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What are these two plugs on the 2021 V85?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Sep 16, 2021
Austin, TX
Hey guys,
Whilst poking around the bike (verifying that I could connect to the diagnostic port) I found two other connectors hanging around.

  1. You can see a Gray loose connector in the picture on the left (which lives between battery and the ECU)
  2. Then there is the other loose connector as seen in the right picture which has the two red dots as seen below (found "between" the air cleaner and the battery.)
Might anyone know what they are for? Just call me curious.
Thanks to all in advance!

20210924_155252.jpg 20210924_155300.jpg
The left one is the same for the earlier models too. It's the diagnostic plug, you connect it to the USB port your computer via an adaptor cable (available from Lonelec and possibly others).

The other connector I'm guessing might be a SAE connector. It would help if your removed the cover so we could see.
For some reason I was under the impression that the 2021 Diagnostics port (could be more than one on this bike right?) is the one held in place by a bracket alongside the ECU as seen below left.

Push the release and it comes off as can be seen in my hand below right. I do have a connector that converts this port into an OBDII connector which I have used. As mentioned above, is there a better way here?
20210929_143136.jpg 20210929_143151 (1).jpg

The two ports I am asking about are shown below with their caps off of them for clarity.
20210924_155252.jpg 20210929_153825.jpg
Red Two-Dot
Red dot Connector.png 20210929_153749.jpg

I'm wide open to suggestions but at the moment am not worried since I don't see a need for either today.
I'm just a curious old fool.

Thanks again gents!
Like Vagrant said, the one with the red dots is for the underseat USB that you can purchase separately. No idea on the other, perhaps it's for the ABS? Total guess.
Bisbonian, thanks for the thoughts. So "USB" port as in a power supply of typically 5v? I may wire up a USB adaptor there as there are times when the words "too many" don't count! Thank you.
I'm not positive, but the 8-pin connector looks like it could be for hooking up the optional anti-theft alarm kit.


Part # 2S001450

Jason, many thanks and after the last mention above, I built my own USB port as I really do have all the correct stuff laying around. Yes, I'm weird.

I am going to look at the alarm kit but not sure I feel too much need.

Thanks to everyone here for the suggestions and guidance. It is greatly appreciated.
Does anyone know what the actual connector name is for the underseat USB cable? Not the adapter, the actual connector that's under the seat. I want to use the positive off that as the switch signal for a fuse block. Thanks!