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NTX350 Charging problem

Hi Scott,

Regulator bypassed, and disconnected diode board +ve output from battery (to protect from overcharging)

New battery installed, and now generating 2 - 4V AC between each stator coil and WYE starpoint when engine running. . Old battery internal resistance must have been too high to allow excitation of rotor.

Only 2V AC, because I believe at this point we are only getting current to the rotor field coil via the charging lamp, and the diode board is not yet contributing, because it is not properly earthed

The positive output tag on the diode board (F on previous post) is definitely connected to the top half of the diode board.

The diode board itself comprises 2 off "L" shaped heatsinks that are not electrically connected. The six diodes are a compression fit into the heatsinks. The diodes look the same, but the bottom 3 are reverse biased. The heatsinks comprises an integral part of the electrical connectivity between the 2 sets of 3 diodes. So one heatsink is connected to +12V and the other heatsink must be connected to ground.

Next move when I get back to the bike is to ground the bottom heatsink to see if we now get a DC output from point F. If we get a varying voltage with engine revs of over 12V we will reconnect the voltage regulator.

If we do not get the expected DC voltage output then we will remove the diode board and check the diodes using a 12V battery and bulb.

Will update once the above work has been done.

Best regards Jim
Hi Scott,

All Fixed - Bike Charging - Charging warning lamp goes out!!

After diode board properly earthed, got up to +18V at output terminal F depending on revs (regulator bridged and no connection to battery positive)

Regulator put back in circuit +ve Voltage limited to 14.3V at battery +ve Terminal.

Will monitor over next few days, but think we are done.

Thank you to everyone for their patience and support.

Hopefully this thread may help someone else sometime!

Best regards Jim
Hi Scott,

All Fixed - Bike Charging - Charging warning lamp goes out!!

After diode board properly earthed, got up to +18V at output terminal F depending on revs (regulator bridged and no connection to battery positive)

Regulator put back in circuit +ve Voltage limited to 14.3V at battery +ve Terminal.

Will monitor over next few days, but think we are done.

Thank you to everyone for their patience and support.

Hopefully this thread may help someone else sometime!

Best regards Jim

From the beginning, I was suspect of the ground circuit. That used to plague the BMW’s which is why I showed you the solid mounts.

I’m thrilled you figured it out. I know that both John Zibell and I were very happy to help you out.

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Enjoy your very unique Moto Guzzi!
Hi Scott,

Just donated $25. Keep up the good work with the site.

Best regards Jim

I am another member just like you and I Thank You for becoming a Contributing Guzzi-Tech Guzzisti. I and many others think this place is very special.

Welcome to the famiglia!

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