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2021-on V85TT E5 Performance thread


Staff member
GT di Razza Pura
Jul 1, 2009
Reaction score
All, this thread will house performance info on the 2021+ V85TT

From ~65 rwhp stock to 83.6 rwhp. Full kit has K&N with opened air box lid, SAS, full GTM exhaust system and UpMap base WITH PC6/AT-300 for dynamic GTM tuning.


Overlays on the same '22 V85TT E5 bike below show a completely Stock bike but with Upmap & GTM SAS (67 hp/50 lb.ft - yellow/blue-grey trace), second is with SAS, GTM Hdrs/Y with Stock muffler and opened air box lid with K&N, UpMap and custom mapped PC6/AT-300 (77 hp/59 lb.ft - orange/purple trace) and most power is the SAS, Full GTM Exhaust System w/long muffler and opened air box lid with K&N, UpMap & Custom mapped PC6/AT-300 (83.6/62.5 lb.ft - red/blue trace).
16.6 hp/12.5 lb.ft / ~25% gain for those not good with math. ;)

I freed up the intake system and changed the exhaust decated installed Mass carbon fiber muffler. Eliminated the air injection and the carbon canister. Paul
I freed up the intake system and changed the exhaust decated installed Mass carbon fiber muffler. Eliminated the air injection and the carbon canister. Paul
Very good, we'll have that mapping sorted in the next week or so. We'll put purchase info online next week and link it here.
Just giving a quick update Ive only ridden a few hundred miles since the initial GTM tune was done but its been all urban miles multiple starts and stops and alot of traffic. the bike is cooler when sitting at lights and it starts better when hot than it did pre tune, as far as cold starts it got down to 40 last night and it started right up I rode it once before the tune in the 40s and it cranked several times before starting. I cannot give accurate MPG numbers simply because I'm still "enjoying the power" a bit too much but overall im pleased with the results.
@GTM® Good to see its available 👍
I'm curious how it works for an aftermarket exhaust setup that doesn't have a map explicitly built for it (lets say, hypothetically, something like a Mistral full/catless system w/ db-killers intact). I see that they do have a sort of "generic" aftermarket map available, and just wondering if its a "good enough" (smoother/cooler/better than stock map) solution, or if it really pays to have map customized for that particular setup?

@GTM® Good to see its available 👍
I'm curious how it works for an aftermarket exhaust setup that doesn't have a map explicitly built for it (lets say, hypothetically, something like a Mistral full/catless system w/ db-killers intact). I see that they do have a sort of "generic" aftermarket map available, and just wondering if its a "good enough" (smoother/cooler/better than stock map) solution, or if it really pays to have map customized for that particular setup?

They have a "full system" Zard without cat map available. I'll be testing it with some of my exhaust and can (hopefully) get my map(s) uploaded to their system for install.
Progress. Fitted and running. Getting one step closer to a full dynamic kit. I’ll post as we go.

Great! Will this work in tandem with Upmap, or will it replace it?
*IF* UpMap will cooperate, it would work in conjunction. The PC/AT dynamic system is worth every cent, however stock 02-sensor delete is mandatory. Also, the larger M18 sensors bungs are required. A problem for all of the E5 bikes using the smaller M12 sensors.
Wow. Three likes, and several smart-asses on social media. Nearly a 20 hp dyno-proven gain, and everyone just shrugs? If this had be me on the other end, I would've fallen off my chair in astonishment.
I’m in for your header/y combo when available as a first step. 83+ hp all in is certainly impressive!
Thanks. They're ready order now, as we build them to paid order since I've had so little interest in them;

Overlays on the same '22 V85TT E5 bike below show a completely Stock bike but with Upmap & GTM SAS (67 hp/50 lb.ft - yellow/blue-grey trace), second is GTM Hdrs/Y with Stock muffler and opened air box lid with K&N, UpMap and custom mapped PC6 (77 hp/59 lb.ft - orange/purple trace) and Full GTM Exhaust System w/long muffler and opened air box lid with K&N, UpMap & Custom mapped PC6 (83.6/62.5 lb.ft - red/blue trace).
16.6 hp/12.5 lb.ft / ~20% gain for those not good with math. ;)

It’s just because I’m on it right now I have to say… You guys, Todd gets around 💯crank hp out of a 853cc small block!!!! That is absolutely amazing! Without going into the internals, without bigger valves without higher compression, without big bore, without cam..
Just bolt-on Parts engineering/manufacturing and ECU reprogramming! That’s a heck of a lot more than 850 cc big blocks ever produced! One hundred HP 💯
Tip of the hat 🎩
It’s just because I’m on it right now I have to say… You guys, Todd gets around 💯crank hp out of a 853cc small block!!!! That is absolutely amazing! Without going into the internals, without bigger valves without higher compression, without big bore, without cam..
Just bolt-on Parts engineering/manufacturing and ECU reprogramming! That’s a heck of a lot more than 850 cc big blocks ever produced! One hundred HP 💯
Tip of the hat 🎩
holy smokes!
is that wheel or crank? either way its an impressive feat but unsurprising coming from Todd
Crank on the V85!!! Todd only posts rear wheel hp... and he posted the video on the dyno with the readout!
And I think 2 people responded to it... I would be pissed and devastated if I’m him..
Taking my ball and play somewhere else...
unless members here don’t know the difference between a spanner and paint brush I would have expected a lot more reactions!
Afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am hoping for a little bit of expert advice I currently have a 2022 v85 travel with the following mods full arrow exhaust, K&N filter and a upmap T800 with appropriate map and (mistral velocity stack which is currently removed as I thought it could be causing the issue but has made no difference) The bike has developed a horrible bucking/stuttering at 3400~3500 at partial throttle but a hundred rpm above or below this issue does not occur. I intend to modify the airbox lid as per GTM’s post and have also just ordered one of the SAS block off kits but want to resolve this issue before I go adding an other variables into the mix any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Liam