For ~20 years, Guzzi has shipped the Cal 11 and the V7s & 1400s with an ignition key locking gas cap. If you live with them long enough, you know they tend to be a little frustrating and can end up binding, and bending or breaking your ignition key if you don't keep the internals lubed. For those who don't care about locking gas caps, or have ended up replacing the cap with another keyed version, I'm offering the knob below that will replace the key tumbler assy.
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GTM Gas Cap Key Knob
GTM® Limited Production Aluminum Gas Cap Key/Knob Replacement Broken key in you gas cap on your Guzzi? Older Cal 1100s have plastic internal parts that swell and become hard to turn. This knob doesn't resolve this, however see our Forum for the how to, or replace the internals with...