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V7 Racer - Oil Questions


Cruisin' Guzzisti
Mar 7, 2012
I'm planning on replacing oil in my bike (2011 V7 Racer with 2600KM/1600miles). Since this is a very recent acquisition, I don't know the exact service history, I will not be able to obtain the service history at the moment and, besides, I am lead to believe the lubricating properties of the oil in the engine have been compromised.

I am uncertain also whether to use conventional or synthetic oil at this break-in stage of the engine. What is recommended by Moto Guzzi? The recommended products in the service manual lead me to believe conventional oil is recommended but it is not clear.

The service manual for the V7 Classic specifies that the oil filter be changed at 1000KM and again at 7500KM. The Owner's manual states change the filter with each oil change. This advice sounds contradictory to me. Should I trust that the 1000KM service was performed and that the filter need not be replaced at this time?

It is difficult to locate 10W60 conventional so I was thinking of using Mobil1 15w50 synthetic. This is the same oil I've been using in my BMW for years and it performs remarkably well. The closest rated, locally available conventional oil is Rotella T 15W40.

I would use only the AGIP 10W60 or Motorex 10W60 synthetic oil. That way you know for sure it meets the factory specs and there is no question about it. I would also change the filter at every oil change, filters are cheap.
The oil is available online, it's pretty easy to get. MG Cycle carries the Motorex 10w60 and the filters as well.
I prefer the Motorex oil because my V7 Classic runs quieter with it than it does with the AGIP.
Cheers !
It's heat that will eventually knock up the oil. The SBs runs very hot, and there are no mineral oils that will stand up to the 140 + *C regularly measured in the sump, only HQ ester-based.
Stick to the recommended quality, brand may be of less interest. Nothing wrong with Agip (Over here Agip actually is the cheapest of the 10W-60s - when you can get it...) but your BMW-dealer do have something suitable on the shelf, as the 10W-60 are used for all M-models.
Filter should be changed at 7500 km intervals, but I'd change it anytime with the oil even if done prematurely. If you do the change by now, you'll have a nice and even 10.000 km mark for the next changes. :woohoo:
Thank you everyone for your input.
Holt said:
It's heat that will eventually knock up the oil. The SBs runs very hot, and there are no mineral oils that will stand up to the 140 + *C regularly measured in the sump, only HQ ester-based.
I'm amazed. Does the oil really run that hot? My experience with motorcycle oil temps is that the oil temps usually hover in the 80 *C range. Most any oil will eventually breakdown in that environment. I'm rethinking my initial conjecture however. I was lead to believe that the oil's lubricating properties were compromised because the bike I bought was in a fire and I couldn't be sure that the heat exposure from the flames had ruined the oil. It certainly did in the brake fluid but it wasn't severe enough to do anything more than minor cosmetic damage to the bike. But, if the oil is designed for 140 *C use, it would not have been affected by the short exposure to heat from the fire.

Holt said:
Stick to the recommended quality, brand may be of less interest. Nothing wrong with Agip (Over here Agip actually is the cheapest of the 10W-60s - when you can get it...) but your BMW-dealer do have something suitable on the shelf, as the 10W-60 are used for all M-models.
I will check the local BMW dealsership for 10W60. The Guzzi dealership wants $30 per liter for the recommended oil, I just found out. I hope the BMW dealership is more reasonable.

Holt said:
Filter should be changed at 7500 km intervals, but I'd change it anytime with the oil even if done prematurely. If you do the change by now, you'll have a nice and even 10.000 km mark for the next changes. :woohoo:
Is the filter a paper-element one? It appeared to me to be metal construction from the service manual pictures so I thought it was OK to leave it in place. I change the filter on my K-bike with each oil change so I guess I'll do the same with the Moto Guzzi, as recommended by others here.
sign216 said:
$30 a liter? Ouch. You can do better online. Some Aprilia scooter shops also carry Agip.
That's an insane price. Got my AGIP supplies (twice) drop-shipped from AGIP USA via http://www.motocarr.com/ in about a week's time for about a third of that shipped to FL (case pricing). Motocarr also has an ebaY storefront.
rbm said:
Thank you everyone for your input.
I'm amazed. Does the oil really run that hot? My experience with motorcycle oil temps is that the oil temps usually hover in the 80 *C range. Most any oil will eventually breakdown in that environment. I'm rethinking my initial conjecture however. I was lead to believe that the oil's lubricating properties were compromised because the bike I bought was in a fire and I couldn't be sure that the heat exposure from the flames had ruined the oil. It certainly did in the brake fluid but it wasn't severe enough to do anything more than minor cosmetic damage to the bike. But, if the oil is designed for 140 *C use, it would not have been affected by the short exposure to heat from the fire.


It does.

This is a regular sight, please note, not a once-in-a-lifetime experience


On cold days ( 10*C or so, I preffer not to go in colder climate than so) it will drop to a freezing 120*C... and I've never seen it below 100-110*C at about 0*C outside temperatur.
If you are worried then just use diesel dino oil. Designed to withstand about twice the temp of oil for petrol engines.

