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poor idle, bogs just off idle


Cruisin' Guzzisti
GT Famiglia
Oct 15, 2016
Coquitlam, BC
Hi all, I've been fighting with a running issue on my 2007 Breva 1100. this is starting to become an annual occurrence, usually just before I have a big trip planned...

starting about two months ago my idle starting to get a bit erratic. starting with the idle going high, about 50% of the time it would go to 2000 rpm and sit there. 10% of the time it would idle super low and nearly die. pulling in the clutch and moving forward just slightly would almost always make it drop back down to the normal 1200 rpm. I pulled the intake apart and cleaned the stepper really well, flushing it while cycling it (key on/off). that helped and instances of high idle dropped to maybe 5%, which I was okay with.

then on a trip into the interior of BC I noticed high fuel consumption and a certain hesitation at steady, low throttle - like cruising at highway speeds. I poked around for a while - over the last few years I've replaced / adjusted almost everything on the bike that could cause this, but I double checked *most* of my work I eventually settled on dirty injectors, and had them cleaned - bike ran perfect, better than it ever had. great, problem solved.

except... last week the hesitation started again, teamed up with the idle problem, and got worse pretty rapidly.

-=- it usually starts immediately, about 5% of the time it takes an unusually long time
-=- maybe 50% of the time it idles very low, maybe 800 rpm. sometimes it will die completely
-=- about 10% of the time it idles high, 2000 rpm
-=- just off idle the motor bogs badly until about 1/8th throttle - after that it clears out and runs normally

It's pretty much unusable in this state and I'm panicking since I have a huge trip planned in two weeks.

I have checked:

-=- freshly rebuilt/cleaned injectors seem to be installed properly and sealing well
-=- reset TPS. verified TPS (new last year) operation with meter
-=- replaced air filter... just because I was in there, really
-=- removed intake/air box, verified all hoses are in place and nothing is leaking
-=- verified plug wires are seated properly and in good shape (these are all new as of two years ago)
-=- pulled the exhaust apart to check the O2 sensors - just visually
-=- mechanically the throttle body linkages seem fine... there's no excess play or anything I can see or feel

I haven't checked the valves yet, they're not due and frankly they've almost never required adjustment since the initial adjustment more than ten years ago.
I haven't balanced the throttle bodies, I just can't imagine they would rapidly cause this. Both these things are next, just because I was planning on doing them anyway before the trip.

I'm suspecting the O2 sensors, just because over the last two seasons I think I've replaced / checked / verified every other single part of the motorbike that could cause this.

I have the GTM full fueling kit, PC V, AT-300, full exhaust and intake plate. I bought a laptop and plugged it into the PC V but couldn't get it to give me AFR values or show a RPM. this is probably just a learning curve thing, I'm still figuring out the software. maybe I didn't let it run long enough, there's a parameter that specifies a delay time before the unit wakes up. I'll know more this evening.

the power commander / dynojet support guy I talked to was lovely. there's an O2 sensor test that the AT-300 unit can do, and it failed this. the O2 sensors are supposed to get warm and the unit blink to show what they are reading, and they do not warm up at all. he suggested this almost always means the O2 sensors are bad, but for both to go at the same time? maybe... he also sent me a file to 're-initialize' the AT-300 unit, on the chance it has become corrupted. he has suggested this is unlikely, and if the AT-300 was bad it wouldn't communicate with the power commander software at all. the power commander software does show it connected.

searches here have also led me to wonder about the cam phase sensor... will clean / check the connection later.

anyway I'm just rambling, will update this later this evening with some actual useful info.

wish me luck!
Please send the PC map as advised, and don't torture yourself (and others) here. ;)
Even one year without sending me the map is not often enough.
Please send the PC map as advised, and don't torture yourself (and others) here. ;)
Even one year without sending me the map is not often enough.
I will as soon as I get home! It took me a while to get the laptop to talk to the PC, turned out to be a faulty usb cable 😫

you see everyone reading this, this is why we buy from GTM - I emailed him about my confusion and he directed me within an hour to the right course of action.
Isn't that why they come here, "For Todd" and he thinks we don't love him. Think he need's a good drunk to get back.
if you start looking for "power commander problems" on the net, you see some real wild stuff. retailers who obviously don't know what they're selling or why, completely failing to support their customers... who themselves really should not be messing with the fueling on their motorcycles.

it just makes you appreciate the GTM model.

this work day can not go by fast enough, i'm very anxious to get back to it and get that map sent out 😣 if I'd been sending in these maps regularly as advised this likely would have been caught long ago. just another lesson I have to learn the hard way I guess.

