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U.S. Relay to the Rally 2009


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Chat below as to the launch of the National Guzzi Relay '09. Announce your name, and area you'd like to handle to Relay the Baton en route to the 38th Annual MGNOC National Rally in Salida, CO.

For sign up, donation to the Injured Rider's Fund, progress and photos, see; http://NationalGuzziRelay.com
Woo Hoo! I'm in:) Couldn't make the rally in Cali... Will not make that scheduling mistake this year;)
This past year, I was able to take the batonwheel to Turkey, Warsaw, Belgrade, Bali, and Verona.

Next year, my goal is to take it to Bolivia, Peru, Carthage, Troy, and Eden (it's lost elsewhere, but we still have it in NC.) We may even go to China Grove.

Jim Wayne
world tourist in eastern NC.
I participated last year. It was a thrill. I'll be waiting to see if I can catch the "baton" again. Thanks again to those in charge.
John G
from Western New York.
I hope I can catch the baton somewhere this time around. As it ended up last year I was at Deals Gap when it went through my area of eastern NY

I might suggest a Southerly/West U.S. trek from Florida, then up the West Coast since it missed the Northwet last year. Again, keep in mind that the baton does not have to make every state, but does need to arrive in Colorado at the National Rally. There it will be again awarded to the Long Distance Rider who came the furthest to CO.

Also of note, the (Guzzi) Injured Rider's Fund was awarded yesterday, and I will be posting the story soon. It would be great if everyone who comes in touch with the baton, to gather donations prior which can build as it goes. Hopefully we can more then double the amount awarded this year ('08). More info on this soon as well.

Happy Holidays!
Todd, I'm not sure if I will make Bike Week this year, its getting kind of old having been there so many times. Most likely I will be at our other home in North Carolina. I can start the voyage from NC down towards Daytona. Maybe someone going south to Daytona can meet me and take it the rest of the way for its start there. I will definately be riding out to Colorado for the Natonal and can help move it later on in its voyage.

I will make sure its shined and lubed for the trip!
Thanks for the post Jerry(!) and welcome back to the revived Forum. I was thinking for some odd reason you might not make it down to Bike Week. So then, who here is headed there?
I'm in central Florida and would like to tag along for the launch...

Hey X, where did you get my bouncing sig smilie on the last board incarnation???

This one?
- copy paste it into your signature -- Ed. X
I'll be at Daytona, and would suggest we start the Baton Rally at the annual Guzzi dinner on Monday evening after a the first day of the
AHRMA races. I hauled the Baton with Dan Raidt from Valdosta, Georgia to the Space Center with Jerrty Dasson and Frank Dugo.
I'm retired have plenty of time and can volunteer many miles.

RandyP wrote:
I'll be at Daytona, and would suggest we start the Baton Rally at the annual Guzzi dinner on Monday evening after a the first day of the
AHRMA races.

Randy, do you know the date of that Monday dinner? I'm trying to make plans to bring the baton down from NC.

The AHRMA races are on March 2 &3. The Dinner is Monday evening the 2nd. If you have any issues in getting down, we could meet
somewhee in between, before the 2nd.

I may be coming to Bike Week, but regardless, we should further the discussion here.
jerryd wrote:
I started a thread on WG. Let's get it rev'd up!
Jerry, while I welcome "chatter" on WG to fuel the movement, I *REALLY* need for the pertinent info/photos/etc. to remain here as it causes too much work for me with everything scattered all over the net, as you can probably imagine. Having no control (to edit) info on WG makes it too tough for me as well. Please invite those who want to participate over to this thread, or you can start a new one, and I'll make it a "Featured/Pinned" Thread.
Todd ;
Randy Peterson and my self will hook up with Jerry on March 2nd and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the baton rolling. We are at your beck and call.


Would it be OK if I called you about upgrading the front suspension on my Norge ?

I have your number.
