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Thinking of getting a 2007 1100 Griso, with 10,000 MILES

Makes it harder to find one, as I don't want a black one, the most common paint here.
I always loved the Tenni green one. I thought it was very handsome combination with the brown seat. Good luck in your quest!

It’s a shame really, as I’ve seen so many photos of motorcycles that were not loved properly and the incredibly harsh UK weather had just done its damage all over them.

Here’s hoping a really nice one comes your way!

Ok it's black, but it's local to me. Guy is away on holiday, but, I'm interested.

He posted on the moto guzzi gb forum about transmission noise, said he had to have, and I quote...have the internal clutch in the drive shaft replaced.

This would be the face cam where Guzzi used to use a spring, now replaced by crinkle washers?
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Someone on another bike forum contacted me to say their Griso is for sale.

I asked him a few questions.

He said he'd bought it from someone else on the forum, put it in his garage and covered it. Left it there for a year. He said it was a bit rough cosmetically. I asked for photos .

He got back to me, the bike under the cover was a Breva:lipssealed::think:

This search is not going well.:rofl:
Mixed feelings about this one.

1) Owner had refitted the original Guzzi silencer in the sales photos it is a Termignoni

2) Clutch seems noisy, shame I wore ear plugs when I tested the 1st bike. Sure I've read hear that they are like that.

3) Fuelling was snatchy when coming off a closed throttle. The 1st bike I tested was fitted with a fuel booster, and was infinitely better. I know that ECU upgrades are available...

4) This one didn't break down, so I rode it further, I could feel the strain on the back of my neck. Can bar risers be fitted without having to swap cables & wires? UPDATE Bar risers are available for Grisos
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2 plate clutch will be noisy with the clutch lever squeezed in. There are 3 components running around loose. Should be quiet when clutch engaged. A remap from Todd for your exhaust and intake configuration should smooth things right out.
Clutch was rattling when lever wasn't squeezed in.
Owner said he had to have the Belville washers replaced, I'm thinking that it wasn't perhaps done properly, and where the washers aren't applying enough pressure against the face cams, they are rattling against each other? ( had a face cam shock absorber on a Triton I had years ago) Although that wouldn't apply when stationary. 🤔 :rofl:
I heard the noise when riding along at low revs in a high gear as well.

If in doubt... walk away :)
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Clutch was rattling when lever wasn't squeezed in.
Owner said he had to have the Belville washers replaced, I'm thinking that it wasn't perhaps done properly, and where the washers aren't applying enough pressure against the face cams, they are rattling against each other? ( had a face cam shock absorber on a Triton I had years ago) Although that wouldn't apply when stationary. 🤔 :rofl:
I heard the noise when riding along at low revs in a high gear as well.

If in doubt... walk away :)


There are NO Belleville washers in a Griso clutch.

Face cams? What are you talking about?

Screen Shot 2022-08-19 at 3.31.48 PM.webp
A transmission input shaft is not a clutch.

Furthermore, I think 95% of what this guy wrote, is pure anecdotal hyperbole.

I have no idea what he means by using the incorrect term, “cams”.

Bottom line, this setup has proven extremely stable, and all dry plate Italian clutches, make some noise.

(Wet clutches absorb and deaden clutch sounds.)

If there has been a failure of this design, it is remarkably rare and in truth, I’ve never seen one that has failed. Is is a very robust component.

Perhaps, you are overthinking this and falling prey to the ministrations of those who really may not know what they are talking about.

Some of the early 6 speeds (V11 Sport family) did have an issue with the washers. The later ones, as in the CARC bikes, do not. If you hear the rattling from the gearbox go look for another bike, or take a bunch of pounds off the asking price as the gearbox needs a rebuild.
As you probably all know by now, I do over think most things. The owner said had a bill for £700 to rectify his problem after he bought the bike. Gearbox out and whatever else was involved. Thank you again for your comments.
Items 10 looks to have a cam (ramp?) on one face, oddly it's described as a hose? the unseen side of item 8 probably has the same feature.

This is probably worded better, found it on this site.

G'day Raphael & Pete. Thank you for your prompt replies. The cush drive, in the gearbox, I was referring to is shown in 'BREVA1100_12055_Atel2(GB).PDF page 96)'. It shows the idler gear (which is not connected to the input shaft) and the driven double dog (which is splined to the input shaft). The dogs can ride up ramps in the idler gear, thus compressing the Bellville washers, so providing some antidote to shock loading on the gearbox. (Bellville washers are spring steel convex/concave [depends which side you are looking from] washers which when placed edge together {like so () } make a limited movement spring. By putting multiple pairs in series, the amount of maximum movement is multiplied by the number of pairs. The above reference says 8 Bellville washers (4 pairs).
I had a ride on a two valve v12 today. Only a bit of clutch noise with the lever pulled in, none when released. I did the right thing by walking away from the last Griso I tested.
My thoughts are now going towards a V12.
It never happened, didn't buy another Guzzi.....................

Bought this 1992 Mercedes W124 instead.:giggle:


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