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GTM Monster Builds

Cannot wait to hear that beast sing.

I love the way my Griso looks & talks with Todd's under carriage system.
We are well under our target weight with very little left to add (maybe 10 lbs max), that’s 396 lbs showing... and the tank badge protoype below that. Getting close.

I hope when you get this all done you'll have a get together or a meetup so we can all take a look. It's coming along so nicely. Can't imagine how great it's going to look when it's hitting canyons.
I hope when you get this all done you'll have a get together or a meetup so we can all take a look. It's coming along so nicely. Can't imagine how great it's going to look when it's hitting canyons.
Thanks, I might do a small release gathering when it’s ready. I am lining up some press for it, so as soon as it’s done, it’ll get some hard miles put on it, then off to the Media.
We are well under our target weight with very little left to add (maybe 10 lbs max), that’s 396 lbs showing... and the tank badge protoype below that. Getting close.

Wow! Very impressive!!

I'm headed out the door now to pick up my V7R and trade it for my Monster!!
We are well under our target weight with very little left to add (maybe 10 lbs max), that’s 396 lbs showing... and the tank badge protoype below that. Getting close.

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Looking forward to the unveiling. That emblem you created is awesome and would make a great keychain although I'm sure you have already thought of all the ways you could cleverly market your brand. Nice job.
I'm so close to showing off the the GTM-01 build, but as a teaser posted on our social media pages, we have begun building GTM-02, which will sport a (centrifugal-driven turbo/)supercharger - completely custom frame build sketch below.
Rough guess-timates from those who have put the same charger on other low-rev engines, say we should see an increase of ~100 rwhp on the current motor build, so that would put it at ~200 hp at the tire(!). No I don't yet know how the driveline will handle it, but it is a progressive horsepower rise with revs, so hopefully shouldn't be an issue.

That drawing needs to be framed. Looks like one of Leonardo Da Vinci's sketches. The only thing I own with that much horsepower is a Dodge Cummins Diesel........... Nice work Todd!
Todd, you are some kind of crazy! In a good way....
Curiosity question where are you getting those 1400's to play with?
Todd, you are some kind of crazy! In a good way.... Curiosity question where are you getting those 1400's to play with?
Thanks, and I’m building them. 1380cc Griso motors with custom cams.
That would be a supercharger. Are you going to use a starter/generator?
It’s a superch-urbo hybrid. 250k RPM belt driven turbo with gearbox. No on the starter/gen, but good thought.
Ya know Todd; Moto Guzzi really should hire you as a consultant.
Too much ego and arrogance along with Hipster-BS going on right now. I am amazed at how all of the other manufacturers really embrace people that own brand-focused enthusiasts websites, me... all I get is the middle finger it seems.