• Ciao Guest, The owner of this website and GTMotoCycles.com lost his home completely on the morning of January 8th in the L.A. Wildfire Storm. Most of his neighborhood is gone, and a few friends were killed along with their pets. The GTM SHOP and STORE are functioning normally, but we DEMAND EXTREME PATIENCE on orders as we are a SMALL business and Todd usually has his hands on nearly every order before it goes out. You can find more info on a post named L.A. Wildfires in the USA section. Our heart and best go out to everyone in this horrific disaster.

V85TT Brake Bleed Issues

On my brake switch the actual plastic housing was broken and the little plastic plunger was not held firmly in its normal track. Occasionally the returning brake lever would fail to push it back up and turning off the brake light. Rube Goldberg repair on the plastic switch box would not have ever been confidence inducing. As I recall the switch was well less than $100 against taking it apart again..
Just read a post about putting a banjo bolt with a bleeder in the top of the line from the rear master to the anti skid pump/computer. Can anyone shed some light on the location and what must be done to get there. Comment indicated that routine bleeding gave great results because it was the high point. I just re-bled mine again with horrible results. Had the caliper clamped to a ladder as far above the seat as it would reach. In the past this has been the only way to get satisfactory results. Working with front only off road is a bit dicey. I’d sure like a stiff touchy rear brake. Merry Christmas
Recently have concluded that my rear master cylinder is part of my persistent brake problem. Evidently Moto Guzzi does not offer either a kit or individual parts for this master. A replacement master cylinder is available for $381!!. Anybody have a resolution to rebuild one of these?
Mike, $155 - online below, unless you will continue to ignore me for business needs. ;)

Thanks Todd. You are certainly correct. They (master cylinders) are readily available as you would expect since they are Brembo. The techs at All Balls have indicated that if I will give them dimensional data and cylinder source (Brembo) they will either sell me seals (pennies) or identify an existing kit. I’d like to do that if I can. I have two of these already and would like avoid storing a third for a couple of 10 cent seals. Appears this particular 13mm Brembo has been a staple for Ducati and Moto Guzzi for a couple of decades. How bout Moto Guzzi offering no solution other than a new master just like yours for $381!? Thanks again. I’ll keep you advised.
Thanks Todd. You are certainly correct. They (master cylinders) are readily available as you would expect since they are Brembo. The techs at All Balls have indicated that if I will give them dimensional data and cylinder source (Brembo) they will either sell me seals (pennies) or identify an existing kit. I’d like to do that if I can. I have two of these already and would like avoid storing a third for a couple of 10 cent seals. Appears this particular 13mm Brembo has been a staple for Ducati and Moto Guzzi for a couple of decades. How bout Moto Guzzi offering no solution other than a new master just like yours for $381!? Thanks again. I’ll keep you advised.
You can thank lawyers for not having kits available. Brembo stopped supplying kits for liability issues. Also rebuilds often are a waste of time. Just get the new master from Todd. I stopped rebuilding master cylinders years ago as the success rate on older masters is very low.
Thanks John. Todd you get that MC in the mail yet? How do I pay for it?