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GTM v2.0 Fender Elim Kit

Ever thought of doing something like this, but for people who still want a rear fender. Perhaps a shortened version of the fender with the cleaner light, plate and signals? I love the look of this but am not interested in doing away completely with rear fender.
I will take one but can you mount turn signals with this setup and does the rear led tail light have a built in license plate light?
Ever thought of doing something like this, but for people who still want a rear fender. Perhaps a shortened version of the fender with the cleaner light, plate and signals? I love the look of this but am not interested in doing away completely with rear fender.
If it’s a plastic fender version, I can, but consider it custom... anything is possible but at a signifcant cost.
I’ve barely sold any of these, and I keep spending time and money R&D’ing what people are asking, but no one is buying. So I have to stop unless people want to pre-purchase. Write me direct email if you are ready to buy; Todd at GuzziTech.com
I will take one but can you mount turn signals with this setup and does the rear led tail light have a built in license plate light?
If you are keeping the grab rail, I can sell you the custom brackets for the stock (or aftermarket) turns that mount off the plate bolts like this; https://www.guzzitech.com/store/product/gtm-v7iii-tail-tidy-kit/

No built in tag light. You would need the CNC $29 plate surround; https://www.guzzitech.com/store/product/led-plate-light-surround/ — or tag bolt LEDs on Amazon.
Is there a kit (or Work In Progress) to relocate the license plate off the fender whileby keeping the fender installed?
I think this could look cleaner if the plate was relocated in a vertical orientation adjacent to the fender/wheel.
Any pics of what this looks like on a bike?
I has the case of the dumb...where does the GT-Rx Shock Mount Tag Bracket attach?
To the lower shock mount bolt. Not sure how it will clear stock mufflers. My GP megs are shown. p.s. Don’t ask about the shocks, they were terrible.

Hi does the v2.1 eliminator kit works on a 2015 V7 Racer if I remove the giant #7 cowl in the back? Also can I keep using the stock turn signals with it?
Hey guys. Electrical novice here.
The wiring that came with the eliminator kit shows the green wire being the brake wire. I got the 2 Rizoma LED lights. How do I wire the single green brake light wire to the two different wires for the lights?

I'm assuming just strip and solder them together but I just want to make sure.
Hey guys. Electrical novice here.
The wiring that came with the eliminator kit shows the green wire being the brake wire. I got the 2 Rizoma LED lights. How do I wire the single green brake light wire to the two different wires for the lights?
I'm assuming just strip and solder them together but I just want to make sure.
Yes, just group the wires together to the green. Sorry, in trying to make the pigtail fit all of the options, we have to send it like we do.
Do the LED turn indicator lights on a v7 iii require a resistor for installation?

I'm planning to have the Rizoma iRides in the front and m-blaze pins on the back with the fender elim (all already purchased from GT) - and I can't seem to figure out if I'lll need the resistors or not.

Anyone give this a try already? Thanks in advance!
I recently installed Rizoma Irides front and back on my V7 III Racer. No resistors needed. As long as I had both sides connected correctly, flash rate was same as the OEM blinkers. If one side was not connected correctly, the other side flashed twice as fast. Actually, that was a useful test that helped me catch a loose connection within one of the bullet connectors. But once all was connected correctly, I didn’t need resistors to get the correct flash rate.