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V85TT Air Box Lid Mod

Glad @GerryAZ cleared up the missing seal concern.

I just did the 12.4K service on my '22 V85 Oreo Guard and was curious, given the chatter among V85 folks about "poor air box design, etc.," how much debris of various kinds might be in the air box.

Answer: Not a visible mote.

The several fasteners take care of any plastic irregularities.

Reinstallation went swimmingly until one of the lower clips -- #13 "spring" -- disappeared into the nether regions. Many curses later, I found it with a flashlight and contortions on the floor. Retrieved it with a magnet. Had worried that it had gone into the TB. :swear:


P.S. Gerry, as I am married to the Perfect Pillion & Polish Princess, I am ecessarily obliged to use OEM air filters, as they are made in Poland. :clap::h:
Good morning (again).

Saw this one from you after I replied to the other.

You are obviously way more fastidious and careful than I am in such things -- e.g., as in this air box discussion. That is NOT meant as mocking your position; if anything, it's intended to be self-deprecating in an embarrassed sort of way.

I'll let the engineers here (and there are several) address your specific questions about possible damage and mitigating future issues, but my approach with my motorcycles over the years is not to get too worked up over "sky is falling" web tempests.

I view this one as such, but still thought it prudent to check earlier when I first read about and again while doing the 12.4K service recently here in the Moto Grappa. In both instances, I noted the (slightly) misshapen sides of the air box, but, when installed into the groove with seal and the fixing screws tightened, all was well. And, I did not find anything in there except air!

[As an aside, FWIW, I did not replace the "missing flap" at the bottom and even removed the one there.]

All of the above said, I'll view with interest any comments from the know SME's here to the contrary.

Hope to see you next week as AJ and I head to Tennessee from the top of Virginia.


My 2020 airbox fit's together nicely. I read similar stories of poor fits, it may be taking the time to ensure all is lined up properly.

Ditto on the 'gasket' in question being unnoticeable.
As for the airbox, I might be overreacting a bit. I know it's probably not to big of a deal at this point, but I'm glad I caught it now. I bought the bike used but it was basically brand new, and it just sucks to know the engine was taking in fine dust.
I learned of the unfortunate news that the airbox sucks, which has me concerned. I checked mine tonight and sure enough there was some dust. Not a ton, but dust has made it through the airbox seam.
Combined with this thread. ALWAYS SEARCH AND READ BEFORE STARTING A NEW THREAD, PLEASE. The leak is past the filter, not the seam. Covered in the thread above.