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Vacuum Gauges / meters

I've been persevering with the dial gauges for years, until I saw this post. I bought a Carbtune Pro as I could source it locally. All I can say is, "What a difference". Thanks Scott.

This makes me so very happy! I’m so glad you like it. It’s a wonderful tool.

You’ve made my day. Thank you very much. 👌👍🙏
…Only thing I have noticed if I don't use them on a frequent basis that you may need to tap on the tube to get the rod to move in one or the other tubes.
I like a bounce to them & unfocus my eyes to see both at same time.

Yes, occasionally one or more of my rods will exhibit some stiction.

As a compensatory mechanism to alleviate the issue, I have just gotten used to shaking the unit up and down a few times to make sure that the tubes move freely. I’ve never failed to get everything moving just like it is supposed to.

The instructions are adamant that no lubricant or liquid of any kind, ever be introduced into the housing! I think that would mess up the whole system indeed.

It is probably just general moisture in the air that causes the stiction issue, this and the fact that the hoses are very long and always connected, so air flow in there would be negligible.

I’ve been meaning to just toss a few leftover desiccant packets from food products, into the factory soft case provided with this tool to see if that helps.
Seen as I know what I'm doing I have never read the paperwork, glad I haven't put any liquid in it. I have wondered about doing that SO
I paid less & didn't get the case, just the tool & hose plus restricters.
Most welcome, Steve.

She really is a nice tool and although my Carbmate is my personal first choice, the Carbtune has one HUGE advantage in that she requires no electricity to function at all.

There is something to be said about the allure of simplicity. 👌👍🙏