Those are typically one time pressed on... not saying it can't be removed, it just might cause damage and be rendered unusable if you do. If you figure out how to remove cleanly, please post.Question...does anyone have any experience with removing the chrome that surrounds the cups? I would like to paint them to match my painted headlight chrome surround. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
See Marc's post above, and as mentioned, if you are handy, you can remove them and cut/sand the excess off. Since I can now 3D print, I might be able to offer a solution to offer folks here. How many would purchase them, and/or how many here can 3D print?If anyone happens to be reading through here and knows the diameter of the gauges on the V7III, I’d appreciate if you were willing to share that knowledge. I’m looking for aftermarket housings or DIY ideas, but I’m not finding anything that looks like it would work. By my best guess, I’d need something around 105mm diameter, and I can’t find anything that big on the market.