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New (Used) 2007 Norge Added to the stable.


GT Godfather!
GT di Razza Pura
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Well, it’s all Bill Hagan’s fault :D because he’s always singing the praises, but I bought a near mint Silver 2007 Norge with less than 5,000 miles on her. Picking her up tomorrow!

Really excited to have her come to live with us. Her sisters are anxiously awaiting her arrival tomorrow.

Seeing as how the trip to Mandello del Lario got sacked this year, and I cannot get a V100 yet, I had to seek solace and comfort in my secret desire tor a few years now due to Bill’s sonnets of love for his! :giggle:

How lucky I am. Truly blessed. ( But it’s still Bill’s fault!) :wasntme:
You will enjoy the simplicity of the simple push rod engine.

Thanks John!

I actually sought out a 2V as I love my California Vintage and 1200 Sport very much because of it and the Centauro and Stelvio have 4V heads so no need for more complexity in the herd!

So excited! I feel giddy. LOL

Looks great, Scott.

Late October sure beats an open trailer a few months later! :cry:


That was the Griso in March a few years ago "somewhere in Illinois" coming back to Virginia. Had been rollerized at Rose Farm Classics in Woodstock.

I used a gallon of Ballistol when it was snug in the Moto Grappa to ensure road grime and worse did not do it in.

Weather...eh Bill! I hate the weather in this part of the country having come from San Diego where the temperature is 72 degrees about 320 days a year! :D

I do miss Southern California weather but it wasn't worth the population explosion tradeoff. Oh well...choices.

Well, it seems that I have a few little things to fix here and there but nothing that cannot be overcome.

1. The trigger switch for the flashing (passing) high beam works for low beam, and high beam, but sticks when trying to use the flashing function. A little contact cleaner and some Deoxit fixed that right up.

2. Ah, right grip gets nice and hot. Left grip, not so much. Broken wire or disconnect plug I'm sure and we'll figure that out when we remove the bodywork which will be a first for me on a Norge. I think I will be calling you Bill to get the technical skinny and tricks of the Moto Grappa Departamento di Servizio. :giggle:

3. Brake fluid has gotten to the paint on the edge of the reservoir cap (happens to them all). A little soda blasting and a nice shot of satin black and that will be good as new.

4. Hooked up my Italian Socio 300 computer to the ECU plug and the Norge and her began speaking in Italian to each other. No faults and everything popped up exactly as expected. Next we switched to the ABS plug and again, molto Italiano babbling between them and everything checked out there too. Lovely.

5. Tires. She is still wearing her 2007 vintage tires. What a shame. Only 4,950 miles but 14 years. Off they come! Nothing like a new pair of shoes to make a motorcycle really feel fabulous.

6. Well, this is a bummer but not unfixable. The original purchaser bought this from a long defunct dealership in Illinois. Those idiots changed his user code and never bothered to write it down in his warranty book or owners manual. He gave me 2 keys. One is registered to the dash, and the other, somehow got deregisterd and no longer is recognized. You can recover the user code with 2 working keys with different transponder codes or assign a new key with one good key and the user code. I have neither, but I'm working on the issue. We'll see. Why Piaggio refuses to allow a dealer software to reinitialize a user code is beyond me.
It's so very short-sighted and stupid. :banghead: :swear:

Exciting stuff. Makes me happy. :p
Scott, Does the previous owner know the code? Since winter is approaching, maybe the Dash and keys need to go to Carmo. I think they can reset the user code if you don't get lucky.
Unfortunately John, the 3 previous owners are all siblings. The long defunct, supremely stupid dealer, changed it and never told them, and they never programmed the second key to the dash, none of which doesn’t surprise me in the least. (So many Moto Guzzi dealers just don’t give a damn about anything other than money, and the multiple marque megastores are the absolute worst)

Yes DeadEye, Moto Guzzi motorcycles are my vice. I freely admit it.