learn from me!
Isn't that why they come here, "For Todd" and he thinks we don't love him. Think he need's a good drunk to get back.
I need more than that! I'm not here for kudos, but I sure am exhausted by the demanding and thankless entitled people in the world today.
if you start looking for "power commander problems" on the net, you see some real wild stuff. retailers who obviously don't know what they're selling or why, completely failing to support their customers... who themselves really should not be messing with the fueling on their motorcycles.
it just makes you appreciate the GTM model.
The PC is just an electronic tool that needs trained/experienced brains that know how to use it. MOST retailers and end users do not. I've said it for ~22+ years and counting, it is NOT a self learning device like most assume it is, and in fact most of the time has no base map on it at all, or it is completely wrong, or too many think that they all fit every bike, and/or simply try to outsmart me on what I ask not to do, and destroy my work and good running. You can only imagine things I've seen and been asked.
As many times as I say to send the map annually/minimally or at every service interval, it's pretty shocking that SO FEW do. I guess it just shows you how decent the system is when set up properly. I do have some that go the other way, and send dozens chasing and focusing on creating problems to solve. ;)
it was the O2 sensors :)

Todd / GTM has been incredibly responsive through all this - really going above and beyond to get the ole B11 back up and running.

I really can't thank him enough - I mean I would buy more stuff from him, but I think I have literally his entire catalogue for my bike at this point 🤔

buy your stuff from him, follow his directions, enjoy happy miles on a happy Guzzi.
well, it was not the O2 sensors.

they did require replacing, but now that they're working they can tell me that my right cylinder is getting randomly too much air at zero throttle up to about 5% throttle. AFR bounces from in sync with the left up to about 20% greater. it actually idles okay now mostly, but almost impossible to ride.

I thought it was possibly an exhaust leak... maybe some air was sneaking in at low exhaust pressure and fooling the O2 sensor. so I replaced the header donuts/gaskets and carefully checked every junction, no change. I swapped sensors around, removed and replaced them, etc. no change, no leaks.

so... I guess it must be on the intake side. disassemble, check everything, reseat everything. no change.

huh... okay, well, back to basics. adjusted valves, balanced throttle bodies - at low speed my carbtune meter shows the same bouncing as my powercommander software. no changes.

well... I suppose if the right throttle body was dirty, the butterfly valve might not be closing all the way... and when I reset the TPS, possibly I was not at the true physical zero??? so air leaks in, and that's how it can happen up to 5% throttle. erm, okay... disassemble, clean throttle bodies. I have long noticed a bit sludge dripping down from the right side spring/linkage, and I thought I was pretty good about keeping the oil at the proper level, as has long been discussed here.

they were a bit dirty, and I flushed the stepper motor/valve very well while I was there. I noticed when I flushed it, some dirty fluid came out of the right side throttle body... didn't notice much from the left though. kind of interesting... I thought the stepper would affect both sides pretty equally, so I hadn't really investigated it that thoroughly...

anyway. reassemble, very carefully and...... no change. at all.

I still kind of think it's the throttle body assembly. when I put a bit of pressure on the linkage on the right side (and it takes very very little to do this!), closing it a little more, the AFR stabilizes right away, and then it dies - won't idle and won't start. I have to reset the TPS to get it to start and idle.

so I cleaned the linkage even more thoroughly, but no change. BUT - surely if I can affect them like this, the right side TB is not moving freely enough, right? like it's not returning reliably to a true home/zero position. I flushed the spring very thoroughly, but perhaps the axle/pin the valve rotates on is dirty and allowing the valve to float a bit???

anyway that's tomorrow. I've spent all week on this. well, I also rebuilt / replaced every seal and bearing on the entire bike, and installed Matris suspension components front and rear from the GTM store. suspension feels great!

someone please tell me I've overlooked something painfully, embarrassingly obvious.
What is the mileage on this bike? I've seen similar on high mileage injected BMW oil heads. The shaft for the butterfly wears the throttle body requiring rebuild (install bushings) in the throttle body. You didn't say if you have done compression of leak down test either. Make sure the engine (which is just an air pump) is sound then go after the fueling/fuel delivery.
Wow, nothing found. How about the hose that connects R & L intake manifolds, the one you take off to balance TB's. A solid hose w/o a T that goes to EVAP canister. Just a thought.
My Jackal had wear in one of the throttle shafts. Closer investigation revealed a missing seal on the top of one throttle body, causing wear, and drawing in unwanted air at idle, when it has the most effect. The play in the shaft was obvious.
My "parallel twins" (both with 113K km as we speak) have no issues. Fingers crossed.
I think Scott-M had a source for bushing material from a hobby shop supplier in the past. Not an easy job....
What is the mileage on this bike? I've seen similar on high mileage injected BMW oil heads. The shaft for the butterfly wears the throttle body requiring rebuild (install bushings) in the throttle body. You didn't say if you have done compression of leak down test either. Make sure the engine (which is just an air pump) is sound then go after the fueling/fuel delivery.
it only has 55k kms, so hopefully it's not worn excessively

