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V7III - security code options missing?


V11 Sport 4 Life
Aug 13, 2011
Reaction score
Hey folks -
The V7III has been running with the default security code (assuming the dealer didn't set it to something else) and I figured I'd take a moment to reset it to something else. According to the owner's manual, the following configuration options should be available:
  1. Gear shift threshold (rev warning)
  2. Edit user code (security)
  3. Recover user code (security)
  4. Odometer unit selection (mi/km)
  5. Milage unit selection (US mpg / IMP mpg, etc)
  6. Thermometer unit selection (F/C)
The option I want is #2, or possibly #3 if the code isn't set to the default already. However, when I navigate into this menu, all I get are 1, 4, 5, and 6. The two security-related menu options are never displayed at all.

Anyone else run into this? Is there some other magic incantation I should be using to get the security code options to come up?

Hey folks -
The V7III has been running with the default security code (assuming the dealer didn't set it to something else) and I figured I'd take a moment to reset it to something else. According to the owner's manual, the following configuration options should be available:
  1. Gear shift threshold (rev warning)
  2. Edit user code (security)
  3. Recover user code (security)
  4. Odometer unit selection (mi/km)
  5. Milage unit selection (US mpg / IMP mpg, etc)
  6. Thermometer unit selection (F/C)
The option I want is #2, or possibly #3 if the code isn't set to the default already. However, when I navigate into this menu, all I get are 1, 4, 5, and 6. The two security-related menu options are never displayed at all.

Anyone else run into this? Is there some other magic incantation I should be using to get the security code options to come up?

I was not aware the V7 III has a security code. Mine has never asked for one or presented an options use or change it.
I was not aware the V7 III has a security code. Mine has never asked for one or presented an options use or change it.
The last few newer models have had “Enter User Code” on key on. Big bro stepping in.

Sorry I can’t be of help on it Jason. Sounds like a call to Piaggio Customer Service or a good dealer is in order.
The only time it asked me to enter a code is when my battery was going belly-up, and the dash was generally going bonkers. It would prompt me to "enter code", but wouldn't actually let me do it. With a new battery, that issue went away, but it's always been in the back of my mind that I may or may not know the current code (according to the manual, if you haven't change it, the default code on the V7III is "00000" (that's 5 zeros).

Figured it would be good to familiarize myself with it (and set it to better non-default code) before it leaves me stranded someplace.

Also, the manual isn't really clear on this, but my assumption is that the only time it would normally ask to enter the code is if the immobilizer can't read the key fob (or, someone is trying to hot-wire).

Do they even have a security code?
I had to get a replacement ignition key cut so went to a locksmith and he said they is no code and cut me a new one from a blank and it works fine! Only cost $15. (2017 V7 III Special).
Do they even have a security code?
I had to get a replacement ignition key cut so went to a locksmith and he said they is no code and cut me a new one from a blank and it works fine! Only cost $15. (2017 V7 III Special).
Per my post above "The last few newer model (year)s have had “Enter User Code” on key on. Yes they do.
I fell foul of this on my B1100.
One of the female spade terminals in the connector to the antenna on the ignition switch stopped connecting properly so the dash couldn't read the key
If I could have remembered the security code I wouldn't have had to walk home, get the trailer out and go back and fetch the bike.
Rest assured once I had replaced the spade terminal, I reset the code to one I could remember!!!
Hey folks -
The V7III has been running with the default security code (assuming the dealer didn't set it to something else) and I figured I'd take a moment to reset it to something else. According to the owner's manual, the following configuration options should be available:
  1. Gear shift threshold (rev warning)
  2. Edit user code (security)
  3. Recover user code (security)
  4. Odometer unit selection (mi/km)
  5. Milage unit selection (US mpg / IMP mpg, etc)
  6. Thermometer unit selection (F/C)
The option I want is #2, or possibly #3 if the code isn't set to the default already. However, when I navigate into this menu, all I get are 1, 4, 5, and 6. The two security-related menu options are never displayed at all.

Anyone else run into this? Is there some other magic incantation I should be using to get the security code options to come up?


Hi, Jason.

I just picked up a 2017 V7 III Stone, and am experiencing exactly the same problem you describe. Did you ever find a resolution?

No, my assumption is that this model didn't actually use the code yet. The _only_ time I've seen the dash prompt for any sort of code was when the battery went belly-up and the dash wen't totally haywire. Since it got the fresh battery, it has never once prompted for a code, and the options to edit/recover the security code do not exist as options in the menu. If anyone with a V7 III can confirm that they do, in fact, have the options to manage their security code, that would be interesting to know.

Thanks, I think that's a reasonable hypothesis, but I also would love to hear from someone who has the options available.

So, the next logical question seems to be whether or not the bike can be started with a non-chip key at all? Or, are you completely out of luck if the immobilizer stops working or you lose the chip key?

I was thinking of getting a non-chip key cut to act as a backup in cooperation with the code when on long trips.

I'll keep digging, and will post any info that I find.
