• NOTICE: Starting March 24, we are shifting a user Account upgrade (donation) to post here. Once you've created an account, see the SITE SUPPORT section at the bottom on how to upgrade. This is to help try and cover site costs, and reduce redundant and argumentative posts. Search, read, before staring a new thread. We will still require ONE post in the Intro section to introduce yourself (NO QUESTIONS - THEY WILL BE DELETED). Small $ donations via our link above will not be considered. Also to NOTE, the owner here lost his home in the LA Wildfire storm in January; See the USA section for more details. Your compassion and understanding on use of this site is expected, it is NOT a free social media platform.

Wall of moronic shame...

Thanks for showing your true colors here.
And from RB USA…

And the icing on the cake from ‘ol davethewelder posted on our Google Business page.
@scottmastrocinque (and our minions)- sorry you got sucked on on it too.

Wow. I have no idea who this guy, David Spin, is at all.

I’m amazed that I am classified as a “henchman”. That’s comical as in case anybody wants to really know, Todd and I have never met in person, ever. I have no position or power or influence at Guzzi Tech whatsoever. I am just another member. I have donated money to the site to help with it because I have benefited from it. I have received no special treatment or dispensation from Todd or anybody else here.

Also if you actually take the time to read some of my posts, anybody can find posts where I have disagreed with Todd on different things over the years but it has never been rude or uncivilized.

Now, as to “berating members for daring to ask a question”, are you serious? I have more replies to other members for their questions, than just about anybody else on the site. I have written many detailed “how to” guides and detailed explanations of various aspects of Moto Guzzi design, operation, and repair.

What I have done is repeatedly pointed out to people that SEARCH is your best friend because there are very few topics that you can bring up that have not already been exhaustively covered before. Nobody wants a forum of the same thing over and over simply because some idiot isn’t willing to invest any personal effort to find and read the answers for themselves, or at least to familiarize themselves with the current answers before posting a different question.

Lastly, it is true, I have very little good things to say about the drive-by-posters who just want to be spoon fed answer after answer. That type of “helpless individual” or “an overblown sense of entitlement” behavior, is just incredibly rude to go to a forum and act like that. I do hate it.

I’ve told people this before and I am never afraid to repeat it again, “If you have a problem with me, click my name and then select ‘Ignore’. You won’t see anything I wrote or have written. Go live your life in peace and leave me be.”

I’m too old, too independent, and frankly, not interested in people’s bullshit. I couldn’t care less about whatever personal vendetta or beef you have with me. Especially somebody who I cannot even identify.

Those whom I have helped, I helped with joy and goodwill in my heart. If you benefited from my actions, I have never asked for accolades, laurels, or compensation of any kind.

All I have asked is that you “please pay it forward” by helping somebody else.

If that’s “showing off my inflated resume” well that’s some incredible “spin” if there ever was any.

This being said, I don’t understand the nastiness lately of people here and on other forums I have been on.

I’ve taken breaks from this place in the past because of it and I’m beginning to think it’s time for me to completely withdrawal from Guzzi Tech and any other online forum I have been a member of. I don’t need the stress or aggravation.

I can repair any motorcycle in the world. I have every tool anybody could ever need. I own 15 personal motorcycles of my own, have my own gigantic workshop on my property, and those whom I call “friend” know 100% that they can count on me because I know that I can count on them.

Yes, you self-absorbed, over-bloated sense of self-importance, crazy sons of bitches (like this asshole David Spin) who do not know me at all, you can go ahead and tear into me with great abandon for no reason at all. Knock yourself out!

I tell you with a clear conscience and a happy heart, “Go Fuck Youself! I couldn’t care less what you think. You mean absolutely nothing to me.”

At the end of the day, my life is beautiful and the people I allow into my life are some of the most incredible people and I am so blessed to have them in my life. They add incredibly to the richness of my life and I am grateful for them.

I have this on the wall at the entry to my home.

“May those who love us, love us. For those who do not love us, may God turn their hearts, but if he cannot turn their hearts, we pray that at least he turns their ankles, that way we will know them by their limping.”


