the resistor could be wired across the supply wires rather than inside the holder, less robust but easier on the soldering skills
Johnny - how did you establish the requisite 20 mA current flow - my 2007 Nevada employs same dashboard control (I spent a couple of hours perusing parts lists looking for traditional flasher can) and I would like to do similar upgrade to yours but need to confirm that current flow requirement first - common sense says it would probably be same as yours but I am a little sceptical when it comes to Italian electrics.

Years back someone emailed me about the LED turn signal issue on the Stelvio. I quickly tested a 1K ohm resistor (about 12ma) on my 2009 Stelvio. I had him add those in parallel with the LEDs and he emailed back that it fixed them. I never did explore a lower current threshold, since he was happy.
Years back someone emailed me about the LED turn signal issue on the Stelvio. I quickly tested a 1K ohm resistor (about 12ma) on my 2009 Stelvio. I had him add those in parallel with the LEDs and he emailed back that it fixed them. I never did explore a lower current threshold, since he was happy.

Wayne, wouldn't the resistor need to be in series with the LED to get the required load?

No it needs to be in parallel ie shunt connected. Putting the resistor in series will reduce the current more and give less loading on the electronics and less LED brightness
Thanks Tony. the term shunt connection makes more sense to me than a parallel connection. I keep thinking back to my basic electronics course for missile systems where parallel resistors were used to get the average of the two. Having a resistor shunt to ground would load the circuit so the dash would see the resistance. I guess parallel would be correct, but I just couldn't get the right picture in my mind with that term.
Hi johnny99, I hope I can use this on my 2009 model (DOM Dec 2008). I'm looking to move the indicators from the " bloody" mirrors to their original location before the Australian government got involved. I'm not electrically skilled, in your opinion would your mod work on a 2009 stelvio?
This is fantastic ... thank you so much for sharing! I'll definitely be looking into this little mod! Next I want to do something with the main headlights.
Johnny - how did you establish the requisite 20 mA current flow - my 2007 Nevada employs same dashboard control (I spent a couple of hours perusing parts lists looking for traditional flasher can) and I would like to do similar upgrade to yours but need to confirm that current flow requirement first - common sense says it would probably be same as yours but I am a little sceptical when it comes to Italian electrics.

Hi lofty,

Sorry for being so tardy but i haven't been on the forum for quite a while now. Anyway I just did some testing by pulling out the original incandescent bulb and measuring its "static" resistance with a multimeter. Then i just got a variable resort wheel that i had and adjusted until the dashboard indicators "bulb malfunction" light activated. Then reduced the resistance a little more to give me some extra headroom.

Hope that helps.

Hi johnny99, I hope I can use this on my 2009 model (DOM Dec 2008). I'm looking to move the indicators from the " bloody" mirrors to their original location before the Australian government got involved. I'm not electrically skilled, in your opinion would your mod work on a 2009 stelvio?


I expect that it should be OK as I expect the rating of the incandescent bulbs in the Mirrors should be the same as the those that are located in the fairing. Anyway I suggest that you can try one indicator at the recommended resistor rating. If the "bulb failure" light comes on then try a lower value resistance.

This is fantastic ... thank you so much for sharing! I'll definitely be looking into this little mod! Next I want to do something with the main headlights.

You're welcome, glad you liked it. If your thinking of going LED headlights (or maybe even HID), then that is a completely different ball-game. I strongly DO NOT recommend ripping out the H4 bulbs and slipping in aftermarket re-based H4 bulbs. The original reflectors are not designed for HID or LEDs and you will end up blinding any oncoming traffic.

Also, and importantly I've heard and seen very mixed results with LED & HID headlight bulb conversions. At the end of the day you need good & clear, shaped beam patterns that light the road effectively at night and also during inclement, rainy weather. Just saying.
