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Coolant Leak

I think the V100 is a lovely bike, although I swore I would never be interested in a water cooled Guzzi.

I'd like to see the coolant leak issues as just a teething problem typical of any new design.

But after being "salted" over the years with having to completely re-fuel and re-map and re-exhaust and re-sensor a new Centauro so that it would run, and finding dry suspension and steering head bearings that had never had grease in them from the factory on two different bikes, and having cam recalls because of soft metal, and finding cam followers with the wrong hard-facing on them ...
(that last one was criminal on Guzzi's part- they knew they'd effed up but would never admit it openly or do an official recall; they almost lost me)
... I guess I'm not too shocked about the hose clamp thing. Me, when I buy an old car or bike, I take every palm-and-knuckle-slicing worm clamp off of every hose, and replace them (as Scott has mentioned) with properly sized Oetiker clamps installed with the proper tool.

I'd hate to think that an upgrade on my new bike was a worm gear clamp worrying me with rubber oozing up through the slots.

Character, I keep telling myself. It's called CHARACTER, d'you hear me there? As if I were keeping an Italian mistress in an apartment in Rome with her own platinum credit card, and I find that's she's fooling around on me every week.....

News on my boiling water in the expansion tank, I have bought a new radiator cap, 1000 km done so far with no more boiling.
Lannis; I hear ya on the rubber oozing through slots! Consider this: fisheriessupply.com/ideal-clamp-product-300-ss-constant-torque-smartseal-hose-clamps/372150040051

These clamps have a liner piece that squeezes down much better on the hose. Learned this boating, inboard diesel with clamps everywhere.
Those screw clamps look more robust but I am still squarely in the Oetiker camp.

Lift the hood of every European car made and you will find zero screw clamps and tons of Oetiker clamps.

As I wrote, I’ve used literally hundreds of them of every size imaginable and not once did anything ever leak at any time. 5 years later they looked as good as the day I installed them.
Meine V100 ist rot, bin jetzt auch wegen Kühlwasserverlust in der Werkstatt. Wir warten auf Teile aus Italien. Hat jetzt 1650 km gelaufen, ich musste ca. 200ml nachfüllen. Unten ein Bild laut Werkstatt sind es nicht die Schellen und auch kein Schlauch die einen defekt haben. Es war neu für die Werkstatt.

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Meine V100 ist rot, bin jetzt auch wegen Kühlwasserverlust in der Werkstatt. Wir warten auf Teile aus Italien. Hat jetzt 1650 km gelaufen, ich musste ca. 200ml nachfüllen. Unten ein Bild laut Werkstatt sind es nicht die Schellen und auch kein Schlauch die einen defekt haben. Es war neu für die Werkstatt.

Mine has just developed the same puddle (after 4k miles) but not much loss of coolant. Definitely looks like a clamp problem on mine but it will be in the dealer next week to repair under warranty.
Meine V 100 ist zurück von der Inspektion und Reparatur. Jetzt wurden die Schellen gegen welche mit Schraubverschluss getauscht und es sollte damit erledigt sein, sagt die Werkstatt. Bin gespannt, ob es damit erledigt ist und freue mich auf die nächsten Ausfahrten.

Translation to English:
My V 100 is back from inspection and repair. The clamps have now been replaced with ones with screw caps and that should be the end of it, says the workshop. I'm excited to see if that's the end of it and I'm looking forward to the next trips.
New to the forum and just reading about the teething pains I may have with the new V100 I pick up this week.

Any chance the coolant issues are in part related to the radiator cap not releasing pressure low enough and over pressuring the coolant system stressing the clamps and hoses?
My dealer has sent the realtime video to Piaggio, but still waiting for a reply. I have since not had a repeat leak. Even my dealer couldn't replicate the problem when I took the bike in.
New to the forum and just reading about the teething pains I may have with the new V100 I pick up this week.

Any chance the coolant issues are in part related to the radiator cap not releasing pressure low enough and over pressuring the coolant system stressing the clamps and hoses?
There were not many bikes with the problems of leaking coolant. I have purchased a Stelvio with the same engine and after 6000 miles have had no issues with coolant. I suspect production line teething issues and a few changes to components have solved it.
I seem to have an early production, delivered March 2023.
No issues yet, apart from a strange brake issue that never occurred again.
But the brake parts are standard Brembo, so no MG specific parts.
Remember that MG purchase mostly standard components when possible, or at least standard design.
Issues then is mostly not new model related, but rather sporadic component failure that can happen any make and model as such.
Assembling issues can of course be a factor for a new model, which are mostly easily corrected.
The people assembling are no strangers to bike production either, they are as everywhere else skilled and experienced people.
A weak construction design can show by time, so I would say that there in lies the potential new model issues.
But so far I haven’t seen any real issue apart from individual bikes (although those owners are understandably not pleased).
Well, the strange braking exhaust bolt where some aren’t having any problem, but some had more than one bolt breakage.
Seems like a mechanical problem that will be (is?) found and corrected by now.
Here's my saga.
Leak developed jsut after fist service. Clearly the bottom hose clamp. I replaced with a worm type all good...or so I thought. Rode about 10 miles to a buddy's house and got more fluid in that same slot as everyone else. For kicks, I checked the water pump bolts that I could access and 2 of them gave me a 1/4 turn or so. I rode for 2 weeks about 500 miles with everything dry.

Then the leak came back. New clamp fine. Other clamps holding. Thinking water pump gasket again; I cleaned the fluid up and I brought her to the dealer. It's a 50 mile ride and no further leak! Left the bike with them and got the call Saturday that the tech ran the bike several times and could not find a leak. It's staying dry again!

I'm picking her up tomorrow and will continue to monitor closely.