Is David Spin, “davethewelder”? 😵‍💫

Maybe I missed that connection. If it is, then I am even more dumbfounded because to the best of my knowledge, we’ve never had any negative words. 🧐
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It is really unfortunate that people today are unreasonable about most everything. They don't like being held accountable or admitting accountability. I was a software product manager for GE responsible for a multi-million dollar software product. I was held accountable to the customers across the globe. Many different cultures to deal with so at times there was a lot of sensitivity dealing with some customers. But at the end of the day all were reasonable and understanding. If you look at this guys Facebook page he has ZERO friends. Geez I wonder why? Unfortunately some damage maybe done by one dumb ass. I should probably stay out of this mess but I couldn't help myself.
Is David Spin, “davethewelder”? 😵‍💫
Maybe I missed that connection. If it is, then I am even more dumbfounded because to the best of my knowledge, we’ve never had any negative words. 🧐
Yes it is. I have to wonder if he suffers from bi-polar disorder.
But at the end of the day all were reasonable and understanding. If you look at this guys Facebook page he has ZERO friends. Geez I wonder why? Unfortunately some damage maybe done by one dumb ass. I should probably stay out of this mess but I couldn't help myself.
I’d say 98% of our customers are solidly good people. The more popular the brand has become, the more it opens things like this up for us here, and social media makes it 1000x worse.
After a dozen emails of questions all covered by what he was given, he refused to even try to read anything, instead wanting to be hand held via email. I asked him to download their free software and learn how to pull and send us the map, or mail back the device for us to look at. He refused, in telling me “he shouldn’t have to” and then posted those words on social media, where he hopes to create collateral damage.
I have many good friends around the globe that have my back when they see things like that. So I grabbed it and brought it here where I can respond without time wasting arguments.
I really do try my best to be of help with products I have very little control of functionality. Mapping options (that won't destroy your ECU) is one of them. Rapidbike has made it very difficult for me to protect my intellectual property, that I give away for free with the devices.
Bike state of service and tune on these systems is paramount. He refused to confirm any of those me either, so my fault again. Oh well. Onward.
I will say this about Todd
We had a shaky start when I installed his kit on my 1400 but once Todd realized that it wasn't "User Error" he was absolutely tenacious at getting the mapping all straightened out, in fact going by the time & date stamps on his email responses to me I've come to the conclusion that he doesn't sleep or take a day off. I still think the coolest thing ever ( to this old guy ) was watching Todd remote tuning my bike while I sat in my carport having a Beer and cigar.
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Hi gang, cant log in at work and it has been shit lately!
Now for Todd and Scott...
Todd, have not been able with workload to download my map on the V7iii Special, will deal with
it soon and send it to you! As for the V7ii Stornello the map I have is working pretty good, not
as well as I would like but I in no way blame Tood! My thought is I need to get off my dead ass
and do some maintenance on it! Scott is just a butthead but I like him. Blah, Blah ,Blah. As far as
I am concerned, the people who are posting shit are exactly that, SHIT! Welcome to the WOKE world where
no one can work with someone to get satisfaction, instead turning into fuckers at the drop of a hat. Since I have
been on this site I have never been made to feel the fool. Probably because I can think for my self and my own actions
and also because I can take the time to look shit up and read!!! I could go on and on, but to Todd and Scott it is very simple.
FUCK THEM!!! When you buy a brand that has its issues, and you dont want to spend the time learning about them, then
SELL IT and get something else!
Okay, I am done for tonight, Merry Christmas and Happy Easter.........
Another one below. Making custom parts for a 8~18 year old Griso for $100 and people still complaining means I am pretty much done with those. On the whiner below, my coaters twice lost parts and waited weeks to tell me. This was communicated to him, and I offered to cancel and refund, which he refused and said he'd wait. I got this out to him just after the fire took my home.
I have a growing list of people I’ve blocked from ordering on the GTM Store. Do this or dispute a charge without asking for a refund, and we’re done. I am VERY CLEAR that we are online ONLY, we do NOT MAKE OR RECEIVE PHONE CALLS. They are a time suck waste with nothing in writing to document what is spoken of.
When one comes here to further push their point, I will start calling them out. I will not pay for people to lash out here over hand-made one off parts. One step closer to the end.

