So I had a shop CNC machine a backplate and had a back rest installed. The bolts are very industrial, I know. I'll be getting some allen bolts that are more flush, maybe black powder coat the backplate and the backrest adapter, or just keep them as it is, I haven't decided yet.
The backplate is stainless steel of 2mm thickness. I had them cut the Moto Guzzi "logo" on the backplate, which I drew by hand, which is fine, but not the best MG logo. I honestly didn't care since I just wanted to test the backplate and it was only something like $40 to make.
I would probably make one out of 4-5mm thick stainless steel IF I decide to cut a proper MG logo on it. If I decide to do it without the logo, then I think 2mm is enough.
I had a 75 kg (165 lbs) passenger test it, and they said they didn't feel any flexing of the backplate, but I would probably just increase the thickness for safety.
And in case anyone was meaning to ask, I hate top cases.
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