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Vibration V7iii


Tuned and Synch'ed
GT Contributor
Dec 2, 2020
Sanlucar de Guadiana Spain
Hello! I know there are a lot of vibration threads here and elsewhere and I have searched and read them. All I want to ask is 'Is this vibration normal?' I have a 6 month old V7iii Stone with 5000 km on it. At 130 km/h in top gear it rumbles up through the pegs and in the handlebars especially if going up a gradiant or over taking. If I drop down a gear it is still there but less. I have no rev counter. I estimate the rpm when the rumble starts at 4500. Most designers would design the gearing so in top at motorway limits you are at the peak of the torque curve but this doesn't feel like it at all. I am riding back to Scotland from southern spain in a month but now I am worrying about what the vibration will do to me! I know these engines vibrate more than most. I know what V twins are like, I have a Ducati Desert Sled which I made the same trip on last year. As I said, not a buzz but a rumble.....Is it normal?
You're asking a tough question. Everybody has a different opinion on how much is a lot.
First and most importantly is this something new or the same as it's been from new. If new get the tires up in the air and look them over carefully for lumps, bumps, etc. At the same time wiggle them for wheel bearing failure. Did you add engine protectors, change the exhaust, or similar. assuming your speedometers are as off as ours 130 should be 80.7 MPH. In reality, it's more like 74-75 depending on tires. For hills especially at 3000 feet above sea level that's about as slow as you need to be in sixth. At an honest 90MPH, you should be getting a bit of tingle but not much. If the tires and bearings are feeling good look for anything hitting the frame that then touches the engine and check 100% of all bolts for tightness.
You're asking a tough question. Everybody has a different opinion on how much is a lot.
First and most importantly is this something new or the same as it's been from new. If new get the tires up in the air and look them over carefully for lumps, bumps, etc. At the same time wiggle them for wheel bearing failure. Did you add engine protectors, change the exhaust, or similar. assuming your speedometers are as off as ours 130 should be 80.7 MPH. In reality, it's more like 74-75 depending on tires. For hills especially at 3000 feet above sea level that's about as slow as you need to be in sixth. At an honest 90MPH, you should be getting a bit of tingle but not much. If the tires and bearings are feeling good look for anything hitting the frame that then touches the engine and check 100% of all bolts for tightness.
Thanks for the kind reply. No I do not think this is new. Up until now I have only been running the bike in so my trips have been 300 km runs into the mountains. Almost no highway work. And with lots of gear changes the vibration has not worried me. I guess I hoped it would decrease as the bike wore in. Now with 550 km days needed and highway work the rumble is a pain in the ass(!) and it is a rumble, it really feels like an imbalance in the engine and is much accentuated by load on the engine. I will carefully check the bike over and check the tyres. I have just replaced the rear. But the vibration, to me, seems to come from the front of the engine.
I know it's a 90deg V Twin, but it's still a 2 cylinder machine with no counter-balancing.
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate the nature of the engine, I do wonder though why what I am asking about comes on at this particular rpm and increases so noticeably with load. I am going to try a new fuel map, it will be interesting to see if it changes the vibration.
Am assuming you have checked your engine mounting bolts are all torqued correctly?