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Norge Noises?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Aug 6, 2018
Richmond, VA
Hi All,

I'm the proud owner of a 2008 Norge. 21K mi. Rode it home 250mi via Skyline Drive on Saturday, ran into a massive rain storm and more holiday tourists than I care to remember, but was stoked on my new ride.

Here's a question: when the road was quiet and I was at speed, I could detect a very quiet, low/deep sound like "whooa-whooa-whooa..." I really felt it as much as I heard it - a very slow oscillation. At first I thought it might be the wind vibrating the windscreen in some way, but if I grabbed the screen with one hand, the vibration did not stop. I should let you know that I have a California Scientific windscreen and GPR exhaust. For all I know, it could have been coming from the exhaust, but I could not pinpoint if the sound was coming from the front or back.

Anyhow, the sound was slight enough that I wasn't concerned about making the ride, and it seemed like it could be an acoustic issue (vibrating fairing?) as opposed to mechanical issue, but I wonder if this is typical for a 10-year old Norge, or does it indicate a known problem? I want to take some long trips, and I'd hate to burn up a bearing or the CARC.



Matt IMG_1204.JPG
I have the same windscreen and exhaust. I haven't noticed that sound on my Norge. If it's heard when you're doing a steady speed my guess would be the exhaust. You would also feel it because it would be in sync with the throb of the engine. It's a Guzzi thing.
If you slouch a bit so your head is behind the windscreen out of the wind completely, you should be able to hear if it's coming from the front or rear.
Might have heard me moaning ... was (over my whiny objections in Short Pump (Lesser Richmond for non-Virginians ;)) for a wedding. :cry:

Anyway, nice pic, especially as you block most of that saddle. :giggle:

Seriously, I think I have occasionally heard something similar when droning along at lower speeds, and have always thought -- to extent I thought about it much at all ... usually some road event grabs my attention and my screaming in my helmet distracts me! :rofl: -- that it was like that drone one hears on a multi-engine plane when the props or other rpm issues aren't quite sync'ed. To confess the obvious, I am no aviator! Anyway, unless someone comes on here with an "OMG, the sky is falling!" warning, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

Did WMS balance the TB's?

If not, might have some effect. The dealer in Richmond can do that if you don't have the equipment. If their service prices scare you,I have a Carbtune Pro 4 that's still a virgin, so we can practice on yours. :clap:

Will be interested in what others say.

I plan to ride my Stornello to Tellico Plains on Thorsday if WMS can get new tires in for it and mounted tomorrow, but, if not, I'll be on the Norge. If so, I'll listen for that sound.

