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So my Italian Mistress Awaits attention - "new" 07 Norge 2V Questions


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Sep 22, 2022
Reaction score
Seattle wa
She sits in my garage now waiting to give up her secrets of her previous near original owner with 48,000 miles on her. Well broken in. A couple of things;

While ignition is off - RED triangle is flashing. Motor On - No triangle? I took it for a test ride and no issues, ran thru the gears, but when arrived home on trailer dreaded flashing when engiine is off? Hmmmm? What say you?

Battery is 4 years old but charged right up with trickle charger - New one is ordered now with "Chrome Battery" Co. (Used them before, comes with 24 month warranty.) They are great to deal with for a reasonable battery cost.

Previous owner claims *never to have synced the cylinders not did anything with the ECU. Just all the regular oil Redline (10-60) + Light and Heavy trans and shaft lubes. Frequent Valve and alternator belt adjustments. Sparky plug changes both inner and outer. **NO swing arm or Steering head bearing maintenance all these years?

While the paintwork looks as new the underside of the engine and front is covered in oil film? He claims it might have been from when he had a leaking valve cover gasket, or perhaps it is coming from a hose inside the tank? I will be cleaning the engine and chasing that down. Looks to have never cleaned engine cases so I am giving him a pass on that but will be taking off lowers to clean with some simple green. The Canister is disconnected but still in place. Need to trace the hoses to see what is up with that. Need diagram how it should be done correctly. Wondering if oil might be coming from that or from the air box?

Has an Eibach rear spring and Matris fork kit along with a Staintune muffler with Helibar risers behind a tall CalSci windshield making it very comfortable to ride. Has Startus interuptus installed. CARC was replaced in 08 at Moto International and has not seen a dealer since. Claims is has only had Pure-Gas it's whole life.

Looking for words of wisdom as I have yet to figure out the Modes and how to get into the trip meter! Thanks and great to be in the Cult of Guzzi.
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1. Go to DONATE. Kick in and become a contributing Guzzisti.

2. Go to DOWNLOADS (Available to site supporters, and download the Norge 1200 Use Manual v1.0 and Norge 1200 Service Manual and Norge 1200 Parts Manual, and 2007_Norge_ABS or 2007_Norge wiring diagrams)

Then READ the Owners Manual.

It contains all of the information you are looking for. You just need to read it!

Then, read these forums so that you understand how the ignition system works with User Code and Keys, etc. This is a very important concept and you need to understand it right away.
