Just seeing this. In short, most California model seats post '98 will work, yes. No dog bone as these are twin shock models, so you'd need shorter rear shocks, and you can slide the forks up in the triples a few inches as well. Depending on your budget (if on the cheap, I can't be of much help), but if you want custom shocks, see the Store tab at the top of the page.Hey could anyone help me with some small mods for a small man? I’m only 5’4” and I have a 98’ ev 11 cali I wana drop it a couple inches and don’t know where to start. Are seats interchangable on guzzi’s(can I switch out the big corben seat with a low profile seat from a stock guzzi website from a different model guzzi?) And would a dog bone and shorter front forks be sufficient?