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Todd's Surgery

If not already posted, best wishes to Todd after his surgery for a speedy recovery and hopefully soon back in the saddle.
Thanks guys. Arthroscopic lower back surgery yesterday morning. Degenerative lower spine and herniated disk with massive nerve compression (with a bone spur/spike digging in for the finale) which has been annihilating me for the last ~6 weeks. Though, I have had back issues for ~30 years due to poor genetics and my lifestyle of abusing it in my youth... Bicycle and moto racing, ocean jet-skiing and skydiving.
All said, modern times for this issue here in SoCal are good. What would likely be archaic fusing with massive recovery in the past, is now a snip and shave for nerve clearance. It was an "outpatient treatment." I nearly crawled in, in the morning, and walked out same day.
As someone who has been prone to increasing lower back problems, that is heartening to hear. Hope you heal up well, Todd.

Glad it worked out well for you. I too have lower back disc's that are degenerating. 20yrs ago was 2 bottom ones, From bike wreck in 1970.
Thanks guys. Arthroscopic lower back surgery yesterday morning. Degenerative lower spine and herniated disk with massive nerve compression (with a bone spur/spike digging in for the finale) which has been annihilating me for the last ~6 weeks. Though, I have had back issues for ~30 years due to poor genetics and my lifestyle of abusing it in my youth... Bicycle and moto racing, ocean jet-skiing and skydiving.
All said, modern times for this issue here in SoCal are good. What would likely be archaic fusing with massive recovery in the past, is now a snip and shave for nerve clearance. It was an outpatient "treatment." I nearly crawled in, in the morning, and walked out same day.
Happy to hear this :)
All the best for a speedy recovery and an end to the pain. I'll be watching closely as I'm
Looking at the same thing myself.
MRI next week.
Great news Todd. You'll be back to blasting around the canyons in no time.
Thanks guys. Arthroscopic lower back surgery yesterday morning. Degenerative lower spine and herniated disk with massive nerve compression (with a bone spur/spike digging in for the finale) which has been annihilating me for the last ~6 weeks. Though, I have had back issues for ~30 years due to poor genetics and my lifestyle of abusing it in my youth... Bicycle and moto racing, ocean jet-skiing and skydiving.
All said, modern times for this issue here in SoCal are good. What would likely be archaic fusing with massive recovery in the past, is now a snip and shave for nerve clearance. It was an outpatient "treatment." I nearly crawled in, in the morning, and walked out same day.
That's great to hear Todd. Get well fast! Keep us posted on your recovery sir!
Hope all went well with the surgery , Never easy going into it but when its done its always worth it to go thru it when needed. Heal quickly so you can get back to doing what you like doing... Cheers
Great news on the successful surgery Todd. Recover quickly and hope to see you soon at the shop. I know the guys there miss you.
Oh good! A posting that will let me whine about MY back.

About five years ago I underwent a triple lumbar laminectomy and a cist removal to relieve pressure on the nerves that where going to my legs. It was sucessful and the pain I was having went away never to return.

On June 23rd, a friend (Harley guy) and I took off from Wyoming for the Minnesota State Guzzi Rally in Grand Marais, Minnesota. My back was a bit achey when we left but not too bad. By the time we got to the Rally on the 25th, my back was spasming to the point that I had to go to the emergency room that night. They gave me some anti inflammatory injection (Tordal) and sent me back to my motel. The next day (Saturday) I was much better but didnt do much anyway. On Sunday we headed for home. We stopped for lunch in beautiful Hinckley, Minnesota after 185 miles. I got off the Eldo and my back immediately locked up. Yippee! An ambulance ride to the Hinckley E/R. More Tordal! Find a motel. On Tuesday, my partner rode back to Wyoming by himself while I stayed horizontal at the motel. He returned (800 miles) on Wednesday with his truck and trailer. We loaded up the Eldo and on Thursday he drove me home. On Friday I went to my local doc who did x-rays and informed me that I have a degenerating disc in my lumber spine (coincidentally in the same area as my surgery from 5 years ago). More Tordal, an order for physical therapy, and, "oh, by the way. Get rid of the motorcycle"!

Over the following three weeks my back improved a little and last week I went to see the guy who did my surgery. He confirmed the local guy's diagnosis but suggested I wait for awhile before losing the Eldo.

Last weekend i was greatly improved. Monday I had a big relapse. Today I went back to my real doctor (who was on vacation through most of this). More Tordal, more physical theraphy, non committal regarding selling the bike.

And that is where I am now. The Tordal is working its magic. I feel better. But what the future holds is anyone's guess. So, Todd. I appreciate what you are going through. And since you are muy younger than I am, I'm sure you will recover in no time.
Hi Todd
Good to know you are back and your back pain solved.
Best wishes.
José Murta
Thanks guys. Arthroscopic lower back surgery yesterday morning. Degenerative lower spine and herniated disk with massive nerve compression (with a bone spur/spike digging in for the finale) which has been annihilating me for the last ~6 weeks. Though, I have had back issues for ~30 years due to poor genetics and my lifestyle of abusing it in my youth... Bicycle and moto racing, ocean jet-skiing and skydiving.
All said, modern times for this issue here in SoCal are good. What would likely be archaic fusing with massive recovery in the past, is now a snip and shave for nerve clearance. It was an outpatient "treatment." I nearly crawled in, in the morning, and walked out same day.
Good luck with the recovery. I had a fusion (L3/L4) back in 2011, however my surgeon was a bit of a trailblazer and spent about 1.5hrs slowly moving the muscle layers out of the way needing an absolute minimum of cutting, doing the actual fusion, then taking the same 1.5 hrs to slowly return the muscles back to their original position. He described it as akin to a warm up before exercise and the similar warm down. Virtually no scar tissue in the muscle layers therefore quick and pain free recovery. The result for me was walking the next day with crutches as a backup and within two weeks I was allowed to ditch them. 8 weeks post op, I was riding my quad around the shoot I helped out on and today just over 10 years later, I have no follow up problems. There is definitely life post back surgery
Perhaps you are putting down some ideas for next builds while healing up Todd. Get well soon.

Question: I know a fellow who has lost most feeling and strenghth in left arm and hand do to Covid attacking nerves throughout his body(long hauler.) Would you consider it impossible to engineer an automatic transmission onto 8V big block motor? Man was born to ride like us and is thankful to be alive but damn, hes gotta be able to ride to smile again. He owns a 13 Stelvio.