I haven't done a compression or leak down test, I don't have a gauge here. I'll go get one, but I sure hope it's not that!
Wow, nothing found. How about the hose that connects R & L intake manifolds, the one you take off to balance TB's. A solid hose w/o a T that goes to EVAP canister. Just a thought.
I've long since replaced that hose and secured it with some fancy stainless clamps :) it's sealing very well.
My Jackal had wear in one of the throttle shafts. Closer investigation revealed a missing seal on the top of one throttle body, causing wear, and drawing in unwanted air at idle, when it has the most effect. The play in the shaft was obvious.
My "parallel twins" (both with 113K km as we speak) have no issues. Fingers crossed.
I think Scott-M had a source for bushing material from a hobby shop supplier in the past. Not an easy job....
hmmmmm well I will investigate further. I suppose I can replace the bushes if necessary. I recently found a missing (commonly, it seems, from reading this forum and a comment from @GTM®) seal in the swingarm bearings, so maybe there's a seal missing there too.
well okay.

so, the throttle linkage and cables were dirty and a bit sticky. just enough that they weren't reliably returning to a consistent 'zero'. as a part of the troubleshooting process I've been resetting the tps of course ... but not at a true consistent zero point.

at the same time, the stepper motor has apparently failed in some weird way where it is allowing air all the time but only into the right throttle body???

at some point in the past the O2 sensors must have failed and I was running on just the regular (excellent, I guess!) gtm map, with the auto tune disabled.

so... the exact course of events, I'm not sure of. but I've cleaned the throttle linkage and cables very well and blocked off the stepper completely. then I balanced the TBs and reset the tps at the real zero / physical stop. and it runs fantastic.

I knew the stepper motor of course could let air in... that's its job after all. but I didn't know it could just affect one cylinder, so I discounted it early in the process except for some cleaning / flushing. that's actually what piqued my interest again, when I flushed it the last time with the air box removed I saw the fluid flow out of the right TB only.

jeez what an epic. I leave in two days for a thee week tour, so I'm very happy to have fixed it but this is cutting it a bit close! came pretty darn close to going down and buying a new v85!
If you are only getting air to one side, the other side hose is plugged. When the stepper motor is in the max air pos'n (cold start position)
you can look right through it through the L/R air feed. It doesn't know left from right.
If it is still all apart with the airbox off, check the hoses (compressed air?) from the stepper to each thr. body.
A long time ago, I put in a balance pipe with a ball bearing in the middle to isolate the stepper motor. Then you open the air bypass screws like on earlier models, about one turn right, balanced to 1-3/4 or so left at idle. Worked well with a bit of throttle for a cold start for a few seconds, then good all day. I have lived with the original stepper motors (I have 3) for a few years. Never had a problem with them. I feel your problem could be a plugged air supply to the thr. body.

OK, I own a boat. Whenever I have a problem with the old Perkins, 10 people will gather within a few minutes to offer their opinions free of charge. It is all part of the cameradery. Right now I can barely stand listening to myself :lipssealed:.
Hope your trip works out OK.
If you are only getting air to one side, the other side hose is plugged. When the stepper motor is in the max air pos'n (cold start position)
you can look right through it through the L/R air feed. It doesn't know left from right.
If it is still all apart with the airbox off, check the hoses (compressed air?) from the stepper to each thr. body.
A long time ago, I put in a balance pipe with a ball bearing in the middle to isolate the stepper motor. Then you open the air bypass screws like on earlier models, about one turn right, balanced to 1-3/4 or so left at idle. Worked well with a bit of throttle for a cold start for a few seconds, then good all day. I have lived with the original stepper motors (I have 3) for a few years. Never had a problem with them. I feel your problem could be a plugged air supply to the thr. body.

OK, I own a boat. Whenever I have a problem with the old Perkins, 10 people will gather within a few minutes to offer their opinions free of charge. It is all part of the cameradery. Right now I can barely stand listening to myself :lipssealed:.
Hope your trip works out OK.
yea, I'll sort it when I come back :) it's all back together now and time is short!
Glad you found it, I was going to suggest the short hoses but figured you checked that and the air bleeds cleaning too but you went through that stuff. Have a good trip & ride safe.