Griso Fender Eliminator
Product good. Service terrible.
First the product is good. Nice tody work. However it took literally months to obtain. That was after being told they would get it out of me the week after I ordered it. Zero communication at all. No phone number to call to ask about the order. Yes I know it's a small business but customer service is a thing. They almost never replied to my emails. In fact I suspect me posting on their forum spurred them to reply one time. This is the forum posting they actually allowed me to post. Not the one they censored because I was complaining. Anyway it's a good product but I won't waste my time with this company again.

Simon Pearce
simhampea@ gmail.com
If this site and Todd's shop went away then I and my bike would be snookered. Just a little reminder that if you can give a little, give. Support the Store. FFS. The man lost his house and everything in it and he's still going to work every day to take care of business the best he can. The Shop, and the Website, and the ADVICE, are a labor of love. It doesn't mean he should go tits up making it happen.
Wow. I have no idea who this guy, David Spin, is at all.

I’m amazed that I am classified as a “henchman”. That’s comical as in case anybody wants to really know, Todd and I have never met in person, ever. I have no position or power or influence at Guzzi Tech whatsoever. I am just another member. I have donated money to the site to help with it because I have benefited from it. I have received no special treatment or dispensation from Todd or anybody else here.

Also if you actually take the time to read some of my posts, anybody can find posts where I have disagreed with Todd on different things over the years but it has never been rude or uncivilized.

Now, as to “berating members for daring to ask a question”, are you serious? I have more replies to other members for their questions, than just about anybody else on the site. I have written many detailed “how to” guides and detailed explanations of various aspects of Moto Guzzi design, operation, and repair.

What I have done is repeatedly pointed out to people that SEARCH is your best friend because there are very few topics that you can bring up that have not already been exhaustively covered before. Nobody wants a forum of the same thing over and over simply because some idiot isn’t willing to invest any personal effort to find and read the answers for themselves, or at least to familiarize themselves with the current answers before posting a different question.

Lastly, it is true, I have very little good things to say about the drive-by-posters who just want to be spoon fed answer after answer. That type of “helpless individual” or “an overblown sense of entitlement” behavior, is just incredibly rude to go to a forum and act like that. I do hate it.

I’ve told people this before and I am never afraid to repeat it again, “If you have a problem with me, click my name and then select ‘Ignore’. You won’t see anything I wrote or have written. Go live your life in peace and leave me be.”

I’m too old, too independent, and frankly, not interested in people’s bullshit. I couldn’t care less about whatever personal vendetta or beef you have with me. Especially somebody who I cannot even identify.

Those whom I have helped, I helped with joy and goodwill in my heart. If you benefited from my actions, I have never asked for accolades, laurels, or compensation of any kind.

All I have asked is that you “please pay it forward” by helping somebody else.

If that’s “showing off my inflated resume” well that’s some incredible “spin” if there ever was any.

This being said, I don’t understand the nastiness lately of people here and on other forums I have been on.

I’ve taken breaks from this place in the past because of it and I’m beginning to think it’s time for me to completely withdrawal from Guzzi Tech and any other online forum I have been a member of. I don’t need the stress or aggravation.

I can repair any motorcycle in the world. I have every tool anybody could ever need. I own 15 personal motorcycles of my own, have my own gigantic workshop on my property, and those whom I call “friend” know 100% that they can count on me because I know that I can count on them.

Yes, you self-absorbed, over-bloated sense of self-importance, crazy sons of bitches (like this asshole David Spin) who do not know me at all, you can go ahead and tear into me with great abandon for no reason at all. Knock yourself out!

I tell you with a clear conscience and a happy heart, “Go Fuck Youself! I couldn’t care less what you think. You mean absolutely nothing to me.”

At the end of the day, my life is beautiful and the people I allow into my life are some of the most incredible people and I am so blessed to have them in my life. They add incredibly to the richness of my life and I am grateful for them.

I have this on the wall at the entry to my home.

“May those who love us, love us. For those who do not love us, may God turn their hearts, but if he cannot turn their hearts, we pray that at least he turns their ankles, that way we will know them by their limping.”


Is David Spin, “davethewelder”? 😵‍💫

Maybe I missed that connection. If it is, then I am even more dumbfounded because to the best of my knowledge, we’ve never had any negative words. 🧐
"I’m amazed that I am classified as a “henchman”."

"Henchman" sounds like a cool thing to be. I see you behind the wheel of THIS bad boy, Scott.

