Is that an OEM screen?I just put the factory bags on and I can see that you might be able to put the third point brackets on the wrong side, they bend in when looking top down. I didn't do it but it could be possible. The bags slide in firmly but it seems that the passenger seat "spikes" hold the front mounts firmly as well. I like that the mounts are almost invisible with the bags off. I noted that the bag mounting assembly is held in place by nine small screws (the front lower bracket by four of the same) so that explains the limited weight capacity. I don't think these are really designed to take on and off frequently, I'm going to leave them on, I have some liner bags from a previous BMW. Having another key is also a bit of a pain but I've been spoiled by the bags on my K1600GT. All in all, they look good, fit well and should be just fine (I'll let you know if they fall off today!). Also put on the medium screen, the bottom engine case protector (doesn't come up as high as I thought it would) and the center stand. It is much easier to put the stand on with some help.View attachment 30858