Just got it firing!
When I purchased my 2014 California, it came with one key and an unknown 5-digit security code. My dealer was unable to program a new key or recover the 5-digit code. After some research, it appeared that shipping my console off to Carmo was my best (maybe only) option. A few days after receiving my console, Carmo let me know that they were having problems with the security code. Carmo kept the console for a few weeks but was never able to solve the problem. They were able to program two new keys for me. Now I have two spare keys and will hopefully be able to get a new key programmed at my dealer if I lose one.
This is not a bash Carmo post. They kept me informed and were more than fair on the price they charged for the work they did. I am posting this to let others know that shipping your console to Carmo in The Netherlands is not a guarantee that you will ever get the security code working. I love my Guzzi, but I scratch my head over how this security code thing ever made it off the drawing board.
This is not a bash Carmo post. They kept me informed and were more than fair on the price they charged for the work they did. I am posting this to let others know that shipping your console to Carmo in The Netherlands is not a guarantee that you will ever get the security code working. I love my Guzzi, but I scratch my head over how this security code thing ever made it off the drawing board.