Funny! I would love to restore that van!

Reality is ever funnier.

My "Bad Boy" conveyance...

FWIW: My heart goes out to Todd for all the shit he has and continues to take from this place on a daily basis, and this on top of the destruction of his home in the LA wildfires. Truly gut wrenching.

I had to really back away from GT because it was seriously negatively affecting my life and mental state of mind.

I just cannot cope with vexatious people and those who insist on playing the victim or acting helpless.

I come from a time when motorcyclists knew everything there was to know about what was going on with that 2 wheeled monster vibrating underneath their balls.

We are far from helpless and can effect repairs on just about anything on our mounts.

Hell, put most of us in a hardware store parking lot, and we can fabricate just about anything or any repair on the fly! I've done it so many times I've lost count.

Unfortunately, we are a fast dying breed.

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Funny! I would love to restore that van!

Reality is ever funnier.

My "Bad Boy" conveyance...

FWIW: My heart goes out to Todd for all the shit he has and continues to take from this place on a daily basis, and this on top of the destruction of his home in the LA wildfires. Truly gut wrenching.

I had to really back away from GT because it was seriously negatively affecting my life and mental state of mind.

I just cannot cope with vexatious people and those who insist on playing the victim or acting helpless.

I come from a time when motorcyclists knew everything there was to know about what was going on with that 2 wheeled monster vibrating underneath their balls.

We are far from helpless and can effect repairs on just about anything on our mounts.

Hell, put most of us in a hardware store parking lot, and we can fabricate just about anything or any repair on the fly! I've done it so many times I've lost count.

Unfortunately, we are a fast dying breed.

View attachment 39164
Well said, Scott.
When we are saying our prayers, let's remember to put in a good word for the mechanics who really know what they are doing, for the small businessmen, for competent educators, for firefighters, for everyone who does the best they can with whatever life throws at them, for farmers and crop pickers, and for the U.S.A.
Let's be nice to each other...especially the henchmen!
About a dozen reasons why I just need to stop being helpful, seen HERE. If you think I’m rude and abrasive now, post online like above and see. You get what you give. Nice that people say I deserved to lose my home. Thanks for the rare few that spoke up there, buried as a reply to someone else's post.
I have endured being called everything under the sun for having promoted and defended Todd over the years. I have been called “Todd’s Boy” and “amazing you can talk with Todd’s Cock down your throat”, and other such tidbits. (Truly comical as although Todd and I have spoken before and communicated many times, we have never actually met in person).

This vicious behavior is one of the reasons I withdrew so much from here.

I too, have endured the wrath of people who came here, starting bullshit, which I call out every time, or asking the most stupid questions you can imagine or making wild claims not based in any sense of reality, to which I also called out. People don’t like it when you call their bullshit. You instantly become the asshole bad guy. It is unavoidable.

Vis a vis this recent Reddit do-dah… The chief complaint I see over and over is really two-fold and a kicker.

1. People complain because they cannot just jump in a forum and ask the same questions, already asked and answered a hundred times. They are unwilling to use any search function, even thought the Google option works fantastic everytime. They just want instant answers, spoon-fed to them.

2. People get mad because they cannot get their parts and accessories overnight or in 2-3 days. They think everybody is Amazon.com and this is patently false. They believe that sending multiple emails over and over, will somehow speed things up when in fact, it does the exact opposite as more time must be wasted to sort through the repetitive requests.

The kicker is that good, bad, or indifferent, Todd is frazzled. Who the hell wouldn’t be given his circumstances? I feel for the guy. Truly. Just like me, Todd can become gruff if pushed, but I’ve never noticed this as an issue from the word “go”.

Most people have forgotten that you accomplish more with honey than with vinegar.

I think people assume way too much and they push in ways that they don’t see themselves.

There are always going to be people who have nothing nice to say about anything or anybody. They congregate on stupid “bitch-fest” sites like Reddit. You cannot escape them. All you can do is ignore them.