But once again, I blame Bill Hagan. He has the same disease, is exceedingly polite, unlikely to flame and grumble, and therefore he is a convenient scapegoat! :D

This Norge has 4,945 original miles. All keys, books, manuals, even the sales catalogs from 2007, all in perfect condition.

I’ve been very blessed and I am grateful.

Everyone never believes me when I say that if you just wait and watch (cycletrader.com), the greatest motorcycle you can think of, will pop up right in front of your face at an unbelievable price!

This now makes 3 Moto Guzzi motorcycles in the last 3 years.

First was my mint condition 2009 California Vintage with less than 7k miles.

1 month later, my mint condition 2008 1200 Sport with 5.6k miles.

This mint condition 2007 Norge has 4,945 original miles and I bought it from the brother of the original purchaser. All keys, books, manuals, even the sales catalogs from 2007, all in perfect condition.

Icing on the cake: Did I mention that inside of all three color matched bags, are original OEM Moto Guzzi branded and logo-ized luggage liners, for carrying your clothes and gear stylishly into the hotel? They are still wrapped in their original clear plastic bags, never even unpacked or used once!

In the top case also, there is in exactly the same unused, mint condition, still wrapped in its clear plastic bag, a factory OEM tank bag, with the original clear decal to superimpose over the tank to protect the paint, the harness, velcro, and all other materials for installation including the original printed instructions. Again, perfect and never even used once.

The windscreen is flawless and has no scratch whatsoever that I can detect. Everything works like when it was new except those few little maintenance items above.

Oh, and I received 2 MINT seats. The original tall one, and the Moto Guzzi factory lower seat.

I couldn't drive to West Chicago fast enough! (800 miles roundtrip) just to snatch this beauty right up!

So yes, this makes 3 unbelievable deals I've found, just patiently watching and waiting. (Oh, and I found my 2 Piaggio scooters the exact same way/condition too!)

The truly amazing thing is this…

I paid less tor all three of these Moto Guzzi jewels combined, than the price I paid for my brand new Stelvio in 2012!

Even less than you would pay for a new V85TT!

It’s truly obscene really because I just waited and watched and they came right in front of my eyes.

The funnest part of this will be in about 5 years when I retire and ship all of these motorcycles to live with us in Mandello del Lario.

I cannot wait to ride them along Lake Como and take each motorcycle’s picture in front of the RED GATE of their birthplace! :h:

Blessed and grateful.
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Apropos tupperware ... as I think I mentioned on this forum somewhere, for years I and others went to maddening lengths undoing many tiny and near-hidden fasteners, especially in the upper cowling to take off the various bits. :think:

Then, N.J. Nick found out that much will come off in one large connected piece. 'Mazing (and maddening). Too bad I can't get back that wasted time (and a bunch of lost fasteners). :swear:

Ah, lost codes. I know there are quite a few threads on this here, too, but I have often thought that those same dealers (or their cretinous techs) who mucked things up likely didn't sit around thinking up mysterious codes numbers. :banghead:

Instead, they likely just did ascending or descending series or all-5 sames. I used my Atlanta zip code on mine ... 30307 if anyone ever gets it (from my estate ;)) and wonders! :giggle:

Buon fortuna with that. You scored a winner.

Pretty sweet bike Scott, I grew up in West Chicago, IL, next to DuPage Co Airport. AND it's 35mi W. of the big city. Good Score!
I have a Norge now for one year, very pleased with the overall ride.
good choice. regards Jan

Well, it’s all Bill Hagan’s fault :D because he’s always singing the praises, but I bought a near mint Silver 2007 Norge with less than 5,000 miles on her. Picking her up tomorrow!

Really excited to have her come to live with us. Her sisters are anxiously awaiting her arrival tomorrow.

Seeing as how the trip to Mandello del Lario got sacked this year, and I cannot get a V100 yet, I had to seek solace and comfort in my secret desire tor a few years now due to Bill’s sonnets of love for his! :giggle:

How lucky I am. Truly blessed. ( But it’s still Bill’s fault!) :wasntme: