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Who has LSL Flat track bars on their V7?


Tuned and Synch'ed
Jan 22, 2017
Sydney Australia
In the quest to find the perfect fit im thinking i would like my bars to be a little higher and also back a little.
My dodgy measurements of the standard bars on my V7 Special would suggest a set of Low flat track bars that Tom sells here would fit the bill.
Has anyone fitted them or have any other suggestions? Any issues with cable length ?
Cheers Tim

I put the FT Low on our friend @Gruzzer '13 V7 Stone, plug and play no issues... and I put some crazy tall and wide ATV bars for our friend @Bobby (pic posted somewhere in this Forum section). Those took some simple cable re-routing.
So the Low FT bars are higher and pull back more than stock?
The ATV bars look too high for what im after.
IMG_2343.JPG IMG_1852.JPG
So the Low FT bars are higher and pull back more than stock?
The ATV bars look too high for what im after.
Yes, higher and more pullback. It has been too many miles to give you a side by side comparison but I really like the setup.
Now your going to have to tell me about your rear fender /tail light.
Thought you had a Bultaco mirror in that first shot.

The mirror is also an LSL :) Todd sells it here

The rear fender is from MAS Engineering. They have disappeared from the internet, mine was a gift so not sure exactly where it was procured. I think MAS now (anyone correct me if I am wrong) makes them for Moto Guzzi and sells them as an OEM part for a lot more $$$ (Part - 2S000147).

Tailight is from Lowbrow Customs "Cycle Standard Comet Tail Light"
I have TC Bros. Tracker handlebars on my V7III Special. 29" wide, 4.25" pull back and 5" rise, similar to the bars listed above. I really like them, less forward lean, more comfortable grip position for my 5' 7" size. No cable issues, just make sure they don't hang up anywhere, but there is enough room. Just push and pull on them to confirm not binding anywhere.
The mirror is also an LSL :) Todd sells it here

The rear fender is from MAS Engineering. They have disappeared from the internet, mine was a gift so not sure exactly where it was procured. I think MAS now (anyone correct me if I am wrong) makes them for Moto Guzzi and sells them as an OEM part for a lot more $$$ (Part - 2S000147).

Tailight is from Lowbrow Customs "Cycle Standard Comet Tail Light"

How is the taillight working to light the license plate? Any issues? I'm going to do Todds tail tiddy next and want a similar light by this company that now slips my mind, but it I don't think it'll light the plate.
How is the taillight working to light the license plate? Any issues? I'm going to do Todds tail tiddy next and want a similar light by this company that now slips my mind, but it I don't think it'll light the plate.

It has a light on the underside that illuminates the plate. The taillight also spills onto the plate given the angle.
I'm going to do Todds tail tiddy next and want a similar light by this company that now slips my mind, but it I don't think it'll light the plate.
All of my LED brake lights on the site here all have downward facing LEDs to light the plate.
All of my LED brake lights on the site here all have downward facing LEDs to light the plate.

Yeah, I definitely like your options. I may be fabricating my own seat cowl and if I go that rout, that will require a circular type to fit what I'm trying to do. But, I obviously would prefer yours for the ease of use and having the LED plate stuff - just depends on the direction I go.
This is my favourite tail light assembly bar none. Neat, tidy and unobtrusive. This is standard fitment on quite a few Suzuki dual sport models, inc the DR650 in Oz (not the USA). I use a LED bulb in mine - only blind Freddie could miss seeing it. I expect that this is what I'll be fitting onto my Gutz sometime early in its life.

https://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.procycle.us/images/bikepages/dr650/license-brkt-led-conv.jpg&imgrefurl=http://drriders.com/topic615.html&docid=xU2pXX7GOAQr0M&tbnid=3b7Wodt7gARRYM:&vet=10ahUKEwiolpvJtsbVAhWKmJQKHWS3DMQQMwhFKBYwFg..i&w=752&h=688&client=firefox-b-ab&bih=646&biw=1138&q=suzuki dr250 tail light&ved=0ahUKEwiolpvJtsbVAhWKmJQKHWS3DMQQMwhFKBYwFg&iact=mrc&uact=8

I'll still need a separate plate light, but there are many neat solutions out there. I use one of these now and will go the same way on the Gutz.


Here's a link for anyone interested in buying one - about half way down the page.
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