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NZ is not part of Australia!


High Miler
Feb 17, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington New Zealand
Hey, you North Americans, just like Canada isn't part of the USA, New Zealand isn't part of Australia. Sure we're related in much the same way but there are a lot of differences. Eh, Mike.C!

How about a slot for NZ? It would be interesting to see what crops up apart from me, Kiwi Dave and BeBe.
Hey Graham,
Hey, you North Americans, just like Canada isn't part of the USA, New Zealand isn't part of Australia.

You and me are both thankful for that. Looks like ya got a /NewZealand Heading now.


Ohh... the wide open space of OZ, the sun in your eyes, the bugs plastered on every thing, and you've only done 800km's since lunch.

B) B)

Kym in Bairnsdale
Now Graham,

you've gotta go somewhere. Even though you guys put out a lot of stuff and are famous for a lot, with only 3 million people, just be glad you figure somewhere.

Canada is in with Alaska. I suppose they could always slot NZ in with Fiji.

Well well well lookee what we have here, I just cannot let this one pass by..

Yes you are right Graham we do have some differences, and neck physiology asside, I can think of judder bars (WTF?), jaendals, and a heap of other things, but of course we are all in this together so it's a bit like a marriage, lot's of arguments, quite a few good times but in the end a grudging respect for each other even if we do wallop you at footy every now and then...

Thing is that this little NZ splitting stunt was implemented on ADVRIder about 12 months ago and the newly created NZ forum was like a morgue for ages, you could shoot a gun down between the posts and not hit a keyboard! And that is from a country where the off road trail and adventure riding is second to none.

So if you want to play in your own corner that's OK by me, but I fear you might get a bit lonely - especially given the overly ribald nature of the discourse that has gone before in the combined forum, let me see now - all of five threads in how long hmmmm I think it might be nearing 6 months since the rebuild.

But of course we of the great Southern Lands who are joined at the hip by a ditch and a shared history are known for our self reliance, so by all means bugger off and play if that's what you really want, but of course we might not let you come back and play with us if you get lonely over there - so there ;)

For those lsitening in from other lands we really do like the New Zealanders :P , but just don't let on to them, or they might think we're mates or something.... and want to come over and borrow our bikes...
Just wait until the Kiwis find some oil worth exploiting.
Before you can even blink the proportions on the map are changed. :laugh:
So Australia is the name of the continent, and New Zealand the name of the country?

Just for the records, (Old) Zealand is very much an official part (province) of the Netherlands! :silly:
You guys are a crack up.
The only reason for the "groupings" is to have people from the same areas of the World communicating. No need to segregate when I'm sure a few of you might hop over the river for a look-see once and while, no?

I'd love to invite the Alaskan riders down even to Seattle for the weekend, but there's a LOT of real estate between them and the "lower 48."

Perhaps if this Forum gets busy, we'll consider it... but for now, Happy Motoin'!
Rene pointed out:

So Australia is the name of the continent, and New Zealand the name of the country?

Australia, the country is the sixth largest in the world, but Australia the continent comes in last place.

How come Greenland is left out of the forum categories ? According to my information, it's the world's largest island, but it doesn't even get continent status.

Why is Greenland an island but North America not?

If Vanuatu has one motorcyclist riding a Guzzi, do they get thrown in with New Zealand or do they get to have their own regional thingy?

BTW, I'm glad Rene cleared up the mystery of where "regular" Zealand is :P
GrahamNZ observed:

Hey, you North Americans, just like Canada isn't part of the USA, New Zealand isn't part of Australia

Just give the morons in Washington a little time and we might see all of North America merged into one big, happy family :angry:

Would that make Todd's life easier ?
Muley wrote:
How come Greenland is left out of the forum categories ?
Just give the morons in Washington a little time and we might see all of North America merged into one big, happy family :angry:
Would that make Todd's life easier ?
Find me a Guzzi rider there that will post here, and I'll set one up. ;)
And UH, NO it would not.

I have quite a few regrets in life, and starting this thread is one of them. PLEASE FORGIVE ME - I LOVE YOU ALL.

By the way we're over 4 million now plus about 1.5 million living in other countries.

Sorry about splitting the atom, giving women the vote and conquering Everest first. Whatever will we get up to next?
To clear things out according to Greenland, you post your regional posts under Europe. Greenland is a part of Denmark.
Just find a sleigh with the mighty Guzzi-twin fitted! :unsure:
Graham: that's OK. New Zealand Kiwis are the best (certainly better than the ones from [Old] Zealand, though you ought to try the spek from there) ;)

Dolf ... that'd be sacrilege. i mean, a Guzzi with a belt drive? Even if it's a tractor belt? Come on... ... ...

And 1.5 millions? Gee, I never knew there were so many hobbits around !!!

:silly: :silly: :silly::silly:
GrahamNZ wrote:
I have quite a few regrets in life, and starting this thread is one of them. PLEASE FORGIVE ME - I LOVE YOU ALL.
Don't regret it - this is fun! We love you too - aaaaawwww shucks :P

Whatever will we get up to next?
Maybe you blokes will get the Stelvio first, but then I will be really grumpy at you... :S