Just got it firing!
Here's my saga.
Leak developed jsut after fist service. Clearly the bottom hose clamp. I replaced with a worm type all good...or so I thought. Rode about 10 miles to a buddy's house and got more fluid in that same slot as everyone else. For kicks, I checked the water pump bolts that I could access and 2 of them gave me a 1/4 turn or so. I rode for 2 weeks about 500 miles with everything dry.
Then the leak came back. New clamp fine. Other clamps holding. Thinking water pump gasket again; I cleaned the fluid up and I brought her to the dealer. It's a 50 mile ride and no further leak! Left the bike with them and got the call Saturday that the tech ran the bike several times and could not find a leak. It's staying dry again!
I'm picking her up tomorrow and will continue to monitor closely.
Try the radiator cap.
Has Anyone tried these?
Not sure about the quality.
Says 1.1 bar is this value ok?