Wednesday, I took a ride up the Nate Harrison Grade to Palomar. I kinda got into this deal accidentally. Some of the MEBC guys were going up that way. Some of the others were going up the South Grade. I was following a bunch of guys and when we got to Cole Harrison, all of them turned onto it. I didn't particularly want to ride on down to South grade by myself, and I'd never been up Cole Harrison, but I figured it couldn't be too bad, so I hung in there with them. It seemed like it was always climbing with some fairly steep sections combined with some very tight turns. then there were the washouts and potholes and loose dirt and gravel, and then the worst parts were long areas of stutter bumps. The poor old V7R suspension is way too stiff for those things! They were definitely rattling my teeth! The guy I was following stopped about a third of the way up after he'd dropped a ways behind the main group. He told me he as turning around. He did, but I figured I'd gotten this far, I may as well continue. I road a couple of more miles by myself, then caught the main group as they had stopped to take a breather. At least I had some company to finish the trek with! I ran off the road into one of te washouts and I had to reach into my way back machine to figure out how to get out of there. I haven't ridden any dirt stuff in probably 20 years , but 25 years of racing before that left me a little knowledge on how to do this. So before I screwed up and stopped , I just grabbed a big handful of throttle and blasted my ay out ot the ditch! The plan worked well. Certainly bolstered my confidence in being about to make the rest of the ride.After more miles of strutter bumps, we got into a semi paved area and the ride became easy after that. Sure made me wish I had my old Enfield up there though. It had a much more compliant suspension!
In retrospect the ride was fun, but I'm going to have to do some suspension work before I try that again!
In retrospect the ride was fun, but I'm going to have to do some suspension work before I try that again!