No matter what you do, you cannot win over the brain dead. There is simply way too many of them.
About a dozen reasons why I just need to stop being helpful, seen HERE. If you think I’m rude and abrasive now, post online like above and see. Nice that people say I deserved to lose my home. Thanks for the rare few that spoke up there, buried as a reply to someone else's post.
Holy Crap!
I read the Reddit posts and they just made me ill. F those guys.
There's some big time haters for sure. It was nice to see a few defenders towards the end of the posts.
After Raven's post, I figured it was a nudge to post my own experiences on Reddit a few minutes ago. How they came up with "Financial-Detail7688" for my name is beyond me.
My bike is in Todd's shop right now for brake upgrades. I have not taken it anywhere else since I bought it used in 2020.
Those haters can suck eggs.
About a dozen reasons why I just need to stop being helpful, seen HERE. If you think I’m rude and abrasive now, post online like above and see. You get what you give. Nice that people say I deserved to lose my home. Thanks for the rare few that spoke up there, buried as a reply to someone else's post.
Todd, why don’t you just come clean?
Tell everybody about the day that you slept with all of their hot spouses’.
That’s the only explanation that would make sense to those of us on the outside looking in.

The degree of hate you attract for no apparent reason is insane.

Either you put somebody out of business or knocked up their trophy wife, because judging from the inraweb flotsam, there is no legitimate reason for people to get so triggered.

Man, don’t think for a moment that I don’t get it. Your business is intimately linked to the online crowd, but if a guy gets mugged and murdered for $15 in New York, hard to expect anything less savage and unwarranted when exposed to the plebe.

BTW, business is changing in a very big way. There is a growing number of Americans willing and able to pay premium for items, tech and service made in the USA.

I am hardly the one to take recommendations from, but pivoting in this direction and leaning into those of us that have always valued endemic products might just be the ticket.

I would go as far to remove everything from the public domain and offer it behind a pay wall. Yea, you may lose a lot of your base, but those that remain or new members you attract will likely prove to be more profitable and much less bitchy.

... Just a few words from one of the few on here who are under 40.

I’m not denigrating all you older fellows with a wealth of knowledge; I totally value your cumulative know-how and the fact that you are still in the game; I’m just pointing out the truth, most of the fire breathers on those other sites are also up there in age, regrettably their attitude betrays the fact that they never learned better.

-Hire an assistant to engage online and don't touch a computer again. You'll be happier for it. Thats what I do, shit, I hired two.
Todd, why don’t you just come clean?
Tell everybody about the day that you slept with all of their hot spouses’.
That’s the only explanation that would make sense to those of us on the outside looking in.
The degree of hate you attract for no apparent reason is insane.
Heh, I so wish I had such a reason. The small handful of haters is simply because people don't get their way, and don't like that I don't bow down to their expectations and demands. This is a hobby turned business, and some simply can't wrap their heads around the fact that I am still a SMALL business, and we mostly build or import products to paid order. Amazon is ruining all small businesses, especially ones like mine.
The real head-scratcher is that many before me, who are still revered in the Guzzi community, did less and offered nothing to the community other than words, and they all collected $ to do so. I've done so here since 2001 for free, and the criticism has only ramped up the anger when people land here and start making argumentative and condescending comments and demands.
My online STORE has brought anger and rage mostly because people simply will NOT READ ANYTHING. It's all covered here and on the order page, shipping policy pages and order email invoice/receipt. We do NOT stock most parts. We're way too small, and Guzzi being such a small brand, it makes no sense. People would rather blindly throw money at garbage from overseas, and love to challenge my work with no proof to show other than childishly name-calling me, and yelling that I charge too much for quality products I developed, rather than diluted and stolen data. They will all be gone in a short time with no where to turn, and it seems most are OK with this. It's also shown where people love to come here and talk about products they buy elsewhere. I had one special request for engine parts that were impossible to find. I sourced them, the owner installed them himself, blew the motor up almost a year later, and then returned them and demanded a full refund... Then proceeded to sue me over it.
I provide proof and data (using my decades of professional experience) of what I develop and offer here, and/or have bought them to test and offer my thoughts here. Some people seem to hate me for it. Take it or leave. This is a site I pay for... It's a global reference to many sites and videos I've stumbled on, and have been linked to see.
I've used this line before... Jealousy breeds contempt.
I will take your advice, and will be stepping away from the site more here. Starting Monday, it will be (post) accessible to site DONORS ONLY.
I enjoy your words here, and appreciate your thoughts and posts.