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My report after a 6,200 mile ride....


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Jul 27, 2018
West Virginia
..... is all's well. No issues other than a little heat from the engine, exhaust, and radiator at temps in the upper 80's+. 7,000 miles on the oil and none used. Wind management is outstanding with clean smooth air with shield down (which is where it is most of the time) and good protection from rain when ducking down slightly with the shield up. MPG varied from low 40's to low 50's mostly dependent on speed, most tanks were about 45. Stock Anakee Adventure was replaced at 6,100 miles with just the slightest bit remaining at the wear bars in the center. Had I been within 500 miles from home I'd have left it. Panniers held enough and worked well. My heavy Drybag was on the rear seat with the tent on the rear rack so it's a pretty easy bike to load with a good bit of gear. So great job on the Stelvio, Guzzi, especially for a first year model.
MY suggestions for improvements (others may differ) I'd say raise gear ratios a bit in 5th and 6th because the engine makes plenty of midrange to accommodate this. Increase the width of the rear rack a few inches and stiffen up the windscreen assembly because it moves/vibrates around on rough roads especially if raised.
..... is all's well. No issues other than a little heat from the engine, exhaust, and radiator at temps in the upper 80's+. 7,000 miles on the oil and none used. Wind management is outstanding with clean smooth air with shield down (which is where it is most of the time) and good protection from rain when ducking down slightly with the shield up. MPG varied from low 40's to low 50's mostly dependent on speed, most tanks were about 45. Stock Anakee Adventure was replaced at 6,100 miles with just the slightest bit remaining at the wear bars in the center. Had I been within 500 miles from home I'd have left it. Panniers held enough and worked well. My heavy Drybag was on the rear seat with the tent on the rear rack so it's a pretty easy bike to load with a good bit of gear. So great job on the Stelvio, Guzzi, especially for a first year model.
MY suggestions for improvements (others may differ) I'd say raise gear ratios a bit in 5th and 6th because the engine makes plenty of midrange to accommodate this. Increase the width of the rear rack a few inches and stiffen up the windscreen assembly because it moves/vibrates around on rough roads especially if raised.
I agree with you on the gearing and would say the overall riding experience could be improved by only having five gears (!)

(Not that Marketing would ever buy into _that_ outlandish notion !)
True, if they want to have a short ratio spread it only needs 5. If you're going to have 6 gears on an adventure bike, spread them out with a low 1st and tall 6th.
Looks like The connection of the driveshaft towards the rear wheel. All looks buttoned up and tight and torque down, but there’s slight bit of oil on that seam where the two pieces come together.