Too hot? Breaking down? :roll: Funny how there are so many 30-35 year old V50's running around. How did they ever survive before synthetic based oils were invented? :lol:

Change the oil often. That's the secret. Pointless buying expensive 10W60 and leaving it in for a long time. Doesn't matter how good the oil is, its the viscosity extenders that get worn down first. Your 10W60 is 10W40 or worse before you know it. Original interval was 3,000km.

I can buy SG rated oil for my bike for $3 - $5 a litre. That's $6 - 10 for an oil change. SD and SE were the common oil ratings when the small blocks came out.

Pointless changing the filter every time too if it is still clear.

Not replying any more to this. Just another oil thread driven by paranoia. :roll:
Morizzi said:
Not replying any more to this. Just another oil thread driven by paranoia. :roll:
Yes, it seems oil polarizes everyone and the discussion degrades into conjecture and wive's tales. When I asked my question, I didn't intend for this to happen.

I'm taking a sample of the oil I have now for an analysis to see where I stand. Yes, it might be overkill -- after all it's only a couple liters of oil and a filter change and I'm done. But I need to know other things as well which the analysis might tell me.

As for the Mobil 1 versus AGIP, I've posed the question to Exxon and hopefully they'll be able to settle the question.

Thanks everyone for participating.

Holt said:
This is a regular sight, please note, not a once-in-a-lifetime experience
BTW, Holt, where did you get the oil temp gauge? MG Cycle? I saw some on their site but nothing exactly like yours. Maybe they changed designs since you purchased. Pretty neat piece of kit and useful also.
Morizzi said:
If you are worried then just use diesel dino oil. Designed to withstand about twice the temp of oil for petrol engines.

Too hot? Breaking down? :roll: Funny how there are so many 30-35 year old V50's running around. How did they ever survive before synthetic based oils were invented? :lol:

Please don't compare the old carbed SBs to the newer lean EFIs. EFIs doesn't have the cooling effect of a rich mixture.

The temp gauge is bought from German Louis.
rbm said:
I'm planning on replacing oil in my bike (2011 V7 Racer with 2600KM/1600miles). Since this is a very recent acquisition, I don't know the exact service history, I will not be able to obtain the service history at the moment and, besides, I am lead to believe the lubricating properties of the oil in the engine have been compromised.

I am uncertain also whether to use conventional or synthetic oil at this break-in stage of the engine. What is recommended by Moto Guzzi? The recommended products in the service manual lead me to believe conventional oil is recommended but it is not clear.

The service manual for the V7 Classic specifies that the oil filter be changed at 1000KM and again at 7500KM. The Owner's manual states change the filter with each oil change. This advice sounds contradictory to me. Should I trust that the 1000KM service was performed and that the filter need not be replaced at this time?

It is difficult to locate 10W60 conventional so I was thinking of using Mobil1 15w50 synthetic. This is the same oil I've been using in my BMW for years and it performs remarkably well. The closest rated, locally available conventional oil is Rotella T 15W40.


Hello robert

Well you have my burnt bike #062 (1062) my BMW r110r 92 burnt in my garage in Oct 2011. Very weird that I found the new owner. The bike has 2200 km and the service was done at 1100km approx. I have a another instrument cluster if you are intersted , small scatch on the top . Send Email maitribe @aol.com
john zibell said:
The ghoul said:
mwrenn said:
MG Cycle carries the Motorex 10w60 and the filters as well.
thats the Motorex POWER SYNT 4T 10W60 correct?

Did you check their web site?
Yes, and could only find the power synth 4t listed, thus why I'm trying to verify if it is the same product that was recommended. I am unframilure with the brand so I am unsure
The ghoul said:
Yes, and could only find the power synth 4t listed, thus why I'm trying to verify if it is the same product that was recommended. I am unframilure with the brand so I am unsure

It's Swiss and it's expensive. :mrgreen:
Thank you everyone for your input.
I'm amazed. Does the oil really run that hot? My experience with motorcycle oil temps is that the oil temps usually hover in the 80 *C range. Most any oil will eventually breakdown in that environment. I'm rethinking my initial conjecture however. I was lead to believe that the oil's lubricating properties were compromised because the bike I bought was in a fire and I couldn't be sure that the heat exposure from the flames had ruined the oil. It certainly did in the brake fluid but it wasn't severe enough to do anything more than minor cosmetic damage to the bike. But, if the oil is designed for 140 *C use, it would not have been affected by the short exposure to heat from the fire.

I will check the local BMW dealsership for 10W60. The Guzzi dealership wants $30 per liter for the recommended oil, I just found out. I hope the BMW dealership is more reasonable.

Is the filter a paper-element one? It appeared to me to be metal construction from the service manual pictures so I thought it was OK to leave it in place. I change the filter on my K-bike with each oil change so I guess I'll do the same with the Moto Guzzi, as recommended by others here.

I just ordered a jug
from this place - They are in Whitby - $60

How are things in the Big Smoke :)


HA HA - Now I see this thread is YEARS old...
Last edited:
Methinks you're overthinking this - in spades! Try this:


In summary, use any reputable brand 10W60 full synthetic.
6D065740-BE93-45B3-B17A-5B626AAA06B7.jpeg Was out on the Honda to day picking up some new foot wear for the Guzzi, oddly enough the Motocross boots don’t fit, can’t get my toe under the shifter !

Anyway, I used to think it had torque, now maybe not so much.

The Stable mates