In my Mandello, I've completely eliminated the play of the mechanism by using several ultra thin washers (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3mm) on some links to take out the play. One important thing is that the mechanism stays aligned vertically and doesn't bind so the springs still work and push the mechanism up (with the motor rod detached). I also put some thin washers between the end of the pins and the circlips to take out the play and rattling noise. Even if it seems tight for a washer, if it goes in with some pressure, that's what I did (especially on the bushings in the outter bracket that hold the windshield. One thing that helped was to use washers in the rod that connects the two arms (the one where the motor rod goes into). I shimmed everything to get rid of any play (inside and outside between arms and circlip.
Lastly, I swapped the upper crinkle washers for new and improved ones (from aliexpress).
The stock washers are rubbish and only have two seating points, which leads to play in the system.
Maybe I should have swapped every crickle washer, but after this there wasn't any play at all.
I rode test it and it works flawessly, with absolutelly no play or noise in bad roads. It's like having a super stury mechanism now.